Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

  • Thread starter Famine
I watch theXclusiveAce. He likes to use overkill though I don’t think is a good idea.
Between the two of them you'll get all the info you need. I'd also rather have ghost than overkill. I like the JOKR for fun but it's less practical. By the time I get a loadout I may already have a good sniper so I'll take my normal Aug loadout and swap out the pistol for sniper.
Im going try and level up the FAL today. I keep picking up a green one in random crates and it’s a beast.
I feel like a crackhead with my sensitivity at 11/11 now lol.

I was using Overkill but like mentioned it's just not that necessary. By the time you get to your first loadout box you're likely to have already found two primaries to use so I switched back to Ghost.

I haven't played in two months before the release of Warzone so I was doing terrible when I first jumped back on. Finally adjusted and have 3 wins in 60 games and my KD is raising from what I tanked from when I first started. :lol: My go to right now is the Scar - because it's literally all over the place I hadn't realized how much I leveled it up. Stock its terrible but with a bigger clip and some attachment its pretty great at both long/medium range as well as close range. The MP7 is my usually my second choice.

Still having audio issues though with footsteps right?
On Xbox, I'm getting audio issues but its not footsteps, it's literally the whole game cutting out completely. Although, I noticed it being more pronounced once I downloaded Dolby Atmos.

Im going try and level up the FAL today. I keep picking up a green one in random crates and it’s a beast.
I know what one you're talking about, but I always let my friend take it cus hes fond of the FAL in general. I really like it in multiplayer but wasn't too fond of it in Warzone. I only used it twice though, so maybe I'll give it another chance.
@ImaRobot I just turned mine up to 9/9. The higher it is the better off you’ll be.
I've noticed that actually. I was thinking of bumping it up little by little but I think 11 is a good spot for me right now at least. Do you happen to use any joystick extenders? I have some pretty high Kontrol Freaks, probably their tallest ones, and I think they're godsend for games like this. Really allows for some finer and more accurate control on the sticks, which in turn allows you to use higher sensitivity settings.
I've noticed that actually. I was thinking of bumping it up little by little but I think 11 is a good spot for me right now at least. Do you happen to use any joystick extenders? I have some pretty high Kontrol Freaks, probably their tallest ones, and I think they're godsend for games like this. Really allows for some finer and more accurate control on the sticks, which in turn allows you to use higher sensitivity settings.

I tried them with an Xbox controller before but I’m on the fence with those.
I tried them with an Xbox controller before but I’m on the fence with those.
It definitely takes adjusting too since our muscle memory has revolved around smaller sticks for basically... ever lol. If my friends are over and we're taking turns on something they never want to use the pad I'm using, or they just remove the sticks all together. Similarly, I'm handicapped if I remove them now and have a hard time playing with normal length sticks since I've been using them religiously since like MW2 back on the 360.
There is a lot of hate around it atm, but I really like 4 man squads in BR. However there should definitely be separate match making for solo, duos, trios and quads instead of just solo and quad. it would shut a lot of people up.

Another thing they should do is keep squads together after a game so you are not constantly match making with different players. Pretty sure Pubg did this.

Still don’t understand why people play a game like this with no mic. Or choose a party over game chat.
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There is a lot of hate around it atm, but I really like 4 man squads in BR. However there should definitely be separate match making for solo, duos, trios and quads instead of just solo and quad. it would shut a lot of people up.

Another thing they should do is keep squads together after a game so you are not constantly match making with different players. Pretty sure Pubg did this.

Still don’t understand why people play a game like this with no mic. Or choose a party over game chat.
I feel like they should raise the teammate buy in a bit too. With 4 people its a bit too easy to get the cash to do it and I feel it shouldn't be that way. I haven't really ran into an issue yet, though.

As for those with no mic, I do somewhat agree, but I have encountered some that have been extremely coordinated with marking and team work even if we haven't said a word to each other. Some even being better than those that are actually talking.

EDIT: I use party chat whether I have one friend on or a full team of friends. Reason being is that the stupid game chat on Xbox seems to mess up more often than not. There's usually always someone who I can't hear, yet everyone else can, and vice versa.
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Another thing I’d like to see is the guns removed from the gulag. Rocks and fists only, that would make it more entertaining for me.
Someone showed me a nice little trick to get any attachments you want on a gun even it's not leveled up high enough. You need to own the full game and the gun has to be at least level 9.

Here it is step by step..

1. Go to multiplayer

2. Go to the Play tab, and go down to the very bottom of the list and click on Private Match, Trials & Gamebattles

3. After clicking on this, you are shown a list of 4 options. Click on Gamebattles at the bottom.

4. From here to go Weapons then Edit loadouts.

5. Select what ever gun you want to customize, then put the attachments on it.

6. Now select Save a Custom Mod, this is L2 on PS4. Name it to whatever you want and save. It will save as a blueprint

7. Go back to Warzone or MP, and edit your load out. Once you select the gun, click on the Armory tab and select the blueprint you just saved. Voila, you have a top tier weapon for WZ despite it not being leveled up very high.
Someone showed me a nice little trick to get any attachments you want on a gun even it's not leveled up high enough. You need to own the full game and the gun has to be at least level 9.

Here it is step by step..

1. Go to multiplayer

2. Go to the Play tab, and go down to the very bottom of the list and click on Private Match, Trials & Gamebattles

3. After clicking on this, you are shown a list of 4 options. Click on Gamebattles at the bottom.

4. From here to go Weapons then Edit loadouts.

5. Select what ever gun you want to customize, then put the attachments on it.

6. Now select Save a Custom Mod, this is L2 on PS4. Name it to whatever you want and save. It will save as a blueprint

7. Go back to Warzone or MP, and edit your load out. Once you select the gun, click on the Armory tab and select the blueprint you just saved. Voila, you have a top tier weapon for WZ despite it not being leveled up very high.
I refuse to do cheats like this. It's not right.
I have no problem using this exploit since I am fed up with leveling up guns to unlock attachments for a millionth time in an FPS. Maybe this was even intended to get people to buy the full game, because they don't seem to care that you can do this.
They'll care when enough people mention it and it's gone after another patch. I'm just happy I don't play on PC where all the hackers and aimbots are. That is insane. I get how you feel. I chose a select few guns, mainly just AUG and HDR and worked on those. Just a few hours for a few days in Domination got me to a good level
I do cross play and I get the odd suspicious death here and there but I think that mostly comes down to how **** the servers are. For me the number one problem with this game right now is the tick rate. It's 12 which is brutal for an FPS game. No competitive player will take a game like this seriously when the servers are that slow to send and receive information. It makes me not even want to play and I'm a filthy casual.
I honestly don't even touch the game right now. I don't want to run quads because it's just more randoms trying to get the same loot. We'll be hopeless. Solos is a snooze fest. I'll wait until normal trios comes back and play that casually, but my main game is Apex Legends. It has its own problems but ping doesn't seem to be so bad compared to that
I honestly don't even touch the game right now. I don't want to run quads because it's just more randoms trying to get the same loot. We'll be hopeless. Solos is a snooze fest. I'll wait until normal trios comes back and play that casually, but my main game is Apex Legends. It has its own
problems but ping doesn't seem to be so bad compared to that

I tried solos a few times and I’m not much of fan either. You can’t really screw around. You have to be very methodical and not move around too much to win, unless you’re a hacker or mlg pro. I have only won once in solo and I had to be sneaky af to do it.

I do enjoy 4 man squads though because it feels more like Pubg. Plus my friends and I have lots of laughs. We basically screw around until the final circles. I just love how creative you can get when it comes to killing enemies. It’s especially entertaining when you hear their reaction on the mic.
I tried solos a few times and I’m not much of fan either. You can’t really screw around. You have to be very methodical and not move around too much to win, unless you’re a hacker or mlg pro. I have only won once in solo and I had to be sneaky af to do it.

I do enjoy 4 man squads though because it feels more like Pubg. Plus my friends and I have lots of laughs. We basically screw around until the final circles. I just love how creative you can get when it comes to killing enemies. It’s especially entertaining when you hear their reaction on the mic.
Same here. Then it gets out of hand in the late hours of the night when everyones already heavily buzzed :lol: I thoroughly enjoy the quads mode really. Trios was too small as we usually would have about 4 people on at a time, so this really helps out.

I do like the occasional solo's game, and have gotten close plenty of times but so far have only won. You're right though, you have to play it pretty tight but it is def a good change of pace from time to time.

What are your guys' most used weapons on Warzone? My favorite right now is a Grau with no stock and set up everything else for range with a 50 round mag, and just iron sights. I also have a RAM7 set up similarly but its not as stable as the Grau. I have a maxed out Uzi that I'm thinking about bringing into Warzone after experiencing the stock one you pick up being fairly competent. Uzi happens to be my favorite in the game by a long shot but I never thought it would have been a viable option.
My first loadout drop lately has been the M13, with an rpg as the secondary. That gun is a laser.

I always use an HDR as my secondary if I can get to a 2nd loadout drop. But I’m starting to like the Kar98 better because you can be much quicker with it.

I always run double time, ghost and amped. Along with heartbeat sensor and molotov.
My first loadout drop lately has been the M13, with an rpg as the secondary. That gun is a laser.

I always use an HDR as my secondary if I can get to a 2nd loadout drop. But I’m starting to like the Kar98 better because you can be much quicker with it.

I always run double time, ghost and amped. Along with heartbeat sensor and molotov.
Mine is an all rounder M4 or PKM, and either an HDR maxed out for range or a PILA, with a heartbeat and C4. Its a nice all-round class. Is the Kar any good for long range?
The green and blue P90 and PKM are my favorite pick up weapons at the start of the game. That green AK with the suppressor is pretty strong too.

These are my go to setups for the loadout drops. The P90 is really good for cqc, the Grau is a beast at medium range, and the AX50 is good if you want to play as the aggressive sniper.

mono suppressor
force tac retribution
stippled grip tape on underbarrel and rear grip
fly strap

mono suppressor
archangel barrel
tac laser
commando foregrip
60 round mags

mono suppressor
singaurd arms pro
tac laser
singaurd arms assassin
stippled grip tape

The rest is always the same.

RPG (it always get swapped for another pick up weapon or second loadout)

Cold blooded

Heartbeat sensor

Kreuger with the phantom skin is my favorite operator because he’s the hardest one to see to me. Otter with the Woodland skin is pretty good too.

The most popular ones like Mara, Ghost and Nikto are really easy to see, even when they’re in buildings.
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Massive disaster of a game.

Played warzone and you struggle to find anyone. Ground war is garbage.

Plus makes the ps4 pro fans run full blast and then there is that it take up 260gb on the hardrive.

Kind of killed my waining interest in the franchise now.
All the typical forum complains I see everywhere. I guess it's not for you, but that doesn't mean it's a "massive disaster of a game". Go have fun playing something else. No harm in that.