When transfering data after ylod...

  • Thread starter TEAMROMA
I recently had ylod happen to me but I was able to fix it and transfer data from old to new. I noticed that some dlc cars are sitting in my garage but it says to download them again...but they sitting in my garage...and I cant use them...and they are in their original condition before I painted and tuned them???? Also some pics of cars are not showing. Has anyone had this happen to them?
You need to re-download and re-install the cars. As for the pics, when you're in the garage, press triangle and click create thumbnail, it will re-generate the image.
No just go to the PSN store, click "view downloads" at top right corner of screen and re-download the the car packs etc there
As for the pics, when you're in the garage, press triangle and click create thumbnail, it will re-generate the image.

When you re-generate the images....it may take awhile! depending on how many cars you have to redo.
Don't hit reset.... let it do its thing. took me along time to finish.
When you re-generate the images....it may take awhile! depending on how many cars you have to redo.
Don't hit reset.... let it do its thing. took me along time to finish.

Took my garage, premium-280 cars, 45 minutes. Then it took 2.25hrs to do my standard garage-950 cars :/