Tranny tune question?

Gone n 60sec

United States
washington dc
Ok iam a big tranny tune guy on gt5. I tune each gear so that the car takes off of the line, I get atleast 90mph in 1st gear, and my gears are moved close to get smooth gear changing while no stallage of the car. I will always have gt blood. Ive been thinking of buying an xbox also for the new forza4. Buuuuut, before I buy this, can anyone tell me if forza will have the same tranny tuning setup, high mph 1st gears, moving gear ratios etc? And if so, will the cars, gears run smooth like on gt5 with no jumpage? Also will you be able to tune suspention ratios to get good body roll like in gt5? Unlike in forza 3 wheras the cars seem stiff when bending a curb. Anybody can give me a good answeres? Tuning is everything to me when buying a top racing game. If forza 4 tranny tuning cant beat out gt5, then im not buying it. Positive feed back please?