Worst You've Dealt With Online (FH3 Edition)

United States
This thread is LONG overdue, as the game has been out for over half a year, but who are some of the worst players you've met and had to put up with in FH3's various online modes? Remember, NO naming and shaming, as that is against the AUP. I'll start.

Tonight I managed to decimate a pre-teen and his buddies in a round of Goliath. One kid was making farting sounds on the mic, and another was imitating car noises. Nonetheless, I concentrated hard in my trusty S2 Murcielago, while they rocketed off every single rock and wall in their overpowered X class cars. In the end, I wound up with a 178 second lead and a pathetically easy victory. What made it priceless though was that one of the kids began screaming at me, calling me all sorts of lovely things like "Potty-pooper" and "Stupid Lightning McDonald". Had a good laugh, and left the session afterwards. :lol:
Everytime i go online i get respectful players that don't smack me into walls, same cant be said for fm6 online.
Really the worst I've dealt with are campers during Flag Rush games. Even than they aren't that bad as they at least give me something to do (pushing them out of the scoring zone) considering I'm not a fan of that particular game.
People who endlessly ram you after an event because you won.
I get the occasional players that ram me into a wall but other than that I haven't delt with anything crazier than that.
I posted this in the general thread a few days ago, but I recently had some V12 Mustangs in an Online Adventure with me (B Class All Tarmac) that handled terribly, and got beaten by my Subaru Legacy RS. Pretty much every race after the first one of them (the one in the King Cobra/M3 E46) would try and slam me into the wall every chance he got. Despite this, I still beat him in 2 more races before he eventually quit the session.

Some of my best moments online though have to be when I wind up as the sole survivor in a ridicoulously low classed car in infected. Just last night I was doing some S2 infected with @ZDUPH and I ended up being the sole survivor in both a D Class Isetta AND a C Class Acura RSX when everyone else picked S2 cars.
Everytime i go online i get respectful players that don't smack me into walls, same cant be said for fm6 online.
Agreed, this game is much cleaner than Forza Motorsport 6 for a number of reasons:

  • Car-to-car collisions are more robust. You can't spin and shove somebody off the road as easily as you can in Motorsport.
  • Race routes are very wide and forgiving in their layouts, especially off-road races.
  • There are a maximum of 11 opponents compared to the 23 in Motorsport.
  • There are very few hard braking zones.
  • If you're a fast driver it's much easier to catch up or pull away from the pack.

Although Forza Horizon 3's Online Adventures get stale pretty quickly, they are much less frustrating than Forza Motorsport 6's Hoppers.
Hadn't really thought about it until this thread came up, and that's because things generally go pretty well online. The worst I've seen is people quitting early when they fall behind.
I generally prefer to have private sessions with friends. Although one of my friends enjoys going into public freeroam servers (for some reason) to do drifting. So far, the worst I've dealt with is some kid driving a Crown Victoria Police Interceptor blasting the siren (horn?) and screaming on his microphone "YOU'RE BUSTED!!" as he tried to slam us during our drifts. Seems to be a common thing on freeroam servers with kids pretending to be police and trying to ram others off the road in cars with "Police" liveries.

Another one is doing drag races with people trying to run each other off the runway. I don't like doing drag races, but in a public server, there's always someone wanting to do one... (Which I avoid, but couldn't during those Forzathons....)

Infecting an S2 Tron-liveried Huracan in an A Class Class 10 Buggy

Evading said S2 Huracan in a second game of infected, still in the Class 10, becoming the sole survivor.

Beating Ken Block in my M4 GTS DTM CE


Some idiot in a Hilux with Motegi wheels & an RB26/2JZ (couldn't hear exactly which one it was) constantly trying (and failing) to ram my RX-8 off the road.

Seeing someone drag race a V12 Impala with a blower. I also saw a de-winged V12 Charger Daytona
Ran into a bunch of crashing players in a single group, Hotwheels Adventure, who could not keep their cars straight. Politely (i mean this) suggested they pick a car with better handling to cut down the collisions and they decided to invite me to their party and trash me.

Believe it or not, it ended well because I had mentioned I was on all day (streaming) and was on the brink of passing out. They lightened up - realized I probably didn't mean to insilt them - and sent me off to go to sleep ("Just go to sleep, man!").
People who bring 800+ HP D class cars to a drag race to gain a 30-second head start are the bane of my existence.

I only do those drag races for the Forzathon. Otherwise, it just isn't worth it to me. There needs to be better ways of distinguishing classes than by power/weight.

Every online race I do it's always people with the most horsepower, but can't handle a single corner (at least not well). Sucks the fun out of online racing when you build a nicely balanced car and everyone else just went for horsepower in the class.
I only do those drag races for the Forzathon. Otherwise, it just isn't worth it to me. There needs to be better ways of distinguishing classes than by power/weight.

Every online race I do it's always people with the most horsepower, but can't handle a single corner (at least not well). Sucks the fun out of online racing when you build a nicely balanced car and everyone else just went for horsepower in the class.

It's even worse when you encounter the people who wallride round some of the walled-off corners. I've gone out of my way to mess up their strategy on occasion - if you're not going to learn how to drive properly and have to exploit Horizon 3's poor design to even finish the race, you have no business playing this game online.
I was on a Freeroam session on the Hot Wheels map, and this kid kept screaming in their mic. I left after an Infected game, I couldn't take it anymore :)
Tight race between my 550HP Focus RS and some V10 and V12 powered cars (including a V12 Chevelle HE)
Beating an S2 991 GT3 RS in an S1 997 GT2 RS

Magical FFXK

Winning Infected in a massively underclassed 300SL

Aerial takedown in an SLS AMG
A-Class is best class.
