Thank you track sharers.

  • Thread starter KrisV66
Hi all.
I played all previous incarnations of gran turismo. I was very late in getting this. (got it ten days ago)
And now i remember why. I allready spend hours and hours on this.
Anyway with only three more weeks to go. I am saving the best tracks that i found .
And it pains me that there are only 30 slots available.

So these are my favourites in no particular order.

Road America
Monzuka Interstone Park
Nardò - Handling track
Bilster Berg

Masarykring Fantasy Circuit
Spa 1960 RM Edition
Okutama RM Edition
Monza 1960 RM Edition
Le-Manschleife 48hr
Isle of Man Fantasy TT

Circuito de Jerez


Autódrome do Estoril

Circuito de pinky Suavo

Rudolf run

Hill valley

The area 27 Circuit
Philip Island Circuit
Gunsai Touge (Gunma CSC)

Oakhill road

Hillexpt2 TPEv 1.0.2
Circuito de Sana Mónica

Nikko Touge

Complex String Replica Ver 6.0

Ultima touge

Sierra Heights
Sierra Nevada Highway (A-64)


There are many others who made great tracks. I am surprised not to see tracks from SolidSnake among others (easy time rembering his name) here to name one.
And i probably could have made life easier by linking it. But the early preview didnt work so i just added them here. with enough information for you to find them.

Anyway Thank you so much for all the hard work. After the service agreement ended I hope they are on my old ps3 and i can continue to enjoy them.
I should probably bag a few tracks myself before the servers go down. Can't believe it's happening to be honest. This is unfortunately one of the consequences of online games. When the time comes, it's a stab in the heart, but in the case of Gran Turismo 6 (and 5 for that matter), it's way, WAY too soon....
Haha, I did the same, only for everyone to be instantly stabbed in the back. Servers down, so does the TPE and using any of those tracks. What a shame.
What’s funny is that you can (or could) save thousands of tracks on your console, since saving a replay from a course maker track added a copy of that track to the replay file (and thus stored it on your console).

So all my tracks are still there, it’s just that I can’t drive on them anymore :P
Yeah that bit of info made it all the more annoying! Why the 30 limit? and again why the total closure? ugggh Pd being PD lol
I've been getting TPE vibes from that new track Croix, the grandstands and walls scream course maker.

But now that I think about it, what would the course maker do to the current playerbase? As it is, I can't find any lobbies on some tracks, especially the reverse and alternate layouts.. a shame...Croix B II is my favourite..
I'm making an application that creates an .obj file from a course maker (.ted) file. That makes it possible to import the tracks into a 3D modelling program, such as blender. Can't race them in GT6, but at least you can still make tracks :P

Skärmbild (830).png
I'm making an application that creates an .obj file from a course maker (.ted) file. That makes it possible to import the tracks into a 3D modelling program, such as blender. Can't race them in GT6, but at least you can still make tracks :P

View attachment 760680

I can make more tracks??? What?!?! wow that looks awesome! This could be very handy since I've been dabbling in blender. :cheers:
I'm making an application that creates an .obj file from a course maker (.ted) file. That makes it possible to import the tracks into a 3D modelling program, such as blender. Can't race them in GT6, but at least you can still make tracks :P

View attachment 760680
I'm VERY interested in this application. I lost several tracks but there's one in particular that I wanna retrieve. I named it "High Speed Hill" due to its elevation and tricky turns on a lengh of just 3,3km. Fast laps were awesome and it proved to be a challenging course for experienced drivers. My hope is that somehow I will be able to drive on it again, doesn't matter the racing sim, but just being able to see it again in 3D it will be awesome.
I'm VERY interested in this application. I lost several tracks but there's one in particular that I wanna retrieve. I named it "High Speed Hill" due to its elevation and tricky turns on a lengh of just 3,3km. Fast laps were awesome and it proved to be a challenging course for experienced drivers. My hope is that somehow I will be able to drive on it again, doesn't matter the racing sim, but just being able to see it again in 3D it will be awesome.

I imported one of my tracks into a driving simulator I made years ago. It's pretty fun, although the simulator is pretty buggy. I sorted out just enough bugs to get the simulation running, but I didn't dare to go faster than second gear, due to high speed maneuverability issues. Also, the clutch script is kind of messed up at the moment, so I doubt the car would be able to go much faster.

As for the .obj converter script, there's a glitch than under some circumstances reverse the camber, so I need to sort that out before I can share it.

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