The Classic Returns..... OUTRUN 2!

  • Thread starter ZEE


United Kingdom
Nurburgring, Germany
SEGA are recreating OUTRUN 2 for the XBOX and it should be coming out very soon....




:sly: OUTRUN 2 IS AS AWESOME AS THE MAJESTIC RATTRAPANTE WATCH IS EXPENSIVE. PERIOD. Seriously, I played quite a bit of it this past Saturday, and lo and behold, it's incredible. So good, it's makin' me think of pawnin' a few things the get an Xbox or just flat-out get one altogher. You'll dig it if you like Sega's style of racing and driving through rich, tropical, exotic cities and such with exotic rides from the world's most famous automaker. Now if you don't mind, I gotta get back the dreamin' about makin' love with Outrun 2 on the beach...... :sly:
Yeah I have outrun 2. It's pretty good fun, if gob smackingly shallow. Looks great though :)

*hums outrun theme, durr durrr durrr duhhrrr durr durr durrrrrrrr durr durrrrrrrr*
I got it on an OXM demo disc I think last month. To be honest, it's really not my type of gameplay at all. I think the graphics were impressive, but the gameplay really did not make me happy.

But, of course, I have nothing against those who like this game - after all, we are all entitled to play the games we love! :) I really like racing simulators, like Forza Motorsport which is coming out very soon.

But, who knows....maybe someday I'll like Outrun 2. I do think that Burnout 3 looks awesome, so I just might need to play the Outrun 2 demo again. :)
Demon of speed obviously has no idea about the heritage of outrun :P

"aww look, outrun 2 looks like 2 fats 2 furious hur hur hur"

I agree kinigitt, what a dunce.
don't look forward to my review for Outrun 2 review.

For some dumb-as-****in' hell reason, SOMEBODY decided to erase all my typed text that had yet to been saved. Four paragraphs in, and I needed some more info on the cars for my review. I hit the back button a few times to the 'Reply to Topic' box, and ALL the text is gone. EVERY ****ING THING!!!! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW PISSED OFF I AM. WHY DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?!?!?
don't look forward to my review for Outrun 2 review.

For some dumb-as-****in' hell reason, SOMEBODY decided to erase all my typed text that had yet to been saved. Four paragraphs in, and I needed some more info on the cars for my review. I hit the back button a few times to the 'Reply to Topic' box, and ALL the text is gone. EVERY ****ING THING!!!! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW PISSED OFF I AM. WHY DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?!?!?

retype it. Your ideas will be more organised on the second attempt.
Its a very beautiful game. I love how they didn't add like a ton of new stuff and stuck to the classic game it was. The F50 is a blast to drive. And seeing all the other Ferraris on the road. So good. I have seen quite a few old Ferraris starting from the early 80's and going up. I have seen the classic Testarossa Convertilbe. The one OutRun had. Since I was young when it came out, was the Testarossa the only car you could drive?

Anyways, a great game, very cool. I give it a 9.3/10. I loved it. Very good fun for the Ferrari Lover.
I have played it on the arcade machine. It seems quite fun, but at the beggining it tells you how to induce a drift to go round the corner faster. I am not going in to the old grip and drift argument but that was a side of the game that I didn't like.
:sly: I've listened to everyone's words, and due to encouragement, I'll give it another go. Look for my Outrun2 review later on today (hopefully the same **** that happened last time doesn't happen this time). Later! :sly:
***Note: This is not a typical review. Let's just say there's a special method to the madness. Enjoy!***

:sly: You ARE the hot stud. The man with the plan. A cool young man with loads of stylin' cool and ampitude. And just for a bit of fun, you're ready for a ride. But not just any ride. No, that'd be too boring. You're ready for a ride in a Ferrari. A car from the world's premiere maker of automobiles. And to yourself, you're thinkin' 'Maybe the hip-defining 360 Spider, or perhaps the ever-elusive F50, hell, maybe even the Enzo or 365 GTS/4 Daytona,...'. And why not, you've got eight of 'em the choose from, and if you're good enough, you'll have twelve of them at your disposal in no time. Finally, you make your choice, and with that, also get a hot chick with you, riding shotgun while you rev that engine. And speaking of the engine,...


You BLAST off, going from 0-60 in no time flat. A bit of tailwhippin' of the car ensues, but soon enough, you're good the go. The first vista of business is the exotic sunny city of Palm Beach. Its striking palm trees and sandy beaches melt away as you pass them by. You drift a bit, then drift a bit again, and finally drift some more. As it is a big focal point of your experience, why would you choose NOT to? That amazing feeling of pullin' off 15-second powerslides compells you as you continue your drive through the Palms, complete with all the neccessities: a hot girl, a kickin' song on the play, and marvelous scenery all about. But in short order, your time in Palm Beach comes to a close, and soon enough, you're stuck with making a difficult decision. On the one hand, you can bear left and take the easier route, or drive it hard to the right for the more difficult of courses available for your driving pleasure. And depending on your choice, you and your girl could go sight-seeing through beutiful desert oasises', snow-covered mountain terrians, or a neato-fitting bustling city, as well as practically eleven others. And shall your skills ever reach such a level, you could even drive on a few courses based around Daytona USA, or perhaps even the ORIGINAL Outrun, your dream car drive. Only your determination limits you.

But perhaps you tire of pleasing yourself. Perhaps you now wish to satisfy the demands of the hot girl that sits shotgun to you. Well, if that's the case, then just do it. Switch over to such mode and BOOM, its off for you. Once again, you'll have to decide upon the many dream Ferraris that beckon your hands to grip their wheels in ways they've never been gripped before. They call your name, but you can only choose one. That one is chosen, and its' off you go, fulfiling your lady's 101 odd demands, from the 'wows' of simple drifts to the 'holy ****s' of drifting through invisible lines interconected by a series of traffic cars. Her demands can pull off a multiple number of emotions, from okay to frustrating to soothing to 'I wanna make love with you once this is all over with'. And once it all IS over with, there's still plenty much more waiting for your joy. From the simple beckons of competitive 2-player to competing against a few buds the world over in a few racing dazzlefests, you'll never run out of fun things to do. And,...

.........Perhaps, if you can,....

.........At the end of the day, take your hot stud self out of that Ferrari. You turn off the engine, give a sweet kiss to your girl, and walk off while leaving the Ferrari behind. But its' perfect controls, sweet exotic looks, and fun driving ability urge you to come back and give it another whirl. It calls your name louder and louder, until finally, you just can't resist. You grab those keys, hop into the car, and rev that engine to its limit. Your girl feels the urge as well, and in no time, you're off on another driving adventure. Crusing by the scenery with the road stretching far ahead, and the sounds of 'Passing Breeze' completing the feel. Ahhh. It simply doesn't get much better than that.

Yeah I have outrun 2. It's pretty good fun, if gob smackingly shallow. Looks great though :)

*hums outrun theme, durr durrr durrr duhhrrr durr durr durrrrrrrr durr durrrrrrrr*

Isnt that the theme tune to Airwolf!