AnsisK's thread.

  • Thread starter eliseracer
I was looking around and realised that I was a fairly frequent GTP viewer and still an avid designer/drawer. I also realised how miserable this section is, and how we should spruce it up a little. So here's my lame attempt.

This is AnsisK's thread.

If you ever have anything that you've been wondering about your techinque, about mine, about where to get started, or anything to do with car drawing or design, please post it here! I will do my best to help you out, as always, and I know that there are other very knowledgable members here that could always give some advice as well.
If you have some work you'd like to show, that you don't think deserves its own thread, paste it here. I always love checking out other people's work, because it really motivates me to think something up myself. I really want this Forum to accelerate, and so do you. You can help by posting something right now. Or draw something. A drawing takes at most half an hour and scanning and posting takes no more than 15. Take the time, I know you're not that busy.

I'll start off with a sketch that I just threw up, completely dedicated to GTP and this thread. I know many people like Japanese tuner cars, so here's someting that fits somewhere into that segment. Imagine this falling into the same category as the Supra once was. Done with three tools: HB pencil, eraser and smudger.

Japanese RWD:

My friend wanted to get some ideas for a Le Mans-style racer. Here's what I came up with in 10 or so minutes. Pen and ink.


Last year's Motor Trend car design competition required an interior shot of your product-design-but-also-car-design vehicle. I had chosen Oakley, and that required a funny interior. Here is the only thing I had finished for my whole presentation. The rest is in pieces somewhere. If I would've had a week longer, I'd have entered a proper entry. This is my first attempt at interiors. Pencil/sketch paper.

Oakley interior:

Here's a Mclaren F1 pencil drawing I had done when I was 15. I was just sitting aorund and was bored, took about 6 hours total. This style drawing is fun, but also requires patience, and a lot of it. Sometimes, it's not even worth it. Done on sketch paper, using a whole range of pencils (I htink you've seen this from me, though).

Mclaren F1:


... and then post.
The Mclaren and the Le mans car are awsome! the look of the japanese RWD is also very unique and the interior is well done! :D
I like the Mclaren I have some catching up to do if I am to be as good as you.
Your drawings are awesome i wish i had such a talent! Le Mans car looks amazing! and nice Japanese car design too!
Okay, we'll we've identified the problem with this forum. 55 views in how many days? That's okay though, not much any of us can do about that. Again, you can all post something of your own if you'd like, I'll try to help you out as much as I can. School's started for me and my schedule is full of holes, so I get to sit down and draw at least 3 times a week. Here's some marker work I've been doing.

Basic super-ish car. Mmm Green. Easy colour to work with, doesn't take much ink to really push through a darker tone. Note the Prismacolor "Blender" marker work on the blur effect. I had picked one of these markers up last time I was in the art store, not knowing what to do with it. Turns out I still don't, but it works good on making those noted blur effects (but seems as if it is identical to a 10% Cool Grey marker).

This one is fresh, I drew this about 12 hours ago in the student lounge. I've got a little problem with only being interested in designing sports cars. Whatev...

The keen eye will spot one Photoshop touch-up in these two shots (a big AnsisK no-no). Yeah, if you didn't know, I'm really against doing things in PS, I'd just rather learn how to do it all by hand. All I do is resize/crop/contrast (add about 10 Contrast, to counteract the really bright bulb used for the scanning, most light will never be that bright in any normal viewing area).


... and then post.
Okay today was a bad day school-wise, but drawing-wise was very notable. I drew the best damn drawing of my life. Unfortunately three things occured not in my favor. a) it's on a A4-sized paper (can't fit the big A2's in my pack), b) I forgot to sign it (and it might ruin the whole flow of the drawing) and c) the scan came out bad (I've always had good luck with scanning, not today). The scanner really picked up on the ripples (invisible to the eye) caused by the heavy layering of ink. There are other minor faults, but if I can sketch like this for the rest of my life, I'd be the happiest kid on Earth. I had done a huge A2 sized sketch in May or so. This design is based on that full render. It's sort of a "pimp" car. I'm not quite sure what class it fits into, maybe similar to that closed-top Morgan coupe from a few months ago? Similar, extremely exclusive etc etc. Here it is.

I don't believe I can do much better than that. Maybe some minor details (always improving things). I have (obviously) seen all of my own work in person, and I can safely say that they get no better than that...
Thanks. I'm looking at fixing up that front chin. I just threw that in while I was filling with the markers.

Congrats on your new thread, BTW. :D
My only problem with it is that the front end seems almost too angled-it should be curved a bit more (to fit with the shape of the back), or at least make the transition from the headlight to the top of the wheel arch a little less angled. ;)
Japanese RWD:

My friend wanted to get some ideas for a Le Mans-style racer. Here's what I came up with in 10 or so minutes. Pen and ink.


Last year's Motor Trend car design competition required an interior shot of your product-design-but-also-car-design vehicle. I had chosen Oakley, and that required a funny interior. Here is the only thing I had finished for my whole presentation. The rest is in pieces somewhere. If I would've had a week longer, I'd have entered a proper entry. This is my first attempt at interiors. Pencil/sketch paper.

Oakley interior:

Here's a Mclaren F1 pencil drawing I had done when I was 15. I was just sitting aorund and was bored, took about 6 hours total. This style drawing is fun, but also requires patience, and a lot of it. Sometimes, it's not even worth it. Done on sketch paper, using a whole range of pencils (I htink you've seen this from me, though).

Mclaren F1:


... and then post.

These are awesome, well done 👍
Well here are two more pieces. Lately I've been doing some other design work that required less ink or concentration, so the car stuff has slowed down a bit. Today I went to get new markers (I was overdue, half of mine were dry) so this week I'll be doing more drawing.

Two random cars that don't really need any explination.

Took the new markers for a spin. Here's what I got.

I was just skethcin, trying to come up with something. Nothing. So I just head back to the side view and at least get my marker skill up to par. This here is a sketch of an Audi S-wagon. Wagons are deceivingly hard to get right. The proportions are really difficult. Anyways, here's what I got. You get the idea, maybe next time I'll kick up the wheelbase and overhangs.

This is the product of not drawing, kids. Keep up the practice.

Nothing new from me 'til at least Wednesday night.
The headlights make me think Bangle invaded Audi, too. :P
I would have to agree with you on the difficulty of wagons, too. I haven't tried many, but them, along with someimtes hatcbacks, are difficult to get just right. Maybe if a few more entries trickle in it can be the next theme for the drawing comp. :)
Hah, I'll give it another go. Sometimes I'll nail it spot on in some of my sketches, but then wehn I go over to colour or render it, I can never get it a second time. Oh well. Now I'm doing some sort of muscle car thing. I'll let you guys know when I get it done.

As for another comp, I think we're fine with me and your threads. If people want to add, they can make their own or post them here (or yours), they're more than welcome. There simply isn't enough participation in the comp threads. If I can't keep the whole place lit, I'll at least try to keep my thread alive.

As for that red square on the right edge of the paper, that's Audi's S logo on the actual paper, but the scan missed it.
Here's something I did last week. It started as a box, and, well, ended as a box. I am really starting to get frustrated by the limited paper size that I have outside of my room, but I guess I have no choice but to use A4.

I guess this could be some muscle-car reincarnation if I changed the lights/proportions or something.

Here's some random stuff I've been up to lately.

Most of it hasn't been car-related art, but I drew this up the other day and thought I'd share...


Well here's what it looks like from a 3/4 view. I gave it 12 spoke wheels and didn't change much to the design. The front grille can be personally coloured along with the underside beneath the doors. This thing would also have the richest friggin' interior to go along with it. And when you order one, you get an expensive watch.



I'd like some feedback on this drawing, it seems like a love-hate type of design.
There's some mighty fine drawing going on here 👍

Wish I had just an ounce of your ability....
I love the design! Looks like a real high class proffessional car. The only thing I think is that the grill could have a lot more detail than just a giant black box. I really like the wheels though, and the head lights. You should do an interior veiw.
Once again it brings to mind the somewhat awkward proportions of the Maybach excelero.

Love the lights. That, with the body that extends out to them, is the best part of the design.
The windows seem just a tad too vertical, just tip them in at the top a little more-it'll make a more interesting cockpit, too.
My big complaint-that grille is like a black hole. It's a nice idea, but it just looks like a giant wart on the design. Everything else is very well executed.
The grille would most likely be just that, a black box, and somehow air would be able to pass between fine holes in the material. Large surfaces are desirable, that's why the hood is so long. A top view would show a fairly huge expanse of sheet-metal. Now that I incorporated such a huge grille, making it chrome with all sorts of accents would look even worse at that scale.

And when you mention the Excelero, that's a good thing. I love that design, it's real eye-candy. I was going for the Excelero and the Morgan Aeromax, both the exact kind of car this one would brush shoulders with.

If this were a VAG car (may it be Bugatti or any other of the VW Group's corporation's) then I would insist nothing shorter than the Bugatti 16/4's drivetrain borrowed for this car. If I were one of those multi-billionaire youn go-getters, I'd have this car built from the ground up with the finest materials and then shoe-horn in the Veyron's power.
I like the idea of a big grille-it works on many cars. But that grille is just way too damn huge. It looks like the car could take out a brick wall at 40 mph. I think if you scaled down the grille enough and used silver mesh to fill it in (IE what Jaguar does with their performance models) it could be very fitting on the car.
I see what you mean with the R-Performance line (and on other junky Escalade or 300C conversions), but I can't think of anything else to put in there, even If I were to make it smaller. I like the huge piece there as it is, and covering it with the chicken wire would only make it look worse. It's something that the car would be known for, that car with the big grille. It's just something to identify it by. If that whole thing were the wires, then it would look far too tacky.

I'm out of ideas with this one. I admit it's really rediculously big, but that's kind of the point. Look at my grille, it's bigger than yours, kind of thing. I had a huge grin on when I drew it, it's fun to make things out of proportion.
I understand blowing things out of proportion-the most frequent criticsm of my drawings is 'the wheels are too big!' Ell oh ell. I just think that in your drawing it looks like the kitchen sink was thrown on the front. Anyway, I did a very quick retool of the grille, ignore the rest of the car-I'm sure I got plenty of your wonderful lines messed up. And ignore the 'forgery,' I can never bring myself to draw someone else's work without credit.
I don't see any Audi at all. :confused:

Esperante, what would you think if the grille are were that same mesh, but black-chrome instead? I think it would look fairly menacing.