Winning glitch?

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Ok I was using my Silvia s15 spec S in the silvia sister's race in the nissan one make race area. First race I b-speced it was the one all the way to the right(cant recall the track) fished that so next i did the TC race and a-speced that won first place, and thats when I won a Audi Nuvolari(i think thats what it was called) right after i finished the race i was thinking WTF? then i go finish the last race that was in the middle and win the Sileighty so i got 2 prize cars in one race area, this happen to any one else? I'll try it agian tonight and see if it does the same. I have the USA version.
You get the Audi for 25% completion. Check your completion percentage and see if you just crossed over the 25% mark. The endurance races should be opened up now too.
Sad thing about this is that it even tells you what you won the Nuvolari for when you win it.
On a side note, that Nuvolari is on awesome car.
Yup, gota love those lamas!

Try reading what appears on your screen mate.

On a more selfish note, i finished the 24h nurburg! MMMMM F1 CAR!
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