Video showing what annoys racers and needs fixing

  • Thread starter colic
This shows exactly what is wrong with GT sport online racing in one race. This is not aimed at blaming anyone who was racing in this game just how the game itself gives out penalties and how it will respawn racers unfairly in some circumstances.

I have put the full video of one race and below are the examples of what I would say are totally wrong in the game.

First off getting shunted on lap 2 @4.25 then that racer then getting re spawned behind me at a faster speed so overtakes me on the straight, plus he received no time penalty for this.

Then @ 6.30 a player comes alongside spins in front of me I clip him very lightly when he has spun and I get hit with a 10 second penalty. This needs sorting out as it makes a farce of things.

Seriously I get smashed directly from behind the player behind gets an advantage? I click someone who has spun directly in front of me I get a 10 second penalty.

I’ve never see someone respawn at speed... that first incident was just some serious lag!

And the second incident was just a bit unfortunate. You happened to clip him while he was spinning in a weird direction at the corner entry. Probably quite easy for the computer algorithms to get confused by. But that kind of scenario is very rare.

Also, I don’t understand why you are so worked up about the penalties? I think you’re missing the point. What I saw looked like a fun race!?
The white car at the the hairpin just lost control because he was braking with two wheels on the grass.

The green car before that is a different story, I think the biggest problem there is the fact that he is put back on track at what seems a decent speed.
But than again you could see his connection was laggie as hell to start with, he was jittering all over the track in the beginning of the video.

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