GTP & GTS EXCLUSIVE Gran Turismo 5 Retail Overview (SIXTH final Update)

  • Thread starter amar212
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So the thought that visual damage reflects levels in the game, correct me, isnt mechanical damage turned off in the beginning of the game? damage could get more severe when you hit pro. im glad the standard physics versus pro phys is gone. this will help newcomers to the game go pro without them even thinking about it +!
Le Mans 88, would you happen to be able to try to recreate some of the damage scenarios we've seen in the GT5 demos? There was one in which that car was being sandwiched against the outer wall of a NASCAR track, and the front bumper began to morph and break from the pressure applied. Would if you know the video, could you recreate it?
Amar. You seem to be making a big deal about golding everything in license mode first. I had planned on just flying through the licenses getting whatever I could, JUST to get the license. But to hear you talk about levels and such, its sounding like anything less than gold before going to the regular racing puts you at a disadvantage for things unlocked. Can you elaborate more on your take of the level system and how its forcing us to suffer through the task of golding everything before having real fun?

I'm sort of assuming here (by what Amar has said, and what the others have found with their early-release copies), that golding isn't necessary to improve your level; it just improves it earlier than simply finishing the licenses. What I mean is; if the max A-Spec level is 40, given the size of the game, we'll probably hit 40 well before finishing every race. I think getting all golds will just get you towards that sooner.

Yeah, if that's true, it sort of puts you at a disadvantage in the beginning, but that's true of all previous GT games. Golding has always had it's advantages, but not doing it has never gotten in the way of completion. I'd love to hear Amar's view, though :).

Also, can you PLEASE discuss NASCAR!? What is unlocked immediately? Do you have to buy all the cars separate? When they talked about car numbers, and its looking like we only have 11 NASCAR unique drivers, can we change the numbers on driver's cars? For instance, to prevent two #24 Jeff Gordons online, can one guy make the Dupont scheme a #27 or whatever?

My guess is he means the numbers that are changeable in the normal-sized number boxes on most LM-spec or R-Modded cars. The Nascar numbers are more integrated into the full livery, so I'm not sure how PD might've handled those...

I think many are frustrated with you because of your patience with the game. Its like the dorky kid who slowly unwraps the gift, trying to save the wrapping paper instead of just ripping the paper to shreds to get to the gift. Im assuming you have good reason to diligently gold everything, so, see first paragraph. We want to understand WHY you are taking this approach.

For many of us who've been playing since GT1, that's just how we approach a new game. I'll be working on my licenses first, and they'll be my exclusive focus in GT Mode. Until I gold them, my only races will be in Arcade Mode :)
I wish someone could confirm dynamic weather. Is it possible to start raining suddenly in the middle of a race or is it just a "wet" dream of mine?
"Realistic damage" - Kevin Butler 2010.

Yeah, and............ How do you know? Amar has not Raced yet, no damage in licenses, in races there are, its not rocket science. You think a marketing will get their marketing guy to say damage is in, but not realistic? LMAO. No game on the planet is REALISTIC literally, geez. Forza trolls out in full force.
So the thought that visual damage reflects levels in the game, correct me, isnt mechanical damage turned off in the beginning of the game? damage could get more severe when you hit pro. im glad the standard physics versus pro phys is gone. this will help newcomers to the game go pro without them even thinking about it +!

Small discreet heads up.
I had to read your post 4 times to try and understand where you are coming from.
Bolding your entire post, not starting sentences with capitals and throwing in a + just for fun will not get you far in here without someone pointing it out.

Oh wait....


Oh and everybody else, please stop asking questions that can wait five days.
If you're going to come in here, do it to praise our speaker.

That's my opinion on what you should do.
All those who have done so, congratulations on conducting yourselves admirably.

Granted I am relatively new here in the forum, I do understand that this post will probably get me banned, and I'm okay with that, as I mostly just read anyway.

Amar has been so kind to provide us all with this overview of the game, and a great many questions have been answered, many of which should put our minds at ease.

However, his Q&A section was put there, presumably, to answer the most asked questions. Since the beginning of this thread, many questions have been asked, but the one aspect of the game that most people are inquiring about is the damage model. Rather than even attempt to investigate this matter, Amar has quoted perhaps the two most rude posters in regard to damage, and then mocked them while eluding the questions once again.

I realize this will sound disrespectful, but I am putting it in the most eloquent words I can muster. If Amar works for PD or Sony or is otherwise being tasked to provide us with this overview of the game, then it stands to reason that he has said nary a negative thing about it up to this point, save for the frame rate drop, which he quickly assures us is no big deal. It would also make sense then that all questions related to damage have been completely and deliberately ignored.

As a person who makes money by writing articles, I can attest that a writer is often tasked with being paid to write a review of something so long as they don't say anything negative about it, which seems to be the case here.

I agree with the poster who mentioned that it would be extremely easy to just say "I haven't seen any damage so far," or "The damage is weak/impressive/nonexistant" but rather than even hint at this, it is just ignored completely, and this is frustrating in spite of my appreciation for his write-up. It is tempting to say that anyone who gets the game early should keep it to themselves. His reluctance to comment on this typically would mean that the damage model sucks balls, though i hope this is not the case.
bleaker you got to understand that amar plays the game how he wants to play the game. Some people will powerplay career mode, some will straight to online. Amar is at the moment concentrating on license's. He is not going to go out of his way for everyone, he is playing it for himself, no one else. He has been kind enough to write about his expereinces.

Those posts he quoted, where on the back of a few people, a)trolling, b) jumping to conclusions, and assuming all matter of things. Yes the damage questions as been asked, he is not avoiding it at all, he just hasn't got to a part in the game where he can anaylse his the damage model.

edit: this post is not having a go at you, as you put your post as eloquently as possible.
1) Any new/returning tracks that aren't announced yet? El Capitan, Opera Paris, Test Course, Spa?

2) Can you change the HUD-trackmap to GT5-prologue-style?

3) Can you see any car-stats? How many km's you have driven or how many times you damaged the car? (Gt-life)
Hi. I'm a big fan of Honda and a beautiful feeling and sound that causes the VTEC system. In any part of the GT so far I have not noticed at all mapping VTEC (unlike in Forza Motorsoport). Could you check whether in GT5 developers are improved? You can check almost any Honda, for example, '92 Civic EG6 Sir II or '91 CRX (these are standard models) and the Integra DC3 (premium). I would be very grateful for the information. At approximately 5500 - 6000 rpm it should reveal a nice kick and a different sound. For a little help a link to the video how the VTEC works. (6 and 29 second):
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Q: Can you choose the gender of your driver?

Request: Please explore the difference between Racing Modified cars and just heavily tuned cars.
People need to relax. The game will be in your hands in a few days. You can't fault someone for not playing the game the way you would. I know some of you will hop in a car and continue to ram in in the walls to see it's damage reaction and yours. This man doesn't play that way. He is playing it the way he wants and normally would all the while relaying info that he comes across. Can't fault him for that.

Amar, if you do find the time, can you elaborate on the support for wheels? Like what are options compared to GT-P. What logitech wheels are fully supported? Are Fanatec wheels full supported or even mentioned in the options?

Thanks for looking and all the other great info you have laid out for us.
Granted I am relatively new here in the forum, I do understand that this post will probably get me banned, and I'm okay with that, as I mostly just read anyway.

Amar has been so kind to provide us all with this overview of the game, and a great many questions have been answered, many of which should put our minds at ease.

However, his Q&A section was put there, presumably, to answer the most asked questions. Since the beginning of this thread, many questions have been asked, but the one aspect of the game that most people are inquiring about is the damage model. Rather than even attempt to investigate this matter, Amar has quoted perhaps the two most rude posters in regard to damage, and then mocked them while eluding the questions once again.

I realize this will sound disrespectful, but I am putting it in the most eloquent words I can muster. If Amar works for PD or Sony or is otherwise being tasked to provide us with this overview of the game, then it stands to reason that he has said nary a negative thing about it up to this point, save for the frame rate drop, which he quickly assures us is no big deal. It would also make sense then that all questions related to damage have been completely and deliberately ignored.

As a person who makes money by writing articles, I can attest that a writer is often tasked with being paid to write a review of something so long as they don't say anything negative about it, which seems to be the case here.

I agree with the poster who mentioned that it would be extremely easy to just say "I haven't seen any damage so far," or "The damage is weak/impressive/nonexistant" but rather than even hint at this, it is just ignored completely, and this is frustrating in spite of my appreciation for his write-up. It is tempting to say that anyone who gets the game early should keep it to themselves. His reluctance to comment on this typically would mean that the damage model sucks balls, though i hope this is not the case.

The fact that we've seen damage in GT5 since this year's E3 (correct me if it's even earlier) makes the question of whether it's in the game, redundant. And Amar's review seems garnered towards GT5 players who view the game's driving physics as its most important asset and what sets it apart from games like NFS or GRID. While I'm not implying damage isn't important but it's never been the cornerstone of GT (or any driving/racing sims, console or PC).

As with any reviews, you can take it for what they're worth but I highly doubt this "review" was meant to sway purchasing decision. It's written on GT biggest fan site and meant entirely to those who've already made up their minds (and have pre-ordered the game months ago). It's more appropriate to see the OP as the thinking man's preview to GT5 rather than a review.
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Hello to all, I've been waiting patiently for information to be released by Amar, but this whole thing is killing me. As the release date approaches I am filled with excitement.

Although I am a bit dissapointed by the damage, and more dissapointed about the clutch in the G25 is on/off - I was expecting an improvement over this - I am VERY VERY excited since I played the hell out of Prologue, hundreds of hours of pure fun, and from Prologue to GT5 is a huge improvement concerning QUANTITY, that most people don't take under consideration. Most of us have spent already many hours playing GT5P with its own limitations (no damage, etc, etc) and am positive that you enjoyed it, so it will be the same thing with GT5. Things can only get BETTER.

Kaz promised us a lot, and all this wait raised our expectations way to high, although most of us knew that some things just couldn't be delivered. If any of you think he could have done better, let him open his own PD and make it better.

I have a question myself, so if Amar takes some time to answer, I'd be really glad. How does the game sound in bumper view? Is it loud as in the roof's view? And what about rain? Can you see the rain in bumper view?
I'll have one question Amar and it regards something you choose in the beginning of the game, can't say it out loud apparantly because you chose it to be a spoiler text which I understand and respect.
The question is what did you mean by "once per save"? Does it mean you can only choose it once and then it's the final choice or that you can choose differently on another occasion?
Just want to be sure I make a conscious choice I will not regret if it's indeed the final choice, thanks in advance if you choose to answer it.:)
The fact that we've seen damage in GT5 since this year's E3 (correct me if it's even earlier) makes the question of whether it's in the game, redundant. And Amar's review seems garnered towards GT5 players who view the game's driving physics as its most important asset and what sets it apart from games like NFS or GRID. While I'm not implying damage isn't important but it's never been the cornerstone to GT (or any driving/racing sims, console or PC).

As with any reviews, you can take it for what they're worth but I highly doubt this review was meant to sway purchasing decision. It's written on GT biggest fan site and meant entirely to those already made up their minds (and have pre-ordered the game months ago). It's more appropriate to see the OP as the thinking man's preview to GT5 rather than a review.

I'd like to thank you personally for being the first person to reply to me without attacking me or accusing me of being a troll, neither of which were actually deserved.

From your perspective, I can see it a bit more clearly. However, everyone seems to discount the fact that while I was being post DID thank Amar for taking the time out to do this...and I DO appreciate it. I only said what I felt like a lot of people were thinking. I'm not using his overview to make a purchasing decision, and a lack of damage in the game wouldn't make me enjoy it much was the principle of the issue that I was hung up on. My apologies seem to mean nothing to anyone, nor did the fact that I tried to express myself properly instead of coming out here armed with foul language and bad grammar, which I have seen so many times.

I've had the game on preorder for over a year, and will enjoy it no matter the case because I believe GT5P is a fantastic game.

I apologize to anyone who can't handle what I posted, and I guess next time I come back I'll come armed with a basket full of puppies to make up for it.
Love to hear that the AI is better! Although Amar is totally right, in Prologue the AI was very good. I never encountered any problems like in GT4. Thanks for the update Amar! You´re bringing up so many cool things, that I don´t know if I want to read them anymore. I´ll try to surprise myself until the 24th :)
Love to hear that the AI is better! Although Amar is totally right, in Prologue the AI was very good. I never encountered any problems like in GT4. Thanks for the update Amar! You´re bringing up so many cool things, that I don´t know if I want to read them anymore. I´ll try to surprise myself until the 24th :)

The only problem i notice is that the AI cars in GT5P seem to think i'm not participating in the race. It's like to them i'm not even there, so they stick to their driving line. The fact is, in GT5P the AI cars are on-rails. I hope they "notice" me a bit more in GT5 so they can drive around me instead of into me.
Love to hear that the AI is better! Although Amar is totally right, in Prologue the AI was very good. I never encountered any problems like in GT4. Thanks for the update Amar! You´re bringing up so many cool things, that I don´t know if I want to read them anymore. I´ll try to surprise myself until the 24th :)

For the most part, I was happy with the AI in prologue too. I try to race like Amar also, clean racing even if it might cost me a position in the race. There were a couple of spots on certain tracks that the AI would run on a "rail" so to speak, though. One off the top of my head is on High Speed Ring right after you turn onto the bridge. No matter what, if I was on the left side of the track on the bridge, preparing for the next right and there was a car to my right, he would always bump me to try to get the same line that I had. This happens on a straight. And as Amar mentioned, they bump you in the back. These are small things but if they improved on this, then I will be very happy!
Yes I have. It's not nearly as realistic as that Nascar video. Especially after Kaz's "Completely destroyed" lie.

Oh, and having an opinion is not trolling. Some of you need a reality check. It's getting out of hand.

Your expectations are way way way too high, you really expect crippling damage like that which can be seen in grid, to actually be added in to GT5 with 1000 cars and what's currently there? this game has set a benchmark, it really has. alls Nascar2011 is, is a souped up grid with physics based around nascar, notice that GT5 has like 5 different types of racing?, well nascar2011 only has 1 type to deal with, and only 3 car models. So if you want to weigh what's better about GT5 and what's better about nascar2011, there will be nothing to list. That game didn't take 5 1/2 years to make.
That's kind of ridiculous. Those bitrates are unlistenable. Not even iTunes sells songs that low quality. Why would we be restricted to these?

I think he's referring the sample rate, not bit rate, if values are 48k, 44.1k and 22.05k.
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