Things You Wish You'd Known Before...

  • Thread starter W3H5


New Member
I was just reading an article called "10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Turning 40" to see if I can get a head start on the next decade. Turns out I'm doing pretty well already.

It made me realise things I know now that I would love to have told my 20 year old self; things like how to be happy, how to manage personal relationships, how to be confident and mostly how life is pretty much just a game.

We can all look back and think of things we wished we'd known when we were younger but somewhere on this site there will be someone who is 10 years your junior and may benefit massively from what you know now.

Sharing is caring, people.
I wish I would have taken LSD or some other kind of hallucinogenic drugs before I went to see Ghost In The Shell.
Ghost In The Shell.

I found a copy of the original anime on VHS cassette once while walking to school (12 years old). On the label it had something rude written and all day I assumed it was a porno tape. Got home a put it on play to find that I enjoyed it more than if it was actually porn.

Anyhows, I was just thinking of an example to give for above and then I remembered I only learnt how to stand properly about 1 year ago. Wish I'd know how to do that fundamental thing properly before then.
Many things pop into my mind.

Warn my mother so wouldn't die.
Warn my father so he wouldn't be an invalide and have all other medical issues.

I could tell my younger self a lot so that he - or is it me - wouldn't make the same mistakes I did. I'm not going into details because that would mean that I crash the GTP server. :P
I wish I had known that my university had a great gaelic football team when I was there. I've only picked up the sport in the three years since I left uni. It would have been great to pick it up whilst I was there and would have made me a better player than now.
Many things pop into my mind.

Warn my mother so wouldn't die.
Warn my father so he wouldn't be an invalide and have all other medical issues.

Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not on you to take responsibility of others (if anything you're their responsibility). That's one thing I I've learnt; making sure I'm taking care of myself before others. If I can't be responsible for my own actions how am I suppose to help anyone?

I wish I had known that my university had a great gaelic football team when I was there. I've only picked up the sport in the three years since I left uni. It would have been great to pick it up whilst I was there and would have made me a better player than now.

In a similar way I found out that Chongqing had an international football team just after I left the city. They're an amateur team but play nationally and have a good reputation. While I was barely fit enough to play at their level at the time I still had enough skill that I could have trained with them since my dad became their coach/ manager and I would have really enjoyed getting back into football even if just for a kick around in training.
Things I wish I had known after more like.

That I had polycystic kidneys AFTER I tried to join the military. Instant rejection.

Things I wish I knew before. Hmm.

That my mum would understand my problems before I tried to commit suicide. And no I am not going into what those issues were.
Not to buy a house in LA in 2007.
To think of all assets in terms of projected value over time rather than classifying certain assets as money "spent".
Quitting my job 2.5 years ago might not have been the brightest idea... I sure do like the time off though, but getting back to work is being a pain.

Going big on a skateboard really hurts the body years later.

Watch out for that rock, you're going to break your ankle into three pieces.

Don't commit to girls when I'm in my teens and then some.

Take better care of my teeth.

Don't waste so much money.
I wish I had known how much of an impact taking time off from school to travel the world would have on my future career.

I'm not having a lot of fun working full time while finishing school full time. Many opportunities have been missed without a proper college degree.
Pretty much this video:

In short, the education system is highly flawed and relying on good grades alone doesn't get you far in the real world. For those still in school or higher education, use this time to network with professionals and/or fabricate a career plan.
I wish I had known how much of an impact taking time off from school to travel the world would have on my future career.

I'm not having a lot of fun working full time while finishing school full time. Many opportunities have been missed without a proper college degree.

Yea, it's one of those things you hear from older people - take some time off and go see the world. It's one of those pieces of advice that comes from people who worked hard in their 20s and are swimming in money in their 50s thinking "I'd give it all up if I could just go back to being 20 and have an adventure". They don't understand how much they benefited.
Tackling things in bite size pieces is something I wish I'd known how to do before a few years ago. I used to rush into things and make more work for myself by not thinking things through and working on each piece at a time.

Now I've realised no matter what I'm doing, from something as simple as preparing dinner to something bigger like designing a year's curriculum I know I need to break it all down into smaller components and start with a dedicated plan on how I'm going to construct my project bit by bit.

You can't eat a sandwich in one bite, why bother trying to do anything else the same way.
* I wish I had known how to do heavy bench presses with correct form earlier, would have saved me two years of shoulder pain. :ouch:

* I wish I had known that hand loading ammunition makes target shooting so much cheaper (-66%), and the rifles more accurate. Would have saved me a lot of money and resulted in improved accuracy.
How Yugioh rarities work. I think I spent 200 on the same set without knowing the chances of what I was gonna get even worse is that it was the final set before Konami decided to make every pack have 1 foil card.

How bank account balance worked, I spent a few more money than I should being confused on how it works as my "test run".