Looking for opinions on whether or not this wheel is still worth it. I have a PS5 and GT7 on pre-order, but still running my old G27. I used the CronusMax workaround on PS4 with GT Sport, but it looks like I would have to upgrade to the new Zen or a Drivehub plus a Hori pad to continue this setup. That's going to be almost $200 CAD to continue using a 10 year old wheel. Obviously the new GT DD Pro looks great but I find the price a little nuts, it looks like it would be at least $1083 CAD shipped to me for the "base" version. I know direct drive is supposed to be great and all, but giving up a metal wheel/paddles, leather wrap, clutch and shifter seems like a lot to sacrifice. Personally I feel the wheel itself is just ugly as well.
This brings me to the T300RS, I could buy the wheel and add the T-LCM pedals and be into it for $870 CAD. This seems like it would still be a great upgrade over the G27, better FFB and Load Cell brake, I could even add the TH8A shifter and be at the same all in cost as the Fanatec base package. However I have concerns that the wheel base is pretty old at this point, and reliability has always seemed spotty based on user reports. I can't see spending the money on a G29/923 either since it is essentially what I already have, and the new T248 doesn't seem worth it to me either. The TGT-II at $999 CAD is way too much, maybe if it came with the T-LCM it would be a compelling option.
This brings me to the T300RS, I could buy the wheel and add the T-LCM pedals and be into it for $870 CAD. This seems like it would still be a great upgrade over the G27, better FFB and Load Cell brake, I could even add the TH8A shifter and be at the same all in cost as the Fanatec base package. However I have concerns that the wheel base is pretty old at this point, and reliability has always seemed spotty based on user reports. I can't see spending the money on a G29/923 either since it is essentially what I already have, and the new T248 doesn't seem worth it to me either. The TGT-II at $999 CAD is way too much, maybe if it came with the T-LCM it would be a compelling option.