What would you choose for touge?


CS seems to last a couple laps longer than SH but SH laps 1, 3and4 are identical times for me with lap 2 and 5 trailing by 1 second . . .on 6 it all falls apart (lol)

lap 1 is full grip lap 3 full driftydrifty.

on the other hand CS turns out the same times, lap after lap, except . . . 5 seconds slower =/

if it was cat and mouse you'd be dead first round to choose cs, but if it lasted longer than 4 heats and your opponent was an AWD on cs . . . you'd be dead too
once I am able to get online, should I expect to be able to change my tires every few laps ? ? ?

or should I be practicing my CS for longer battles ?
*claps* bravo thank you from bringing that straight from wikipedia.

it could also be added that it is a misconception that touge has nothing to do with drifting,
as racing tight corners on street tires often results in drifting, whether it be because the tires are toast, or because the radius is so sharp that the fastest way to get through is at an angle.

not to mention that in touge racing, winning isn't everything, you have to look good while you do it.
In legends of the streets we use sports hard, 500pp. CS wouldn't stand a chance. Either would a civic against FR for that matter.
It's a common misconception that touge has anything to do with drifting.

Actually if you wanna get all technical there are two kinds of togue DRIFT and GRIP so go back on google and try again m8:dopey:
It depends of the choice of the room. If the room is running on SH, i use SH. If the room is using CS, i use CS.

But personaly i prefer CS, because in my point of view is closer to what i see in touge battles on youtube, not for the tire wear... besides i dont believe too much in tyre wear on GT5... it takes more time than it should to become bald, so a completly run in a ultra large track wont give me enough advantage to justify the performance due the tyre wear.