Tumblr, anyone?


Anyone here use the blog Tumblr? If so, care to share yours with us? Mine is http://www.everyonedorifto.tumblr.com

I mainly post and reblog car pictures, funny pictures(memes), and women. :P Currently have 154 Followers, and 4,354 posts.

For those who don't know what it is, check it out! It's basically a website where you Follow people and see their posts on your "Dashboard" or homepage. You can re-blog the posts you like, Like them, or leave a reply. You can post anything from pictures to text, quotes, songs, videos, etc. It can become addicting quickly. :)
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So I just made a tumblr yesterday and I like the whole idea, I just thought it would be cool to follow gtplanet members and see interesting blogs. So if you guys have a tumblr post it up. I'll get the ball rolling! :) JDM-ME.tumblr.com
I'll look into it. I'm not a fan of this following stuff, but if I can freely talk crap online it might be worth a go.
Followed you Danny. :D
And yeah, you can just talk crap and be crazy...that's what I am doing. :lol:
My sister uses Tumblr - unfortunately the whole family knows about it because she lags us the 🤬 down :grumpy:
Games like BF, MW3 and even Journey lag really badly…
If so put it down, I'll be sure to check it out! :) Mine is motorheaven.tumblr.com , it revolves around cars, have a few HACKED GT5 car reviews. I just made my tumblr and want to get it out there, any help would be greatly appreciated! :) 👍
My tumblr is my signature! It is new, i just started it, kind of awkward to see this thread right after making a tumblr. :lol:

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