TPC Fittipaldi EF7 One Make. *CANCELLED*

United Kingdom
Derby, UK
TPC Racing Presents
Fittipalidi EF7 one make
St.Croix A

Event Times:
Race: Sunday 18th October
Lobby opens at 21:30pm BST (16:30 EDT)
Qualifying starts at 21:45 BST (16:45 EDT)​

Tyres: Racing Mediums & softs
Softs will be limited to one stint in race conditions.

Start: Grid start with false start check
Grid Order: Fastest First
Boost: Off
Slipstream Strength: Real
Visible Damage: On
Mechanical Damage: Light
Tire Wear: 2x
Fuel Depletion: 1x
Initial Fuel level: 70l
Grip Reduction: Real
Race Finish Delay: 180 Seconds
Tuning: Prohibited
Ghost: Off
Penalties: Weak
Side Contact Penalty: Off
Assists: Counter-steering Assistance, ASM, and Auto-Drive prohibited.

Qualifying will take approximately 15 minutes and take place in lobby conditions.
To ensure that you start on the tyre you wish to start on after setting your best lap complete S1 on the tyres after changing them.

Track: Circuit de Sainte-Croix-A
Time: 15:10
Laps: 25

B.O.P will be at 100/100

  • Use of stock livery is prohibited,
  • Numbers must be clearly displayed on the side of the car
  • Use the "normal" window sticker/decal
  • Please use the stock wheels, you can change there colour,
  • Please use Pirelli tyre decals on the car,
  • As long as it doesn't break GTP or GTS tearms of service, have fun with it!

If interested please sign up with the following:

GTP name -
PSN name -
Race number -

Have fun and good luck!
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GTP name - Adam Barber
PSN name - GTP_Abarber95
Race number - 95

GTP name -El_Beardo
PSN name - El_Beardo_Grande
Race number- 25

GTP name - Pigems
PSN name - TPC_Pigems
Race number - 420

GTP name - Michelin Man
PSN name - TheSweeney_
Race number - #11

GTP name - meekrab
PSN name - MeekrabKabob
Race number - 42

GTP name - Stencedaddy
PSN name - xPat_McCrotchxx
Race number - 91


Kermit_2142 / Kermit_2142 - #46
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Hey Adam, btw, I did not get the alert that you mentioned me in this thread, I just saw it, I was wondering, why that is and I have an uneducated guess - I think in order for an alert to pop up you might need to write some texts in the post in which you mention everbody as well, otherwise it won't get picked up?

He may have edited the post, the alert only works in an original post, if you edit a name into a post the alert doesn’t happen. :)
I would love to run this race, the Fittipaldi is one of the best cars in the game unfortunately I have prior commitments on Sunday evenings. If you should happen to change the day or time I'm in.
Thanks for the invite but due to time zones I will be at work when that kicks off. Have fun and if I'm not in charge that day I'll try and check out a stream again for a bit like i did with the Monza race.