What is the maximum number of decals I can store locally for use?

  • Thread starter daibon
United States
United States
I quickly ran up the number of decals (in my Collection") and reached 1000. I then had to go make hard choices and let go of some. Started deleting them and brought it down to 800 and and every time I add a decal, I go looking for decal that I can remove.

I then realized when I favorite the decals from "collection" to a folder in "Favorites" I can then delete it from my "collection". Can someone confirm if this is true for all decals? Today I deleted some decals in collections and it was still there in my favorites folder.

I also realize that I can have maximum of 10 sub folders in Favorites with max of 100 decals in each of the sub folder.

So theoretically I can have 2000 decals locally. 1000 in my "collections. and then 100 X 10 sub folders within Favorites".

This is not counting the Personal Decals.

Could someone confirm this please? I do not want to keep deleting decals from collection if my theory is not correct.