Trying to dial in the Ferarri F8 for Spa, what gives?

United States
United States
The fuel consumption is a beast. I tried stretching the gears to a 350 preset. It also corners slightly worse than a dump truck.
I don't have my exact tune available to post, not am I looking to just be handed a tune. I'm curious how ya'll handle such an unwieldy car and could use a nudge in the right direction in tuning it up.
Kindof hard to suggest or "nudge" about your tune without A) knowing your settings B) what PP you're trying to use and C) what track you're using,

I believe I've managed to tune it well to 700pp with great handling here, I've changed the weight distribution of the car and have the springs and dampers stiffer on the rear so the weight transfer stays more forward to give the front more grip when turning. additionally the ARB is stiffer in the front than the rear so that any loads in the entry and exit of the corners is absorbed in the rear for a more stable/understeer effect