The New Coffee Break Challenge Thread...

  • Thread starter 2_FAST_4_U
United States
In between the Hub race challenges thought you folks might have fun with some new coffee break challenges. First rules for all coffee breaks-No cheaters please as it ruins it for all and due to the nature of the coffee breaks a video(s) along with a time photo(s) are required keeping it real.

Anyway, coffee breaks always have a certain twist to them, so here's the first coffee break challenge along with the rules...

1) Car Required-Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec Nur (R34) '02 (Your color choice.)
2) Any Standard GT6 Modifications and/or Tunes Allowed. (As long as they are NOT any hacks or hybrids types.)
3) Event Circuit Required-Nurburgring Nordschleife Using the Testing Free Run Area 1 Lap Best Time. (NOT the time run in Arcade Mode.)
4) The Twist-Any Crossing, Touching, Or Contact Of The White Lines On Either Side Of The Track Circuit Is A Disqualification. (Which also means NO Apex, Grass, etc.) Any player who thinks a foul has been committed by another player can request further proof like a roof cam vid or close up photo of the area in question.

Important Exception Note:
In the beginning at the start of the test lap the car is still not under your control, so when it hits the apex before the lap timer starts it is NOT a foul.

You Need To Practice Any Time Above 7:20
Bronze Any 7:10 To 7:20 Lap Time
Silver Any 7:00 To 7:09 Lap Time
Gold Any Time Below 7:00 :nervous:

Here's my photo of my time of :D

Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II Nur (R34) '02-Lap Time At Nurburgring Nordschleife.jpg
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Maybe... but it may sound easier than it really is to do... and best of all, look at what you get !

GT6 Gold Trophy.JPG

Edit Update:
I will happily upload a video of my run provided that others join in on this coffee break.
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Thanks. I noticed this thread just this week.
The two videos are nothing alike. :) I mean I do a lot of little inputs in the corners, partly because I don't know racing tyres and especially how the force wheel works with them and partly/chiefly because I'm wired to use much more of the track. In fact, I started with hard tyres, to see if I should even try this. But the balance of the GT-R, even with what ever settings I had (they are saved on the console), made it all driveable, though only solo.
Well Thematic... ya beat me by several seconds... but I have an excuse, being I'm elderly and in my 70's. However, let it be known that 10 years ago I would have blown your doors in... :lol: :cheers: :D :bowdown:

Oh Congrats... Here's your trophy

GT6 Special Trophy.JPG