Circuit de la Sarthe featured in Hot Version Vol. 94 *screenshots available*

  • Thread starter seizure_
Driving Sarthe in GT4, going down the back straight, with the force feedback causing the wheel to shake violently, while knowing that a low speed corner is coming up any second now, caused my first sweaty palmed, "I'm gonna die", speed freakout moment in any racing game.

I'd call that a "speed feeling." ;)

Oh Yeah + 1 👍 Plus at the ring near sweden curve you suddenly get the feeling that i`m going too fast here and i`m gunna die or screaming down the back at high speed through the fast snaking section before the karrousell,you suddenly here a voice in the back of your mind that say`s "ok thats fast enough in here son" and cause`s you to lift off :scared:
Wow you guys. The pictures of the LMP1 Dome is not GT5. Neither is the LeSarthe track in the video. Its GT4. The layout, and movement of the front bumper camera is GT4. It may be GT:HD, but its defiantly GT:HD Classic (GT4 at 1080p) and not GT:HD Premium.
The La Sarthe screens are definitely not GT4 as they have GT5 Prologue instruments.
No it doesnt have GT5 Prologue instruments.
It has the clutch thing while shifting, but its not the Prologue HUD.
No it doesnt have GT5 Prologue instruments.
It has the clutch thing while shifting, but its not the Prologue HUD.


Looks the same to me. The G metre in GT4 was in a different position, and the oil warning light etc is in the box on the right as oppsed to GT4's under-and-slightly-to-the-side-of the instruments. The dot on the track was smaller in GT4 too.
Picture skipped.

Looks the same to me. The G metre in GT4 was in a different position, and the oil warning light etc is in the box on the right as oppsed to GT4's under-and-slightly-to-the-side-of the instruments. The dot on the track was smaller in GT4 too.

The HUD is definitely from GT5 Prologue. That's the point I totally agree with you. ;)
But the thing I concern is that, is the track really rendering at GT5 standard (with FULL HD resolution)? or is it only an HD version from the one in GT4? :dunce:
I am going to put GT4 on later and compare the images. You can see it is the corner after the long straight, so will compare trees and advertising boards to see if it is GT4 track that has been run in GT5P, mode. There are enough images aswell to compare at the start of this thread aswell. The instruments deffinately indicate that they are from GT5.
Looks the same to me. The G metre in GT4 was in a different position, and the oil warning light etc is in the box on the right as oppsed to GT4's under-and-slightly-to-the-side-of the instruments. The dot on the track was smaller in GT4 too.
Thanks for digging that up, daan. I just added the comparison to the front page article.
Very interesting indeed!

Surely the car driven on that youtube video is the Dome S102! Not sure if we're debating this but I have proof of sorts...

Judging by the footage, it looks to redline at about 7k or 8k rpm, has six gears and got up to 342Km/h (see 0:06). At the end it says Dome S102 and the guys in the video (see 0:43) look like T. Kataoka and D. Ito, two of the Dome Racing Team drivers. Best lap in game - 3'27.117 (see 4:02).

Having just looked up the specs, the real car apparantly has 640 bhp / 477 KW @ 7000 rpm, a 6-speed sequential gearbox and a top speed of around 345km/h (214mph) and a qualifying lap time at Le Mans 24hr 2008 of 3'26.92 which ties in closely with the in-game footage!

It has to be! As for the screenshots, well, they look too good (detailed) to be in-game GT5 (but I'd love to be wrong!).

As for whether the track is finished or not, who knows, but it looked great in motion... better than GT4 to me.

sources: (see top half of page 4)
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Great digging Obli 👍

I assumed it was an LMP already programmed which was the closest they could find to the Dome but the figures seem so close it could verywell be the dome itself. If so its a testament to the games physics.
The graphics still just look like GT4, only in higher definition.. The lighting for example is exactly the same as in GT4. 👎
I have done a comparison of GT4 against these pics, and they are different. The track appears to of been remodeled like Suzuka has. Everything seems stretched out on the GT5 version. the rumble strips are shoter on GT4, Red tarmac is positioned differently, the trees are different aswell in parts.

I will take some photos tommorow to show where the differences are.
This is actualy the same Le Mans version of GT I played last year during the 24Hours of Le Mans. And it was the same game in 2007. It doesn’t have the same quality as GT5P. Take it more as an HD version of GT4 Le Mans track with GT5P instruments.
Can anyone tell me why I never see anyone at Polyphony using a G25?

there's actually a G25 spotted from one of the HD videos which I downloaded from PSN. it was mounted infront of the big TV that PD always show in their videos

here you go :)

G25 mounted. notice they removed the clutch pedal

G25 box spotted at background
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G25 has been used at motorshows at the Lexus GT5P stand also, not sure if this is a lexus made rig or Sony.

IIRC the GT5P playable demo at lemans 2007 (or 2008 I forget) had a G25 setup.

Main reason as said is it is not a official GT wheel, the DFGT was designed by KY and PD.
Looks the same to me. The G metre in GT4 was in a different position, and the oil warning light etc is in the box on the right as oppsed to GT4's under-and-slightly-to-the-side-of the instruments. The dot on the track was smaller in GT4 too.

Nice find. GTHD: Classic.
just been pointed out to me by a mate, check out the lap counter. is that not from GT4?

There is no lap counter on the Sarthe pictures from the first post. The lap counter in the second picture of seisure_'s post (where he's identifying evidence of G25 use at PD) differs from GT5p, but the track in that shot is Eiger. There's also some additional graphics above the lap counter, which I would guess is some debug information on their development system.
Cant beleive this has been added on the front page. And the gauge cluster doesnt signify that in the first video posted is GT5p LeSarthe. 'GT:HD Classic' GT4 @ 1080p has the exact same gauge setup.


Way to go again GTPlanet.
Cant beleive this has been added on the front page. And the gauge cluster doesnt signify that in the first video posted is GT5p LeSarthe. 'GT:HD Classic' GT4 @ 1080p has the exact same gauge setup.


Way to go again GTPlanet.

I think you should take another look Maleficz,its not the exact same setup.
Just for comparison:
GTHD Audi Special Edition @ Le Mans 2007:
The track looks the same to me, thats why i dont think its Prologue, its just some show off work in progress La Sarthe demo....