Tune sharing really needs to be in GT7 and here’s why

  • Thread starter hawkeyez
Language. A friend who speaks a different language sends you a tune. You know have to google certain words to figure out what parts they’ve applied.

If PD is worried about people figuring out what’s around spending credits via tune sharing they could at least make it so if you’re applying a friends tune, your car has to be in stock format so it can figure out how many credits it will cost you to copy their tune.

I swear we used to be able to share tunes in GT5 or GT6. I probably spent half and hour or more copying tune settings from friends yesterday and something like that in Project Cars could have been done in a second before a race. None of this, back out of lobby, ttyl, and spend half an hour tuning cars to match their tunes.

Hopefully somebody from PD sees this and realizing that part of the game needs attention. Lol
You couldn't share tunes in GT6 but GT5 I think you could. I mean I'm not against the feature but it is a pain in the ass to back out of a lobby and then realise you dont have the money to buy the parts anywho, lol

There's seriously a LOT more things PD need to do first before sharing tunes but your idea could make racing more even so I'm all for it.
You couldn't share tunes in GT6 but GT5 I think you could. I mean I'm not against the feature but it is a pain in the ass to back out of a lobby and then realise you dont have the money to buy the parts anywho, lol

There's seriously a LOT more things PD need to do first before sharing tunes but your idea could make racing more even so I'm all for it.
I knew it was in one of the GT’s couldn’t remember which. It just seems like a fairly simple thing to add in. We can duplicate and save settings. Just make it so we can send that to another player.

If they can’t do that then at least let us post tunes for people to access or make it so they can buy our car with the tunes applied and just paint it different. I’d even be fine with that. But they probably wouldn’t because then you could bypass getting cars before they show up on legendary again. It’s a broken system nevertheless.
You couldn't share tunes in GT6 but GT5 I think you could. I mean I'm not against the feature but it is a pain in the ass to back out of a lobby and then realise you dont have the money to buy the parts anywho, lol

There's seriously a LOT more things PD need to do first before sharing tunes but your idea could make racing more even so I'm all for it.
It sounds easier to implement a sharing-tunes option than to fix the PP system so Im all for that sharing-tune idea!
Kaz explained why tune sharing isn't in the game way back at release:

When asked about how these settings could be shared, Yamauchi had an interesting response, noting that the screen had been designed with the use of screenshots in mind. “The settings can’t necessarily be shared through the [in-game] Showcase, but we were careful of how the settings screens are set up now. There are a lot of different details in the settings there, but if you take a few screen captures and share that, you will be able to share settings with friends,” Yamauchi explained. No doubt, GTPlanet’s Gran Turismo 7 forum will be more important than ever amongst players sharing tunes.

He went on to describe why a more detailed tune sharing feature was not implemented. “The status of the cars could be different between players, based on different aero parts, tuning parts, or performance parts being installed. If we just copied over settings data from a different car, there could be some discrepancies that would not work. That’s why we made it so that you can’t share directly.”

Seems a bit like a cop out to me. If the car has different parts installed, then just ask us to buy the required parts to match. If you apply a style in GT Auto and you don't have the required bodykits it's the same process.

I really hope by GT8 we can share tunes like we do replays because I am sick of copying all the numbers (especially those gear ratios). It's 2023 we shouldn't have to manually screenshot the game to share tunes.
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Kaz explained why tune sharing isn't in the game way back at release:

Seems a bit like a cop out to me. If the car has different parts installed, then just ask us to buy the required parts to match. If you apply a style in GT Auto and you don't have the required bodykits it's the same process.

I really hope by GT8 we can share tunes like we do replays because I am sick of copying all the numbers (especially those gear ratios). It's 2023 we shouldn't have to manually screenshot the game to share tunes.
It’s a cop out. Does he think everybody playing the game all speaks the same language? Designing the settings pages for screenshots in mind? Here’s one, why on earth can I not access car settings in the tuning shop? We raced project cars 2 the other day. I said this 240z doesn’t drive that well… friend says I’ll share my tune, it took me two seconds to load the tune. There we go thats better.

It is a royal PITA sharing tunes in GT7 when it could literally be setup to take one minute or less.

Like you say, I download a livery, it slaps on a wing, roll bar and rims and charges me x amount of credits.

I love this game, and I hate it, the hate stems from stuff like this. Poorly executed features. He forgot to include, rim diameter, tire width and offset in the car settings page for screenshots. Dummy.
I get so worked up about it, I forgot to say why we‘d want to be able to open car settings in tuning.

Sometimes I have sports tires on a car, when I’m tuning down to comfort tires to match a pp number. I forget to switch to comfort first because I’ve already purchased the tires, I just have different ones currently installed. Now I have to back out of tuning shop and get back to garage then car settings to switch them over because the pp isn’t matching the tune I’m trying to copy. Would also be nice to just have it all in one spot.

I’ve walked a friend thru a tune before over chat, and the worst part? Grab this car, ok go to tuning shop, read out what it all needs to them, ok, go to gt auto now to wide body, darn I can’t remember what rim width, offset and diameter I installed, try this and that, ok now go to custom parts, install type A this and type b that, ok now go to garage then car settings because you’re performance points isn’t matching up, read out everything I have there, find one or two things that were different, it’s still out by .5pp. Must be the tire width diameter or offset. Can’t remember what I installed sorry, close enough. Lol

Somebody should make him copy 30 tunes via screenshots and goof around with the rim diameter offset and width, different aero, and tell him he can’t move onto the next tune until he matches the performance points exactly. He might get it then. Don’t forget gear adjustments too. I think in a heartbeat he’d go, let’s make it so they can just share tunes.
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Even if we can’t share tunes online, the ability to copy suspension and gearbox settings between duplicate cars would make custom grids so much easier.
Even if we can’t share tunes online, the ability to copy suspension and gearbox settings between duplicate cars would make custom grids so much easier.
totally agree, this just goes to show they put exactly zero effort into any kind of tune sharing. They missed the mark on including all info in the car settings sheet too.

I remember sharing tunes in either GT5 or GT6. It blows my mind that we can’t do it in GT7. I miss the car gifting feature, that would be one way around it, some friends I’d gladly buy a duplicate, tune it the same and give it to them.