'Buying' Forza 3 credits - where do you stand on this?

  • Thread starter RikkiGT-R

How would they find out?

(I havn't done it yet because I don't really know how to)

They have been known to check peoples account for suspicious activity. I'm not saying for sure you will be banned but you run the risk of it happening.
Is it okay if you mod your savegame to have about 100 - 200 million credits?

Will you get banned?
Its against the rules to mod the save game, but i dont know if you can get banned though. Turn 10 has a anti cheat system, but i dont know how it works, people doing various kind of money glitches in the beginning got banned, etc. The trick was to modify a second account, then gift the cars to your main account, then it doesnt matter if your modded account get banned. As fas as i know, the chanse to get banned is bigger if you add max xp and 999 milion credits, because nobody can earn that much that quickly. But as i said its pointles to do that now, when forza 4 is out, and as far as i know you get much more money doing the races, so theres no need for moding save games and stuff.
Its against the rules to mod the save game, but i dont know if you can get banned though. Turn 10 has a anti cheat system, but i dont know how it works, people doing various kind of money glitches in the beginning got banned, etc. The trick was to modify a second account, then gift the cars to your main account, then it doesnt matter if your modded account get banned. As fas as i know, the chanse to get banned is bigger if you add max xp and 999 milion credits, because nobody can earn that much that quickly. But as i said its pointles to do that now, when forza 4 is out, and as far as i know you get much more money doing the races, so theres no need for moding save games and stuff.

I'm talking about forza 3.
They have been known to check peoples account for suspicious activity. I'm not saying for sure you will be banned but you run the risk of it happening.
Yes, if you add max credits and max xp, then you get banned. But according to different sources, as long as you add "enough" credits to the save game, then its okay. But all modding is done on a "fake" account, so it doesnt matter. I dont think you get banned for recieving a couple of 250 gtos, right? Because you could might as well get cars gifted from your friends etc, and people did that all the time in forza 3, including buying a ****** car for like 50 milions in auction house etc...

To theothererspongey
I know you talking about forza 3, read what i wrote again please. Its not worth modding a forza 3 save game, and get you accounts banned (if you have bad luck).
I new someone who gave out free 250 GTOs. He gave me 2 which I got about 37 million after selling them and currently have 10 million.

EDIT what is the name of the save file editor?
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Console Ban, I think.
Wow, really, the truth is that manny people are running with modded save games, but turn 10 anti cheat or MS anti hack, doesnt detect it, so dont spread false information. Im not for glitching, but dont buy éverything people are telling you...
If you do not cease to continue the discussion on modding Forza game saves and the consequences thereof you will be reported to the moderators.
If you do not cease to continue the discussion on modding Forza game saves and the consequences thereof you will be reported to the moderators.
Well, we dont discuss how to mod the save games in detail, we discuss whether you get banned from turn 10 or not using modded save games. Its like discuss whether you can get banned from PSN using gifting glitch and borrow glitch etc. Besides, if you want to be picky like that, why is forza 4 videos allowed from youtube, when the person showing them use modded software and NON retail game. Similar videos has been banned from forzamotorsport.net...
Well, we dont discuss how to mod the save games in detail, we discuss whether you get banned from turn 10 or not using modded save games. Its like discuss whether you can get banned from PSN using gifting glitch and borrow glitch etc. Besides, if you want to be picky like that, why is forza 4 videos allowed from youtube, when the person showing them use modded software and NON retail game. Similar videos has been banned from forzamotorsport.net...

No, you are just telling members that it is okay to mod their game saves to the point where they will not get caught. This is against the AUP. Continue to argue and I will be clicking on "report" instead of "reply."
No, you are just telling members that it is okay to mod their game saves to the point where they will not get caught. This is against the AUP. Continue to argue and I will be clicking on "report" instead of "reply."
Well, i have the right to explain, i never said it was "okay", i just told them how turn 10 anti cheat works regarding save games, that can hardly be any violation? Everyone that has been into forza knows you get banned for suddernly having max xp and credits....whats the problem? If you are going to repport me, you can might as well repport this thread as a whole, since buying credits is also against turn 10 rules, and requires illegal modding. You also didnt answer me why there are videos from youtube here on gtp forums, videos thats banned on forzamotorsport.net. Second, isnt it against the AUP to request information that requires save game modding? Because thats what this thread is all about.

If you refer to this "But according to different sources, as long as you add "enough" credits to the save game, then its okay". I dont mean that I thinks its okay, i meant, that according to different sources, you are not likely get be banned. Note "according to different sources", not "according to me", big differance dude. Continue to argue i repport you as well for spreading false information about what i have written.
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To answer the OP in regards to where I personally stand in regards to buying in game credits , my answer is that it's lame.

Games are for playing to enjoy , not buying electronic credits . People should earn their fortune , not actually buy it in real life with real cash . That's just retarded , and shows that the player is lazy & rubbish at the game to begin with.

My 2 cents. :sly:
Some people just don't have the time. Hell, I know people that spend a majority of what little free time they have on Forza and were finally able to get a 250 GTO after almost 6 months.

Cheating the game is fine, as long as you keep those credits to yourself. It's when people bring those credits to the auction house that it becomes a problem.

It might seem more satisfying to me or you to earn those cars for ourselves, but some people just want to play their game their way, and saying that's "retarded" is just immature.
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Well spoken above. Second, people that auction cars for a retard amount of money, they cant be for real any way. I would never pay max credits for a honda civic.
It might seem more satisfying to me or you to earn those cars for ourselves, but some people just want to play their game their way, and saying that's "retarded" is just immature.
Well , don't game then , find another hobby.It is retarded , lame & pathetic . Wouldn't expect anything less from a person who defends it.

I'm 31 years old , I hardly doubt my opinionate is an immature angle to see it from . If you want a more eloquent version of my reply to the OP , I would say the following -
" Some gamers of today just want everything handed to them . I would speculate that this problematic issue stems from bad parenting and an idealistic society which inherently encourages less gifted individuals to seek the fulfilment of their needs in an ever decreasing systematic timeframe structure. Usually to the distaste of the more " Intellectually Gifted ".

My opinion is my opinion . Your sanctimonious reply speaks volumes for you.
I meant mentally mature.

I wasn't saying you were immature, just that one part of your comment, but now I'm not so sure of that.

If by "eloquent" you mean "convoluted and grammatically appalling", you did an excellent job.

So when you pay for something in a game with real money it's actually everything being handed to you? As opposed to sitting on your ass playing the game? I see.

How is paying for something with money you earned in the real world any different from paying for it with money earned in the game? Other than having to actually work for the money earned in the real world, while being able to earn money in the game with relative ease.

My opinion is one that stems from a person who realizes this is a game designed for fun. People do different things for fun. Some like to build up their credits on their own because they have more free time, and some spend their time working, and these people sometimes like to use money they've earned through their work to pay for things in the game.
And even if the person does want something right away, who gives a damn? It's a game designed for fun.

And do you even know what sanctimonious means, or do you just like to throw big words around so you feel clever?


Games are for playing to enjoy
^^ This from a guy who highlights his text in red to try to make himself look important. :lol:

You obviously just decided to come and comment on this thread to make yourself look " Intelligent " . My original post was answering the OP , you are not the OP so realistically you should ask yourself the following -

1. Did I , ( As in you ) come here to troll & pick apart everyone elses posts.
2. Did I , ( I think you might be getting it now ) come here to comment on the topic from the OP.

If the answer is 1. then you are on the wrong website . If the answer is 2. then you're doing an extremely bad job of it.

Remember , everybody is entitled to their own opinion . Just because it's not yours it doesn't mean to say that it's wrong. 👍
There are many "special" people commenting on this thread, unless you contribute to this subject, dont comment! If you trying to be smart with your demographic society bla bla bla wannabe mature talk, we dont give a rats ass.
If you know what you are doing in the Auction House, it doesnt take long to make money. Especially if you watch prize cars. I have 100 million all legit and its almost all from the AH. Buy low sell high just like in real life.

But I think its rediculous this person charging real life money to give credits especially since he cheated to get the credits. Basically getting paid to cheat. 👎
No, you are just telling members that it is okay to mod their game saves to the point where they will not get caught. This is against the AUP. Continue to argue and I will be clicking on "report" instead of "reply."

Sorry bud, but I'm staring at the AUP right now and I fail to see how discussing the modding of one's own personal game saves violates it in any way whatsoever.

English? Check.
No textspeak? Check.
Not abusive/hateful? Check.
Not false/misleading? Check.
Not obscene/sexual? Check.
Not profane? Check.
Not advertising? Check.
Not another's private info? Check.
Not an illegal activity? Check. It could get him banned from Xbox Live, but it isn't illegal.
Not impersonating somebody? Check.
Not piracy? Check.
Not mucking around with GTPlanet's internals? Check.
^^ This from a guy who highlights his text in red to try to make himself look important. :lol:

You obviously just decided to come and comment on this thread to make yourself look " Intelligent " . My original post was answering the OP , you are not the OP so realistically you should ask yourself the following -

1. Did I , ( As in you ) come here to troll & pick apart everyone elses posts.
2. Did I , ( I think you might be getting it now ) come here to comment on the topic from the OP.

If the answer is 1. then you are on the wrong website . If the answer is 2. then you're doing an extremely bad job of it.

Remember , everybody is entitled to their own opinion . Just because it's not yours it doesn't mean to say that it's wrong. 👍

I came in here and made a comment relevant to the OP. But then backed it up when it was challenged, as opposed to your choice of personal insults and throwing big words you don't know the meaning of.

I didn't come here to make myself look intelligent, but looking at our comments next to each other I can see why you would think that.

You've implied yourself to be "intellectually superior" despite having the grammar skills of a 9 year old and little understanding of the words you use, and you've belittled everyone who disagrees with you with words like "retarded" and "pathetic".

Who's commenting on everyone's posts? I said one thing about your post, and it wasn't even directed at you as a person, but your word choice in that one instance. But then you went and got on your high horse about how anyone who doesn't play the game your way is a pathetic retard who is a product of a broken society.

If you looked up sanctimonious you'd realize it fits your comments nicely.

And I never said your opinion was wrong, I gave my opinion of your opinion. Where did I imply that your opinion was wrong?

And the Red text? That's for one thing:

And congrats on being the first person to hit my ignore list.

But I think its rediculous this person charging real life money to give credits especially since he cheated to get the credits. Basically getting paid to cheat. 👎

This I agree with. I'm fine with people spending their money on in-game stuff, as long as they keep that stuff to themselves. But it just annoys me that there's someone out there making money by sitting on their ass giving away credits that some people will use to destroy the auction house.