Thrustmaster t300 mode not changing help please

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United Kingdom
Hi there this is my first post and need some help / advice I have a thrustmaster t300 gte wheel with t500 pedals that I bought brand new and I'm using the th8a shifter. I'm using the pedals in the f1 position everything works great now I went to run the pedals inverted and to do so the manual says to hold mode button for 2 seconds and the red light should turn green to electronically switch the gas and clutch pedal over etc etc. well my t300 just does nothing when I try this no matter what I do it stays red (default) at best I managed to get it to sort if work but I had to press the mode button for ages and play with the pedals but all that did was cause me to have 2 gas pedals and the light only went green when u pressed the inverted gas pedal soon as you ease off it goes back red. I've checked all my connections and the wheel has the latest firmware update if anyone can help me or has had the same issue please let me know I'm pulling my hair out over it and thrustmaster tech support are not the fastest or most helpful :(
Put a little piece of thin foam or something in front of the clutch pedal where it meets the pedal base at rest. When I say clutch pedal, I mean, the pedal on the left when in GT position. Turn the wheel off and back on and try again. :) You want to simulate the clutch pedal being just slightly depressed when at rest. Let us know if that works for you.
Unfortunately still no joy I forgot to mens ion I'm using a ps3 I can't see that making a difference and the wheel is set on ps3 mode etc it's really frustrating lol
"mens ion" lol :) (I know, your phone did it, still funny)

Hmm, I've had this happen before and I followed the manual and it still didn't change. Drove me nuts. First, try putting something thicker in where I said maybe.

If I remember correctly, the mode doesn't actually change until you release the button. Don't press the pedals though while doing it, otherwise you get what you said happened. If you want, try just pressing the clutch down (the right pedal if inverted) about half way and holding it there while turning on the wheel and doing the mode change. Just to see if that's the cause.

That's all I've got for now :(
"mens ion" lol :) (I know, your phone did it, still funny)

Hmm, I've had this happen before and I followed the manual and it still didn't change. Drove me nuts. First, try putting something thicker in where I said maybe.

If I remember correctly, the mode doesn't actually change until you release the button. Don't press the pedals though while doing it, otherwise you get what you said happened. If you want, try just pressing the clutch down (the right pedal if inverted) about half way and holding it there while turning on the wheel and doing the mode change. Just to see if that's the cause.

That's all I've got for now :(
No still nothing :( when I tried the right pedal halfway down (inverted) it just gave me the problem with 2 gas pedals etc does it make any difference that the t500 pedals I'm using where never plugged into a t500 base I bought a t500 brand new just for the pedals never used the base sold as new so the only base the pedals have ever been plugged into is my t300 but all t series bases and pedals are fully compatible I can't see that causing an issue ??
i have a solution, happened to me after i open my t3pa pro set pedal to clean potentiometer.
Problem happened cuz the potentiometer is not well aligned with chassis.
three solution:
-you have to realign correctly the potentiometer in the chassis;
-you have to rotate about 1 click the black plastic gear of the gas pedal potentiometer (gt mode) but you have to open pedal set;
-you can put a piece of foam in the gas pedal (gt mode) to let it little pressed.

after this the mode button will turn and REMAIN green.

there must be a resistance inside the potentiometer that let the wheel base understand the two gas pedal is little pressed.

It' isnt servo base The problem but potentiometer alignment
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hi i have a thrustmaster t300rs wheel im trying to get it in a game mode so that i can play gta5 but i cant figure how to change the modes nothing appears to be working any ideas

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