Weird dots on my cars that won't go away

I originally posted this in the liveries section but it's actually not just liveries - any time I make any visual change to any of my cars (creating and saving a livery, giving the car a widebody, adding a wing, anything), a bunch of little dots appear all over it and I can't get rid of them. See examples below. I've tried deleting my save data off my PS5, deleting the game and reinstalling - nothing works.
I first noticed the problem when doing the Cafe Menu item which makes you add a widebody to one of your cars. This was just after the game launched and I assumed it was a bug everyone would encounter - but I've not seen anyone else with the same problem.
Anyone got any ideas for what I can do? At the moment my cars are fine unless I try to make any visual alteration - then the car is basically ruined and I have to discard it!

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Thanks for the suggestions - lots of good ideas there. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling - no joy. I've also tried preformance mode, not raytracing mode, and that doesn't work either. It's the same problem in both.
I've not yet tried the PS4 version. Just uninstalled the game again and reinstalling. Takes a few hours. I've also created a new account on PSN, so when the game's finished reinstalling I'll see whether having a fresh new save file makes any difference.
I don't have another PS5 to test it on unfortunately - but I have no problems of any sort with any other game. I guess that doesn't totally rule out the GPU but I'm reluctant to buy a whole new PS5 just to test whether it's that which is causing the dots problem when I redecorate a car!
Thanks for the suggestions - lots of good ideas there. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling - no joy. I've also tried preformance mode, not raytracing mode, and that doesn't work either. It's the same problem in both.
I've not yet tried the PS4 version. Just uninstalled the game again and reinstalling. Takes a few hours. I've also created a new account on PSN, so when the game's finished reinstalling I'll see whether having a fresh new save file makes any difference.
I don't have another PS5 to test it on unfortunately - but I have no problems of any sort with any other game. I guess that doesn't totally rule out the GPU but I'm reluctant to buy a whole new PS5 just to test whether it's that which is causing the dots problem when I redecorate a car!
Good luck. Hope there's a solution after reinstalling.
Thanks for the suggestions - lots of good ideas there. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling - no joy. I've also tried preformance mode, not raytracing mode, and that doesn't work either. It's the same problem in both.
I've not yet tried the PS4 version. Just uninstalled the game again and reinstalling. Takes a few hours. I've also created a new account on PSN, so when the game's finished reinstalling I'll see whether having a fresh new save file makes any difference.
I don't have another PS5 to test it on unfortunately - but I have no problems of any sort with any other game. I guess that doesn't totally rule out the GPU but I'm reluctant to buy a whole new PS5 just to test whether it's that which is causing the dots problem when I redecorate a car!
New account is a great idea. As is the PS4 mode. Good luck!
I guess that doesn't totally rule out the GPU but I'm reluctant to buy a whole new PS5 just to test whether it's that which is causing the dots problem when I redecorate a car!
Just so you know if it is a GPU issue don't buy another PS5 and all the stress/ money that involves. You can send it to Sony for repair. You will be without for a week or two but it will be fixed.

Otherwise I hope you get a solution as it looks like you've been in a car chase with bullets flying.
Just so you know if it is a GPU issue don't buy another PS5 and all the stress/ money that involves. You can send it to Sony for repair. You will be without for a week or two but it will be fixed.

Otherwise I hope you get a solution as it looks like you've been in a car chase with bullets flying.
Technically it could be out of warranty by now. They might still help but I don't think it's guaranteed. You can make a case about electronics having a longer expected lifetime but that's only really any good if you have a way to convince them of the same.
UPDATE: Worked my way through to Menu Book 7 (I think) on my pristine new save file under my new PSN account (on the same PS5) and unlocked the livery editor. Repainted a car - the spots are still there. Must be a GPU issue. The rest of GT7 plays fine though, and every other game plays fine, so I figure I'll just have to live with it till the GPU deteriorates to the point where it's actually having some other effect.
Thanks for all the help guys - much appreciated!
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UPDATE: Worked my way through to Menu Book 7 (I think) on my pristine new save file under my new PSN account (on the same PS5) and unlocked the livery editor. Repainted a car - the spots are still there. Must be a GPU issue. The rest of GT7 plays fine though, and every other game plays fine, so I figure I'll just have to live with it till the GPU deteriorates to the point where it's actually having some other effect.
Thanks for all the help guys - much appreciated!
I still don't see how that could be a hardware problem. The "holes" look like terminal points where the skeletal rigging runs from point to point on the mesh. At least that's the most logical thing I can think of.

I've had plenty of problems similar to this on PC over the years, but it's usually caused either by a bug in the game or lacking up-to-date firmware for the GPU. I've had GPU's die on me and they just die outright, never had one slowly deteriorate. Not saying they can't die like that but I've never seen it in the 15 years I've been building gaming PC's.

Do you have any heavily GPU intensive games in your library? Red Dead 2, the new Horizon, Ghosts of Tsushima etc? If you aren't seeing any problems on any other game whatsoever, especially those that would greatly tax a GPU, then I don't think it's the hardware. Probably a very rare issue in this game. There are people that still can't earn credits, there's a brake glitch where once you start a race the brakes immediately engage (some times its easily fixed, for a few it's a permanent lock-up) the PP system, especially transmission calculations, are broken, etc, etc. You also originally said that it only occurs once you've changed a car's appearance in livery editor, correct? If it's only on modified cars, it's a bug.
I still don't see how that could be a hardware problem. The "holes" look like terminal points where the skeletal rigging runs from point to point on the mesh. At least that's the most logical thing I can think of.

I've had plenty of problems similar to this on PC over the years, but it's usually caused either by a bug in the game or lacking up-to-date firmware for the GPU. I've had GPU's die on me and they just die outright, never had one slowly deteriorate. Not saying they can't die like that but I've never seen it in the 15 years I've been building gaming PC's.

Do you have any heavily GPU intensive games in your library? Red Dead 2, the new Horizon, Ghosts of Tsushima etc? If you aren't seeing any problems on any other game whatsoever, especially those that would greatly tax a GPU, then I don't think it's the hardware. Probably a very rare issue in this game. There are people that still can't earn credits, there's a brake glitch where once you start a race the brakes immediately engage (some times its easily fixed, for a few it's a permanent lock-up) the PP system, especially transmission calculations, are broken, etc, etc. You also originally said that it only occurs once you've changed a car's appearance in livery editor, correct? If it's only on modified cars, it's a bug.
I have Red Dead 2 and it runs fine - no discernable problems. And yeah, it only occurs once I've changed a car's appearance. Not just in the livery editor though: if I buy a car from the dealer and go straight for the widebody mod, without any livery changes, the dots still appear. It's any change to the vehicle's appearance.

EDIT: Currently installing GT7 on my old PS4. That's linked to the same PSN account, so in theory I should log in on the PS4 and see all the cars I have earned via the PS5 version (maybe I'm wrong about that? Not sure). If so, I can then check to see whether the cars still have dots on or not.
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I cant remember which forum i read on,it might hsve been gamefaqs,but a guy in the uk had artifacts on his screen,a sign of gpu issues.He sent it to sony for sn out of earranty repair,this cost him £240 which in the scheme of things i dont think too bad.
Im sure there are plenty of small business that will repsir for cheaper but watching how some people repair consoles on youtube fills me with dread!!
I still don't see how that could be a hardware problem. The "holes" look like terminal points where the skeletal rigging runs from point to point on the mesh. At least that's the most logical thing I can think of.

I've had plenty of problems similar to this on PC over the years, but it's usually caused either by a bug in the game or lacking up-to-date firmware for the GPU. I've had GPU's die on me and they just die outright, never had one slowly deteriorate. Not saying they can't die like that but I've never seen it in the 15 years I've been building gaming PC's.

Do you have any heavily GPU intensive games in your library? Red Dead 2, the new Horizon, Ghosts of Tsushima etc? If you aren't seeing any problems on any other game whatsoever, especially those that would greatly tax a GPU, then I don't think it's the hardware. Probably a very rare issue in this game. There are people that still can't earn credits, there's a brake glitch where once you start a race the brakes immediately engage (some times its easily fixed, for a few it's a permanent lock-up) the PP system, especially transmission calculations, are broken, etc, etc. You also originally said that it only occurs once you've changed a car's appearance in livery editor, correct? If it's only on modified cars, it's a bug.
I agree with everything you said. If it were GPU related, it wouldn't only show up once you change a vehicle's looks, and it wouldn't only be limited to your car. It's definitely a very strange bug. I don't know how you'd go about this, but you should reach out to PD about this. I'm sure they'd be interested.
There are far more possibilities to rule out before paying for a repair that may not be neccessary in the first place. It's definitely manifesting more as a software issue rather than hardware.

A GPU issue is less likely to discriminate against cars which have had thier appearnce modified only. As @Pizzicato1985 said, the dots appear fairly uniform to the mesh. That's not to say it's absolutely not a GPU issue, but there seems to be more of a chance it's software related from what you've said and posted so far.

Is your PS5 updated to the latest firmware?

Did you only start to notice this happen after an update to your PS5 or to GT7?

It would be painful, but is there a way to factory reset the PS5 and install everything from scratch (firmware updates as well as game updates etc.).
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There are far more possibilities to rule out before paying for a repair that may not be neccessary in the first place. It's definitely manifesting more as a software issue rather than hardware.

A GPU issue is less likely to discriminate against cars which have had thier appearnce modified only. As @Pizzicato1985 said, the dots appear fairly uniform to the mesh. That's not to say it's absolutely not a GPU issue, but there seems to be more of a chance it's software related from what you've said and posted so far.

Is your PS5 updated to the latest firmware?

Did you only start to notice this happen after an update to your PS5 or to GT7?

It would be painful, but is there a way to factory reset the PS5 and install everything from scratch (firmware updates as well as game updates etc.).
I did a check for updates to my PS5 and it said I was up to date. It's permanently linked to the internet and I've never done anything to stop it making updates - it seems to do them on a fairly regular basis.

I pre-ordered the game - the £89.99 digital version from the PlayStation store - and pre-downloaded it as soon as I could. I started playing it on launch day and the first time I noticed anything was when I got the Menu Book telling me to perform the widebody mod on one of my cars. When I did that, that's when the dots first appeared. So probably two or three days after launch.
I didn't think anything much of it at the time - it was only one car, the game was new, I figured it was going to turn out to be a common bug. But as the weeks passed and no one else was mentioning it, I realised that it must be just me!

I did notice during the 'outage' that whereas everyone else seemed to be able to get the 'offline' mode to do the Music Rally and Arcade Mode, I couldn't. I just got the spinning 'GT' disc every time I tried it until I eventually gave up.

It would indeed be painful to factory reset - it's a logical step but I don't feel like not being able to repaint cars is justification enough to go quite that far! Like I said, the rest of the game - and every other game I have - still works fine.
100% GPU issues, my old fat Ps3 had this issue, In killzone 2 and 3 i had pink dot's much like yours in certain parts of the environment . Never really bothered me until i got Red dead redemption, the grass would glitch out and the texture or sprite would stretch into the sky like spikes , made the game unplayable . All other games ran just fine .
UPDATE: Opening the game on my PS4, the cars still have the dots on them! But I've found that if I reapply the livery on the PS4 the dots are gone. Then when I open the game on my PS5, the dots are still gone and the car is fine. Workaround achieved! It's unfortunate that I now have to repaint any cars I want repainting on a separate console, but at least the cars haven't been permanently ruined.
I have literally no words. That's nuts. I hope a patch sorts that out for you. Can you at least have the Ps4 version on an external drive to save space?
I guess this presupposes that the problem is with the save game, rather than the PS5 itself. I haven't yet tried installing the PS4 version on my PS5 and trying the livery editor that way - I literally got my old PS4 out, plugged it in, booted up with my usual PSN profile (same on both PS4 and PS5), installed GT7 (I seem to have got the PS4 version free with the PS5 one), and accessed my garage through it to make the changes.
I suppose that the same problem might not manifest if I run my PS4 version on my PS5 (not sure if you can have both versions installed on the same PS5 at the same time) and edit my cars that way before switching back to drive them on the PS5!

EDIT: Turns out you can indeed have both PS5 and PS4 versions on your PS5 at the same time. Now installing the PS4 version to sit alongside the PS5 version.
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I guess this presupposes that the problem is with the save game, rather than the PS5 itself. I haven't yet tried installing the PS4 version on my PS5 and trying the livery editor that way - I literally got my old PS4 out, plugged it in, booted up with my usual PSN profile (same on both PS4 and PS5), installed GT7 (I seem to have got the PS4 version free with the PS5 one), and accessed my garage through it to make the changes.
I suppose that the same problem might not manifest if I run my PS4 version on my PS5 (not sure if you can have both versions installed on the same PS5 at the same time) and edit my cars that way before switching back to drive them on the PS5!

EDIT: Turns out you can indeed have both PS5 and PS4 versions on your PS5 at the same time. Now installing the PS4 version to sit alongside the PS5 version.
At least you know your PS5 isn't broken. Well done finding a solution, hopefully a temporary one as it's not ideal to switch between game versions. Definitely seems like a save game issue which will hopefully fix itself with updates.
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UPDATE: I finished installing the GT7 PS4 version on my PS5, right next to the PS5 version. I opened up the PS4 version and, of course, the dotty cars still had the dots on them. BUT when I reapplied their livery in the editor, the dots disappeared! So the livery editor works fine via the PS4 version on my PS5. Perhaps this is all something to do with the PS5 version of GT7 running on my PS5 then? Or the way my PS5 version applies liveries, since that's when the dots appear. Or it could still be a GPU thing that only occurs in very specific circumstances?? At least I can now do everything on the one console, so I can unplug my old PS4 and put it away again.
Anyway, here's a dotty GTO, painted red via the PS5 version of GT7, running on my PS5:


And here's the same car, 'fixed' by reapplying the same livery using the PS4 version of GT7 running on my PS5:

Dotty gone.jpg
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I used to think GPU but you stated that you saw the dots on the PS4 and that is a bad fit for me now. Do you trust anyone with a PS5 enough to log in to their account? You can use the app QR so it's relatively safe as long as you don't have card details saved but I'd still only do it with someone VERY close to me.