Women Only GT Academy?

United States
United States
So, in IMSA, there is the now the first ever all women racing team with the Michael Shank #57 Acura NSX and F1 is starting the W series in May, which is a Women Only F1 series. Plus we have Abby Eaton on the Grand Tour. So...why not a Women's Only GT Academy? I think it could be fun and we could get more women racing drivers out there. Pretty much doing what the W Series is doing only with GT cars.
GT Academy's dead, dude.

So....What? I don't understand. The fact that GT Academy is dead or not really has nothing to do with this idea. It is just an idea and who knows, if it gets enough support maybe someone will do it. Stop trying to be a buzz kill.
It is just an idea and who knows, if it gets enough support maybe someone will do it.
As soon as the marketing value of GT Academy ran out, it pretty much immediately lost all of the support it had already. Where is this "enough support" supposed to come from for a similar program with a narrower focus?
IT'S AN IDEA. You know. A concept. A thought. As I said, if it gains enough support, it could be a thing. I don't really care. The point of this thread is to gauge INTEREST. But. Yeah, no. I'm an idiot for even thinking of posting such a thing because GT Academy is dead. But, again, it the fact that GT-A is dead really have any relevancy to gauging interest in an idea? It does? My mistake. I didn't realize that you CAN'T have gauge interest in an idea that's based off another idea and have the new idea gain support regardless of the old idea. I mean....WTF was I thinking, right?
But, again, it the fact that GT-A is dead really have any relevancy to gauging interest in an idea? It does?
If your idea is "I want a woman-only GT Academy", then yes, the fact GT Academy is dead is pretty much the only thing that is relevant.
I didn't realize that you CAN'T have gauge interest in an idea that's based off another idea and have the new idea gain support regardless of the old idea.
Well, that's now something different. You're talking about a woman-only version of a GT Academy-like event that isn't GT Academy... but then that wouldn't belong in the GT Academy forum that you posted it in because it's not GT Academy.

Is your idea "a female-exclusive program involving players of racing games qualifying via online competition to an event which would then assess them for real life driving skills, and train one or more winners to become a professional racing driver"?

Well, that's now something different. You're talking about a woman-only version of a GT Academy-like event that isn't GT Academy... but then that wouldn't belong in the GT Academy forum that you posted it in because it's not GT Academy.

Is your idea "a female-exclusive program involving players of racing games qualifying via online competition to an event which would then assess them for real life driving skills, and train one or more winners to become a professional racing driver"?

I mean, it's not really any different. GT Academy was that long sentence you said. But. No. If you hate this so much then delete it. You're a mod. Why argue when you can just delete, right?
I mean, it's not really any different. GT Academy was that long sentence you said.
GT Academy was indeed "that long sentence" I said but, more importantly, it was a specific, branded event using a specific platform. It does seem incredibly unlikely that Sony (with or without Nissan) would fund and promote GT Academy as a woman-only event when GT Academy is dead.

So it would need some other branding and platform than "GT Academy".

But. No. If you hate this so much then delete it. You're a mod. Why argue when you can just delete, right?
There's myriad things I can do, if I feel the need. A better question is why you'd create a thread to discuss this if literally the first suggestion of any kind of problem with the idea results in a meltdown and repeated comments about deleting the thread.

This is, after all, a discussion forum.
Because to me, when I asked, "Should there be a Women's Only GT Academy." and you said "GT Academy is dead, dude," I heard "That's a stupid idea. GT Academy is dead. There's no interest in that, idiot." Which was further supported by comments from you and Tornado. I mean, okay. GT Academy is dead. What does that help? What should I call the thread then? "Women's Only Video Game Based Training/Racing Program Thing?" Or how about "Women's Only driving Machines Extremely Nicely (based on a video game)" I mean, GT Academy is just quicker.
Because to me, when I asked, "Should there be a Women's Only GT Academy." and you said "GT Academy is dead, dude," I heard "That's a stupid idea. GT Academy is dead. There's no interest in that, idiot."
That's odd, as I very definitely typed "GT Academy is dead, dude". I very much didn't say anything about idiots because Acceptable Use Policy. That would suggest your text-to-speech app is malfunctioning.
I mean, okay. GT Academy is dead. What does that help?
It helps in that you now understand that there won't be a women-only GT Academy because GT Academy is dead.
What should I call the thread then? "Women's Only Video Game Based Training/Racing Program Thing?" Or how about "Women's Only driving Machines Extremely Nicely (based on a video game)" I mean, GT Academy is just quicker.
It's your idea, so it's your call. But it won't be GT Academy, because GT Academy is dead, so whether it's quicker or not isn't really relevant; it won't happen.
I honestly think that motorsports racing should never be segregated by gender. Men have no advantage over women in racing so why should there be different leagues separating women and men. Whatever advantage men may have in fast twitch reflexes in racing a woman can make up for in weighing less and thus the car uses less fuel and goes slightly faster on the straights.

I'm not hating on the idea.. but in order for women to be taken more seriously in sports they need to show themselves to be as competent as men across the board.
I honestly think that motorsports racing should never be segregated by gender. Men have no advantage over women in racing so why should there be different leagues separating women and men. Whatever advantage men may have in fast twitch reflexes in racing a woman can make up for in weighing less and thus the car uses less fuel and goes slightly faster on the straights.

I'm not hating on the idea.. but in order for women to be taken more seriously in sports they need to show themselves to be as competent as men across the board.

It’s a vicious circle though, because in order to be competent you need practice, and it’s harder to get practice if you’re not taken seriously. So for that reason I can see the point of a racing series only for women, because it would guarantee more practice for women.

For GT Academy though that’s not a problem because GT Academy is (was) based on gaming and you don’t need any contracts and sponsors to get into that. The only point I can see would be to build publicity for the purpose of getting more women interested in racing games (or racing in general).
Men have no advantage over women in racing
The next line
Whatever advantage men may have in fast twitch reflexes... [in racing] a woman can make up for in weighing less.
So which is it?

Also, being able to weigh less isn't an exclusive skill - all serious athletes take their weight very seriously - besides which most motorsport series' use ballast as part of a BoP so your perceived "advantage" is immediately null anyway.
The next line

So which is it?

Also, being able to weigh less isn't an exclusive skill - all serious athletes take their weight very seriously - besides which most motorsport series' use ballast as part of a BoP so your perceived "advantage" is immediately null anyway.

I think it was obvious that she was stating that men posses no 'overall' advantage when all things are being considered.

That's my take anyway.

Indeed weighting less isn't a 'skill' don't think anyone here would have ever figured that one out.. thanks captain obvious! I bet you feel real smart with that response... huh?

Oh dear..
I think it was obvious that she was stating that men posses no 'overall' advantage when all things are being considered.

That's my take anyway.

Indeed weighting less isn't a 'skill' don't think anyone here would have ever figured that one out.. thanks captain obvious! I bet you feel real smart with that response... huh?

Oh dear..

Why can't Tina speak for herself? You don't think that perhaps I was asking these obvious questions in an attempt to get her to question her own cognition (or lack thereof) and have a slightly more informed discussion... huh?

Oh dear...
The next line

So which is it?

Also, being able to weigh less isn't an exclusive skill - all serious athletes take their weight very seriously - besides which most motorsport series' use ballast as part of a BoP so your perceived "advantage" is immediately null anyway.

Yeah but even if both a man and woman add the same amount of ballast in the same car the woman will still end up adding less overall weight to the car. Like Master Garland said I was talking about overall advantage when considering everything but upon further examination I admit to be wrong on some things. These days with easy to use light paddle shifters in F1 and LMP class racing among others the old issue of fighting a shift stick constantly requiring more muscle is negated. I heard of how stiff the clutch in old Ferrari race cars in addition to others were in back in the day. If things were like that still women indeed would be at a disadvantage in that way but regarding this both genders are equal. However, power steering hardly ever exists in racing cars and it requires ample power and muscle endurance to turn the wheel at those speeds in a long race. This would is where there'd be an apparent advantage men have over women. So, after having thought about more I was wrong on some things but right on some. If more women would focus on upper body strength many of the current disadvantages we have would no longer be an issue. Of course the extra muscle mass would add the her overall body weight but she'd still have a weight advantage. I think potentially with changes in perceptions attitudes and training practices that men and women can attain relative equality.. which I hope for.

By the way you didn't have to insult my cognition.. I mean what they hell man?
Well you didn't have to pretend to be somebody else when writing a reply so I guess we're even.
The comment about your cognition was simply a response to Garland (/you) in an attempt to clarify the words you were saying - they didn't make sense in sequence, hence the comment.

You still seem to be missing the key points in response to your body weight advantage argument as well. despite the sarcastic response:
Indeed weighting less isn't a 'skill' don't think anyone here would have ever figured that one out.. thanks captain obvious!
Correct, but the point is:
being able to weigh less isn't an exclusive skill

If there's a weight limit of 150-155kg and a man and a women are both competing in a go-kart weighing 75kgs - you don't think that both drivers would come in weighing 75kgs? Even if the woman weighs 55kgs,she'd have to wear ballast to make the minimum weight requirement - so this isn't an advantage that can "outweigh" the perceived disadvantages of strength, twitch reflexes, etc, as you claim.

For what it's worth I think men & women can compete equally in motorsport, there's no reason I can see that they can't. I do think many men & women underestimate the physicality of racing driving - so it will be harder than most think - but an excellent woman will beat an average man all day long; what remains to be seen is whether an excellent woman can beat an excellent man, both at the top of their sport.

That's why I support female-only grids (in real life, there's no need for an esports equivalent).
If it will help more women get involved in the sport (and tbh I get it, I wouldn't want to spend an entire race weekend surrounded by grubby men leering at me!) then I'm all for it.

Although perhaps women just aren't as interested full stop; we're yet to see any make it to a Gran Turismo live event, for example, and there's no barrier to entry there.
I'm curious did people find out about my duel accounts from the "post a picture of yourself" thread? I mean it's the only think I can think would have given it away.

I give up talking about this because.. In all reality I've never got a chance to drive in motorsports in my life and who the hell am I to claim to know what I'm talking about. The only thing I ever did was research, research.. when experience is what matters most.

Maybe I am just an idiot. Sorry for posting in this thread.