Adjustable Camera Views (Position, FOV)

  • Thread starter DonZonda
xXGalm OneXx
Everyone has their own preferences on camera views and FOV. Many cameras are placed in a uncomfortable way. Is there any possibility that we get a adjustment Option to set our own camera views? Position as well as FOV. Especially the chase cam, many people are unhappy with it. It's too far away from the car and the FOV is extremely narrow that there is no sense of speed.
Furthermore the camera should be rotateable around the car to see it in a 360 degree.

Small tweaks with huge impact for the game experience!
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Yep also in the gameplay when you look left and right in chasecam it should Show the car and not invisible.
Whats odd though in the replay on the roofcam you can also see the rear of the car. Gameplay should Feature it aswell.

Adjustable would solve it all!
In GT5 there was a way to use the multi-screen feature to change your FOV even when using a single screen. I haven't tried this yet for GT6, but now that we have multi-screen, there may be a workaround that works. Has anyone tried this?
I'm just posting to keep this one alive. With all those options they should also give us a consistent hood view for all cars and a closer to the car chase view like the one in Forza.
I'm just posting to keep this one alive. With all those options they should also give us a consistent hood view for all cars and a closer to the car chase view like the one in Forza.

Nice we Need it alive

I agree with you, actually those things would already be done if we can Chose our own views.
It's strange some cars have Hood views some do have Roof views, some are far away some are Close. I don't understand this wild selection of positions. Another strange Thing is that some cars have a extremely wide FOV on the Roof views while the other views are narrow....
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous, maybe it's something that they would have to check car by car to fix it so at this point, letting us do it would be the best way.

Yeah maybe they just applied somekind of code to the views and set them automatically... I have no idea but again we Need our own freedom to set them. PC Simulators let you do that since Ages... and as we clearly see the photomode offers all the Options we would Need to set a FOV and Position for example. Parameters should be easy to apply.
It would be nice to have an adjustable Internal Car View for replays also, some of the default camera positions are just so useless.

Yes, some of those views have you staring at the driver's hand instead of the actual cockpit or the road. Imagine having stationary replay cameras that focus on a certain corner or a certain part of the car. Like the one in Forza that follows the car at a certain angle and lets you see the suspension working on a specific wheel.
This should definitely happen. I've posted this before, but here it is again:

PD can put the camera wherever they want in their dev kits, and define its behavior. It's just a bit of code. They could give us the same access to the parameters in a quickly coded interface. Say give us four basic positions to work with:
  • Bumper
  • Interior
  • Roof
  • Chase
And then give us parameters like these:
  • Placement (left/right, up/down, forward/back)
  • Aim
  • Field of view
  • Fixed to car-helmet/floating
  • Dynamics: inertia tight/loose, amount of car shake, amount of camera shake
  • Reset to defaults (because it might be easier if we break the camera)
  • Save to: This Car, All Cars
  • Delete/Restore view for: This Car, All Cars (woops, wrong place) :P
Say you want all cars to have hood cam, and ONLY hood cam. Delete Interior, Roof and Chase for all cars. Edit Bumper. Move back 75 cm. Move up 50 cm. Aim down 15 degrees. Set FOV. Fixed to car. Inertia 90%, Car Shake 20%, Camera Shake 10%. Save to All Cars.

You now have Hood Cam for all cars. If a friend comes over and wants chase cam on a car, Restore View on those cars he wants. Bingo.

This would make EVERYONE happy. PD has a lot of firsts in Gran Turismo, and as far as I know, no racing game offers something so comprehensive. Come on, Kaz, give us something like this.
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Also nobody pointed that there no 360° view, Kaz don't want us to see sides of cars or what ?

I also always truely wondered why there is no 360° views of the cars. In basicially every racing game you can spin the camera around the car with the right analog stick. If you drive a standart car in chaseview or Premium car makes no big difference, The camera is far away from the car to see all the Details and you cant even look around the car to admire the Beauty of the premiums. It wasted potential imo.
This should definitely happen. I've posted this before, but here it is again:

PD can put the camera wherever they want in their dev kits, and define its behavior. It's just a bit of code. They could give us the same access to the parameters in a quickly coded interface. Say give us four basic positions to work with:
  • Bumper
  • Interior
  • Roof
  • Chase
And then give us parameters like these:
  • Placement (left/right, up/down, forward/back)
  • Aim
  • Field of view
  • Fixed to car-helmet/floating
  • Dynamics: inertia tight/loose, amount of car shake, amount of camera shake
  • Reset to defaults (because it might be easier if we break the camera)
  • Save to: This Car, All Cars
  • Delete/Restore view for: This Car, All Cars (woops, wrong place) :P
Say you want all cars to have hood cam, and ONLY hood cam. Delete Interior, Roof and Chase for all cars. Edit Bumper. Move back 75 cm. Move up 50 cm. Aim down 15 degrees. Set FOV. Fixed to car. Inertia 90%, Car Shake 20%, Camera Shake 10%. Save to All Cars.

You now have Hood Cam for all cars. If a friend comes over and wants chase cam on a car, Restore View on those cars he wants. Bingo.

This would make EVERYONE happy. PD has a lot of firsts in Gran Turismo, and as far as I know, no racing game offers something so comprehensive. Come on, Kaz, give us something like this.

Good post! 👍 Great list of options, would love this to be in Gran Turismo.

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