Would to you like the ability to

  • Thread starter cobragt
Transfer saved cars from gt3 on your memory card to gt4? I know gt1 and gt2 had something like that, would you want gt3 and gt4 to have the same? I'd use it, but in gt4, I still want to start off small. But if I really wanted to use it, I'd most likely get a RX-7 old school model, not the 95 one.
But wouldn't you have to buy the cars from GT3 to GT4... so it wouldn't be like starting the game with a huge garage... You'd have to earn them.

personally, I like the process of slowly stepping up from one car to the next...

Think back to each time you bought a new GT title. You attack the license tests, and are first stuck in a 80hp box. You pass a few tests, and then you are put in an FTO, or a silva... and it feels quick... then you are put in a supra, and as you rip through the gears, it really feels like you are flying.

After you play the game for a few days, and you end up with 1000 HP uber cars, the original supra doesn't feel that fast, but the gaming experience of slowly stepping up to faster and faster cars is well worth starting with a clean garage.
I personally would not want to take anything from GT3.
Just want to work my through GT4 from start to finish.
i don't even think you should be able to transfer your license status to the new game (like you could in past GTs)... make people start from scratch, level the playing field.

I also read somewhere that KY mentioned that players of prologue will get a bonus when GT4 comes out (prolly license transfer, or maybe cars) which is bull$^&% since us in good ol' north america don't even have access to the game! Wanna pull moves like that, then give us prologue!
I don't think thats a good idea because, with cars on GT3 are fewer than the cars on GT1 I think it will be pointless.
why would you want to race the sunday cup with your f090/s?

don't like the idea, it wouldn't make you "work" for your 100% completion.
Originally posted by cobragt
Would to you like the ability to
...give a topic a proper title so that you know that it's crap before you go into it?

As to the topic in hand, it looks like you are being out-voted.
quote: Originally posted by cobragt
Would to you like the ability to

...give a topic a proper title so that you know that it's crap before you go into it?

This topic may have be covered but just because it's Cobra thats made the thread doesn't automatically give everyone a license to bash him. Lay off a little guy's and give him a chance to atleast try to get along here.
o_O He's a diamond member, it's not like he's new.

I'm going to bet GT3 and GT4 are incompatible anyway. A new physics engine and better cars denotes that.
I'm Diamond too. I'm shining like the McLaren F1 McLaren'sAngel fantacizes.

Man, Cobragt's rough run of luck continues to burn in hell. Anyhow, not a good idea. What if a car from GT3 won't be in GT4? And keep in mind, you'll have to pay for those cars from GT3, so you can't Gameshark your way to glory, and even then, it's STILL cheating. I'd only want to trade cars if I get some special files from a PS2 disk and use that as an alternative garage. I had a CD which contained extra cars to use in Gran Turismo 3. But here's the thing. I kept my old game and just use the other Memory Card to trade cars with. I didn't race with the other Memory Card because I still wanted to beat the game. Since I had some money, I could use some of the race cars, even the Luop Race Car that has the handling of a Le Mans race car, but very low on horsepower. So anyhow, I'd rather work my ass off and make money and win races.