Use every tyre in every race?

  • Thread starter everfast

Isn't there any code that allows you to use racing tyres in races where sports tyres are required? Or a code which gives sports tyres the grip of medium or soft racing tyres?

thanks a lot

PS: I'm using the ARMAX and GT4 PAL
GT4 CB v7-9.1 Only :grumpy:

Enable Code (Must Be On)
B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
B2E4A457 6F739B5F
65CDF8AB 0FD179B5

No Tires Type Restrictions BD1D5337 B86B2BE6

Here are more of the same type codes:

No Drivetrain Type Restrictions C527686E F3864180

No Engines Type Restrictions 41860B5A A33AE9E9

No Cars Type Restrictions BD3A1B52 7C54233C

No Horsepower Restrictions 50EFD12F EF57C4E6

No Weight Limit Restrictions 61A511EB 9A213AC4

No Length Limit Required A70B374C 9517BE16

No Country Car Type Restrictions 72BC0386 67A6077D

Model Year Up To 9999 Required A60453A5 D9585712

All Cars Permitted (No car type restrictions only)
F9141CCE 2155E70E
AA1C15F8 760D1DE6
Is there really a working code for AR Max US version GT 4 version for All Cars Permitted? The "Converted Codes" post has one (see below), but when I input it I get the dreaded "Can't enter a Master Code" or something.

All Cars Permitted


Is there another M code I'm supposed to use with this code or is All Cars Permitted kind of a wet dream?

Anybody can help?
Is there really a working code for AR Max US version GT 4 version for All Cars Permitted? The "Converted Codes" post has one (see below), but when I input it I get the dreaded "Can't enter a Master Code" or something.

All Cars Permitted


Is there another M code I'm supposed to use with this code or is All Cars Permitted kind of a wet dream?

Anybody can help?

im looking for the same thing
GT4 CB v7-9.1 Only :grumpy:

Enable Code (Must Be On)
B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
B2E4A457 6F739B5F
65CDF8AB 0FD179B5

No Tires Type Restrictions BD1D5337 B86B2BE6

Here are more of the same type codes:

No Drivetrain Type Restrictions C527686E F3864180

No Engines Type Restrictions 41860B5A A33AE9E9

No Cars Type Restrictions BD3A1B52 7C54233C

No Horsepower Restrictions 50EFD12F EF57C4E6

No Weight Limit Restrictions 61A511EB 9A213AC4

No Length Limit Required A70B374C 9517BE16

No Country Car Type Restrictions 72BC0386 67A6077D

Model Year Up To 9999 Required A60453A5 D9585712

All Cars Permitted (No car type restrictions only)
F9141CCE 2155E70E
AA1C15F8 760D1DE6

Do these work? i'm thinking about getting a codebreaker but i wanted to make sure that they work first. has anyone tried them and can verify that they work?