0utside front red bloody tire.

  • Thread starter brumbies1
United States
Porobably been asked many times can't find a thread .What is the secret to fixing the front outside tire from turning red.I assume it is from the sliding of the car. Have tried, sometimes it fades but adjust again and it's back.Appreciate ant insight.
While I'm here I'll try answering despite not know for sure. If you're throwing the car into turns there is your problem. You want to go slow in fast out and try and limit tire squeal. Little to no power while turning and when you're out of the turn power it on. Simple.

Be progressive on your brakes, throttle, well everything really. Now if this could only be moved to the GT5 forum, try asking a mod. Go to the forum main page and find the forum leaders link. Or click this. Open up one of the moderators who are online and ask them to move it via a Visitor Message.