What do you think of DragonPlus Wheel?

  • Thread starter GTmaster
I recently purchased this DRAGONPLUS High Speed Wheel, Set it up, and gave it a kickstart. Man!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like a 4-year old baby just starting to learn how to play GT.. I switch to my DualShock2 controller and there I was driving like a pro. The problem is, when I use the wheel, it reacts late and would almost always oversteer my car, I guess it takes a lot of practice to get use to. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

I am a GT veteran, played GT1, 2, 3 and now playing 4. Never tried using wheels though, until now. I guess I'll just have to bear with practicing a bit using these wheels. I originally planned of getting GT Force Pro, but didn't have the money, so I bought this DragonPlus wheel coz it's cheap. Now I don't know if my money was worth it. :ill: :ill: :ill:

Anyone ever used this product? I've included a picture.

Please tell me if this product is cool or maybe I've just expected too much.
And how do you set the steering sensitivity??? Thanks!
Never heard about it, and you get what you pay for... I hope you didn't pay much. If you say it reacts late than the problem is not you but the wheel so maybe it has something that doesn't work in it. But thanks because now I know I won't buy a cheap wheel and wait for a dfp 👍
How much did it cost if you dont mind me asking because if it isnt working correctly then i would have waited to get a DFP, and enjoy play GT4 with a wheel. Give it some more time and you will probably learn to drive using the wheel and compensate for the problems the wheel is causing.
Dude that wheel looks old, I think you should just get a new one. Check out the wheel compatibility list at the top of this page. I know ~GT_Maste doesnt like me promoting my wheel but it's got everything the dfp has except for 900 degree steering and it only costs £49.99. I also hear that the Madcatz MC2 is good value for amoney and reliable, there's quite a few MC2 users on this forum I think.
Dude that wheel looks old, I think you should just get a new one. Check out the wheel compatibility list at the top of this page. I know ~GT_Maste doesnt like me promoting my wheel but it's got everything the dfp has except for 900 degree steering and it only costs £49.99. I also hear that the Madcatz MC2 is good value for amoney and reliable, there's quite a few MC2 users on this forum I think.

Haha, I use my MC2 and DFP AT THE SAME TIME. on GT4 I only use the stick as an e-brake lever, but on Enthusia and TOCA 2 I also use the gas pedal as a clutch pedal (yes, a functional clutch pedal) And at night when I'm trying not to wake up my parents with the DFP, it's the best non Force Feedback wheel you can buy IMO.

And that wheel on the OP looks alot like my 1995 VR3 steering wheel for PSX. 💡 :ouch: :indiff: :nervous:
i rly want to try that pedal thing on toca 2, i went to get enthusia today but i was £10 short so I just bought toca 2 for £12.99, its a fun game but i dontlike how it starts at laguna in the ford gt.