Team Halfords Integra R BTCC

  • Thread starter 8400RPM
Spent most of my week trying to replicate Matt Neal's ride from 2005. Very happy with it other than the game doesn't have the proper orange color I needed.

The only logo I didn't have to make from scratch is the Castrol one!

Edit: was able to get the right orange in photo mode though!
How'd you manage to make those wheels good? I have all sorts of trouble when I need to draw something round/curved.
Thanks for the compliments people, nice to hear after I spent so much time this week making it! I updated the first post with another pic where I fixed the orange color in photo mode.

Ebiggs: The wheels actually were easier than I thought they would be, I just printed a picture of them off the net and copied that.

As for auctioning, I probably put some up soon. What do you think it's worth?
Wow that looks really, really good. I'm planning on replicating BTCC cars myself. I've done a rough replication of the old black IS 200 that raced a few years ago but while I'm getting used to designing the cars I just based it on it rather than recreated it.
I'm trying to recreate various ATCC (Australian Touring Car Championship) Grp. A cars. Look in my thread to see two of my latest.

P.S. if i had more money, i would definately buy one of those!
8400rpm I'd say at least 100k - I've just bought one on a buyout for that amount (the one with tom tom sponsors).

I'll post a pic soon.
Well I tested the waters and put one up last night starting at 100k with no buyout for a 8 hr duration. Went for 110K with 5 bids! Not bad. I put all the parts on it and tune it up too so it drives nice when you get it. There were a couple other ones like it for sale but they clearly didn't spend the time that I did.

Here's pics of the one I bought the other day, I had to add parts plus I added a rear bumper that doesn't match with the real car but is faster heh:


Not bad. Well, that's the second best one I've seen so far.;)

Looks like they didn't take the time to make the custom logos very accurate, but at least everything is in the right place.

Guess I'll have to up my price.
Yeah, I was gonna say details such as the Dunlop logo aren't as well done. Give us a heads up if you're selling again ;)
Ditto - you've nailed the Dunlop logo perfectly 👍 The other one is not even close! They have also not italicised the 'O' in Halfords as well as you have. Well done :)