3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Other than going off track on a couple of early corners, I was keeping pace with the guys up front, albeit 20 seconds back. Then my pit crew let me down by going with 5 liter of fuel, could have used about two more.

I hope switching to fuel injection helps the mpg a bit, these things are terrible.
Congrats dsgerbc!
Thanks. Had devil of a time passing you!

Congratz Dan! Don't make a habit of this winning stuff!
Thanks, as much as I'd like to keep this going, my luck of not spinning somewhere during lap 1 is unlikely to continue.
I was using the tune from Wes which was fast, but I hadn't used it for any long runs. After 8 laps I couldn't keep the back end from sliding so I decided to cut my losses and try for a 3 pit strategy.
Oh, that's what happened. For some reason mid-race I thought you were doing a 1-stopper. Did you try changing BB to smth like X/0?
Great qualification lap Marc and congratulations to Dan for the NA win.👍
Did you see that Dan?!
We ran the exact same quali lap. :crazy:👍

Yes, it's not a mistake. I noted that last night when I was watching the live stats monitor. Dan's 2nd hot lap was exactly the same time as your first hot lap to the thousandth of a second. I saw Dan slip the marshal a few bills and he started in front of you on the grid.

As it turned out you had the better slot (or should I say stronger front bumper :sly:) and ended up first out of turn 1 and 2.
Did you see that Dan?!
We ran the exact same quali lap. :crazy:👍
Yeap, for all I know ordering on the grid could be alphabetical ;)

As it turned out you had the better slot (or should I say stronger front bumper :sly:) and ended up first out of turn 1 and 2.
My fault, I should've either protected the inside or left a bit more space between me and the tire barrier.
Great race guys. 👍 Great job, as always, Marc and Tim for the hosting/stewarding.
Congrats Dan on a good win, with consistency. 👍

I was alone in the middle for a large part of the race, and then all of a sudden in the last stint, found myself right behind Gooners and Hydro. I actually felt really drained after the race, as it took a lot of concentration to keep pressuring Gooners, but he never fell into the mistake I was hoping for. 👍 And sorry for those 5 or 6 bumps I gave you, that's something we really want to avoid in these races. 👎

I used Pekka's tune, but had almost zero practice on it, so was glad I was able to do a 2 stopper without too much problem. 👍
Great qualification lap Marc and congratulations to Dan for the NA win.👍

Thanks Wes, and Congrats to Dan for the win 👍
FYI - Wes had a 1:25.7xx in the EU quali - I'm pretty sure, but it may have been even faster.

Dam those were fun races. I really liked how different pit strategies mixed it up. After pit 1, I knew Speedy and I made a mistake going the extra lap, and when we got out, both Tim and Dan were in front (I was sure one was on a 3 stop strategy, but wasn't sure who. - Even though Tim may have been going for 1, as it was obvious when I passed him that his tires were going / gone).

After we got by Tim (on worn tires / 3 stop strategy) the chase was on.
After a few laps of gaining a 1/2 second or so per lap, I looked up at the split on the back stretch and I was even closer than I thought so I let out a Dr. Evil Laugh, settled in, prepared for battle, and forgot to brake for the chicane entirely.
Plowed right though the grass, and into the wall. Dan 1 / Dr. Evil 0. :(

Of course getting by Speedy was simple. Just be patient and when he starts going for drifting / style points, just slip on by. (Again :lol:)
Well, I had a great time racing with you guys. I hurt myself by trying too hard for a tune that saved the tires, and then missed pit entry on lap 14, leaving me in a terrible fix. I was limping back to the pits when the leaders caught me. I tried to stay out of the way, but I know at least one driver had to adjust his line because of me. I apologize for that to whoever that was. I will certainly work hard to avoid that happening again!
Still, the whole process was great fun and I thought the two group qualifying worked really well. I can see I still have a lot of work to do on my on-line racing!

Racing On!! :cheers:
Glad you made it Chuk! 👍 Hope your car is OK after the dirty NASCAR we did afterward. :lol: My hood was popping up occasionally, and I swear I saw somebody's trunk flapping open...didn't know these things had working trunks. :lol:
Well, I had a great time racing with you guys. I hurt myself by trying too hard for a tune that saved the tires, and then missed pit entry on lap 14, leaving me in a terrible fix. I was limping back to the pits when the leaders caught me. I tried to stay out of the way, but I know at least one driver had to adjust his line because of me. I apologize for that to whoever that was. I will certainly work hard to avoid that happening again!
Still, the whole process was great fun and I thought the two group qualifying worked really well. I can see I still have a lot of work to do on my on-line racing!

Racing On!! :cheers:

It was really great to race with you. Hope you can make more of our events and from the stories I've heard if you decide you are going to prepare for the race the rest of us are in big trouble.

We should have little "3d3 Stewards" vs "LAN Racing Team SMART" duel race at some point. You guys name the venue and we'll come and kick some tail. :lol: :lol: Just kidding of course but can't hurt to try and rile you guys up so you agree to the challenge.

And sorry for those 5 or 6 bumps I gave you, that's something we really want to avoid in these races.

That's right... our motto here is "avoid contact at all costs". It's in the OLR which governs this series.

Section 5A: Contacts and collisions must be avoided at all costs

Incidents happen of course and we all make mistakes, but we can all choose how much risk we take with any given move (pass or block).

Also I think there are different levels of acceptable risk depending on the stage of the race. Blocking or actively holding up faster cars early in the race is most likely going to lead to some contact when patience wears thin. Over aggressive passes early entail taking risks that are probably not worth it given there is a lot of racing left to do. IMO, if you are run down easily from behind in the early part of the race you are probably better off giving up the position (at a spot on the track where it doesn't cost you much time) and then using the faster driver to pull you for a few laps. Not only is it courteous, but it can actually help your result. If you are really slower what are the odds you are going to hold someone up for 20-30 laps under pressure? Nil! They are either going to wreck trying to get by or you are going to wreck trying to hold them up... or both.
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Company holiday party took up all my time and sobriety this afternoon. Hope to have the event post up later this evening.
Maybe this will sober you up...

Here's a short video called "ImPASSible" showing the short but sweet battle that I had with Gravitron and Gooners leading up to the last lap of the NA NASCAR race last night. Time was running out and nobody wanted to give in, but somehow we made absolutely no contact going into turn 1 (that I can detect). How???

Warning: Video depicts professional drivers on a closed course. Don't even think about trying this at home in your jalopy.
Hey guys. :)

Old speeds were 1.0mbps, 0.4 mbps.

So what's next weeks combo, R32 at Madrid? (crosses fingers)
Maybe this will sober you up...

Here's a short video called "ImPASSible" showing the short but sweet battle that I had with Gravitron and Gooners leading up to the last lap of the NA NASCAR race last night. Time was running out and nobody wanted to give in, but somehow we made absolutely no contact going into turn 1 (that I can detect). How???

You took 3 different lines though the corner, all the while maintaining about 2 inches clearance on all sides with almost no tires left on the rims after 50+ minutes of driving.
What's so hard to get?

Hey guys. :)

Old speeds were 1.0mbps, 0.4 mbps.

So what's next weeks combo, R32 at Madrid? (crosses fingers)

Very nice 👍
And yes, Madrid is next...Details to follow soon :)
Hey guys. :)

Old speeds were 1.0mbps, 0.4 mbps.

So what's next weeks combo, R32 at Madrid? (crosses fingers)

Actually faster than mine as far as bandwidth, but the ping is a bit slower (could be the server you picked is farther away from you than mine ~100 mi vs < 50 mi):


A ping test determines whether your computer can communicate with another computer over the network. Then, if network communication is established, ping tests also determine the connection latency (technical term for delay) between the two computers.

The results of a ping test vary depending on the quality of the Internet / network connection. A good broadband Internet connection (wired or wireless) typically results in ping test latency of less than 100 ms, often less than 30 ms. A satellite Internet connection normally suffers from latency above 500 ms. A LAN ping test often results in ping test latency of less than 1 ms.

The ping test will be lower if the target server is less "hops" away from your computer... so you should pick the test to run on a server as close to you as possible. But while gaming the latency the game will have to deal with includes hops all the way to Europe and beyond.
I've been getting mids 40's consistently, which is lower then before too, I'd forgotten to mention. This is actually the least ping I've ever tested, very happy with the improvement. Currently driving with an Aussie lag free. :) Like, completely lag free, not the normal occasional sketchy or anything.
I've been getting mids 40's consistently, which is lower then before too, I'd forgotten to mention. This is actually the least ping I've ever tested, very happy with the improvement. Currently driving with an Aussie lag free. :) Like, completely lag free, not the normal occasional sketchy or anything.

I just hope it doesn't maker you any faster... that won't be fair. :sly:
If someone sends me the instructions, I'd like to try a ping test. With all the weather events lately, the past few months have been a real 🤬!
I wanted to run WRS today, but a storm last night took out a tree and power for all of the day. :ill:
Now that I think of it, this all started when Kevin wanted to fly in for a week-end of LAN. Irene hit that very day, and the weather has been absolutely screwed ever since!! :odd:

Either Mother Nature has something against Kevin, or else they have teamed up against the East Coast of the U.S.A.!!! :scared:

Racing On!!

Awesome editing of the replay. Truly awesome! :cheers:
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If someone sends me the instructions, I'd like to try a ping test. !!

Just go to speedtest.net from your pc and click around. Once the test is done you can generate an image and get a link to that image to post here.
Sprints time! Also, let us know the color of your car.




An Online Race based on a GTP_WRS Offline Event
Disclaimer: This is *NOT* an official GTPlanet or WRS sanctioned event and members are not obligated to take part.

December 14, 2011

European Time Slot
3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM GMT

North American Time Slot
10:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 AM GMT

Eligibility for this 3D3 event will include GTP_Registered members plus referred drivers. A registry member can make a referral for this event by simply including other drivers PSN IDs with their own registration request in this thread. To guarantee eligibility for all 3D3 events run the GTP_Registry qualifier and join the registry now!

  1. Reply to this thread and include in the text of the message your GTP_ PSN ID and your preferred timeslot. To sign up (refer) a driver not on the GTP_Registry, a registered driver should include the PSN ID of the non registered driver(s) in their post.
  2. Send a PSN friend request to GTP_3D3Racing with subject line "3D3 Racing" if you haven't already done so. Any referred driver(s) will also need to submit a friend request.
There is a 16 car/driver limit for this event and slots are awarded on the grid using a first come first serve basis. Reference the registered drivers list below for availability. This is a stand alone race and points are not tallied for a series. Future races hosted by 3D3 racing may have different driver limits and will require re-registration using the same first come first serve basis and participation in future events is optional.

If for some reason, after you register for the event, you are unable to attend the race please send a PM to one of the 3D3 racing stewards or post in the thread so we can update the registration list and make the spot available to another driver.

Lounge Settings

  • Race Quality: High
  • Voice Chat Quality: Low

Course & Car Settings

  • Track: Madrid & Madrid Reverse Sprints
  • Car: Volkswagen Golf IV R32 '03 (standard, in Online Car Dealer)
  • Tires: Sport Hards (S1)
  • In Event Tuning Settings: Allowed
  • Example tunes:

Event Settings

  • Game Mode: Normal Race
  • Laps: 25 on Madrid Reverse followed by 10 on Madrid Forward
  • Start Type: Grid Start
  • Grid Order: Fastest first based on Online Single Stint Quali for Madrid Reverse, and then Reverse Grid Order for Madrid Forward.
  • Points System:
    • 1st race, 1st place gets 2 X number_of_racers points, 2nd place gets 2 X (number_of_racers - 1) points, etc
    • 2nd race, 1st place gets number_of_racers points, 2nd place gets (number_of_racers - 1) points, etc
  • Boost: No
  • Slipstream strength: Weak
  • Penalty: None
  • Automatic Race Start Cycle: Disabled
  • Race Finish Delay: Set to the Max 180 Seconds
  • Grip Reduction: Low
  • Mechanical Damage: Light
  • Tire Wear / Fuel Consumption: On
  • Pit Stops: Allowed and as often as you need to but not required. When exiting the pit lane, remember to stay within pit lane exit boundaries and yield to approaching drivers. If you choose to go without a pitstop (or with fewer) be prepared for the significant speed difference of approaching drivers (see passing/blocking below).

Regulation Settings

  • Car Restriction: See above
  • Performance Points: NA
  • Power: 246HP, use power limiter
  • Weight: 1216kg (full weight reduction)
  • Tire Restrictions: Sport Hards (S1)
  • Skid Recovery Force Aid: Off
  • TCS | Driving Line | ASM |: Optional

Standard Clean OLR Rules Apply:

  • Unless otherwise specified, all rules from the original WRS event apply.
  • All Hard Surfaces are considered Track Surface. This includes tarmac, red and white rumbles, and concrete. You are expected to drive clean at all times as if you are racing in the WRS. All participants are required to follow the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines.
  • 3D3 Race Stewards (who are taking part in race, but will review the replay) reserve the right to boot or invalidate the result of any driver from the Race Room for driving offensively. If you ignore any warnings from the stewards and are booted from the race room, you will not be allowed to participate in future 3D3 events.
  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track
  • Limit your contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Passing and Blocking: Aggressive blocking is not permitted, but the driver in front has the right to choose his/her line and braking point and drivers behind should respect that line. Be especially careful when you are on older tires than the competition as the speed difference may be significant. These events are "for fun" so just play nice and take a conservative rather than an aggressive approach when possible.

Good Luck,

EU Race Slot (3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM GMT)

  1. nl.gif
    GTP_w-g-e .......
    Wes ........Le Mans Blue
  2. us.gif
    GTP_CSL .........
    Dominic ....Gold
  3. be.gif
    GTP_Speedy6543 ..
    Christophe .Grasmere Blue
  4. de.gif
    GTP_Diomiro .....
    Timo .......Sedonared Metallic
  5. us.gif
    GTP_Chuk ........
    Chuk .......Brightgreen Perleffekt
  6. ca.gif
    GTP_AspecBob ....
    Daniel .....Oxfordgrün metallic
  7. nl.gif
    GTP_Don .........
  8. us.gif
    GTP_RaceRyder ...
    Dale .......GT Fluorescent Yellow
NA Race Slot (10:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 AM GMT)

  1. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro .......
    Marc .......Gran Turismo White
  2. us.gif
    GTP_EDK .........
    Kevin ......Plum Crazy
  3. us.gif
    GTP_Gravitron ...
    Lucas ......Volcano
  4. us.gif
    GTP_Chuk ........
    Chuk .......Brightgreen Perleffekt
  5. ca.gif
    GTP_NishRacer ...
    Steve ......Hibiscus Red Pearl
  6. ca.gif
    GTP_AspecBob ....
    Daniel .....Oxfordgrün metallic
  7. ca.gif
    GTP_Allibubba99 .
    Al .........Premium Passionate Orange



In lieu of our first 3-way tie, the final times of all 3 drivers are included in the EU results.
The times do not break the Tie which was based on points.



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What a battle!! And that for going into the last lap. :crazy:
Nice video Tim. 👍


The up- and download are not so important for online gaming.
It's the ping that counts (the lower the better). That's your response to and from the server.
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Maybe this will sober you up...

Here's a short video called "ImPASSible" showing the short but sweet battle that I had with Gravitron and Gooners leading up to the last lap of the NA NASCAR race last night. Time was running out and nobody wanted to give in, but somehow we made absolutely no contact going into turn 1 (that I can detect). How???

Warning: Video depicts professional drivers on a closed course. Don't even think about trying this at home in your jalopy.
Quoted for awesomeness.
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