Difficult Car Spotlight - Oullim Motors Spirra

  • Thread starter XS
I've tested a couple of the other cars so far. With my limited playing time, I chose the 500pp variants as a sort of a comparison with my own setup. I just took them for 10 laps of Trial Mountain (my usual first stop testing ground), using DS3 and ABS 1. I'll leave detailed analyses to others and just give a few words on my first impressions.

First up was @DolHaus on SS.

I thought that the front end dug-in well, with no understeer; but even with Sports Soft tyres I still needed to be careful with the back end, especially applying throttle out of the corner. Initially I was a bit disappointed with the looseness at the rear, but I think I was expecting too much from the SS and being too aggressive.

Once I reverted to smooth inputs, and slow-in and fast-out I had much more joy. However, it would get upset powering through the final S-bend onto the S/F straight and I sometimes had to lift off to settle it back down. It was fine if I had perfect entry into the left and could head straight at the right-hander apex towards the pit wall, but I'm not that consistent and a slight bit of steering or correction caused it to step out over the bumps.

Then I swapped to Sports Hard tyres an ran another 10 laps. The car was certainly competent with less grip, although I found I needed to be very careful mid corner to exit. The outside rear would heat up and lose grip - I thought this might be down to the high diff settings not suiting me. Overall though a really nice tune that has reigned-in the worst of the angry Korean, while bringing out its good points.

Next, @praiano63 on SH.

Praiano has been highly successful in exploiting the ride height differential here. I didn't bother testing on the offered SM tyres, instead going straight for SH. There's not much to say about this one really - excellent in every aspect and a car built for the win. I think you could happily use it online to surprise a few people. It still has some tell-tale MR tail-wag though, so you can't be totally stupid with it.

Perhaps the biggest plus and the biggest minus of this tune is that you could be driving almost any MR car.

Trial Mountain Times
Arcade Mode, ABS 1

Woodski_427 500pp SH: 1:37.230
Dolhaus 500pp SS: 1:35.222
Dolhaus 500pp SH: 1:37.832
Praiano63 500pp SH: 1:36.958

I'm hoping to give some more tunes a run soon 👍
Thank you for your review. Your words ring true with my own opinions on the tune, its not easy to drive but its easier than it was originally. Never really got this car to work for me, I could get rid of the instability but it makes the handling feel really numb and unresponsive. I liked the way the car turned in originally and decided that had to stay so I just tried to take away a few of the homicidal tendencies.

I will try and run some of the tunes this weekend if I can find the time, look forward to seeing what others have managed.
@ DolHaus Hello Mr., been busy with a new project and some testing, decided to take a break and have fun with one of your tunes. I'll try not to compare to your other ones.

Test Track : Silverstone International

Low Speed Corner Entry:.......................................................................................8.5/10
Good, somehow it feels to good to be true.
Low Speed Corner Mid:.........................................................................................8.5/10

Good, a tad of body movement
Low Speed Corner Exit:........................................................................................8.5/10

Comment: What could be wrong?

Total: 8.5/10

Mid Speed Corner Entry:.......................................................................................8.5/10
Real smooth, ..
Mid Speed Corner Mid:.........................................................................................8.5/10
...still smooth...
Mid Speed Corner Exit:........................................................................................8.5/10
...all buttered up.
Comment: Sometimes you just have nothing to say.(Doesn't happen often though)

Total: 8.5/10

Fast Speed Corner Entry:.....................................................................................9/10

Fast Speed Corner Mid:.......................................................................................9/10

Fast Speed Corner Exit:.......................................................................................9/10
Comment: ( see general comments )

Total: 9/10

General Comments:
The handling is very good, I don’t know if it’s because of my driving style or what, it’s like putting on a new pair of jeans that fit like the old ones, I just can’t find much to say about it except, congradulations very good work done.


National.A 500PP Clubman (these races are done in A-spec mode, againts the all-mighty AI drivers)

Matterhorn Rottenboder:...................................................................................7.5/10
Matterhorn Rottenboder: Kind of a let down, it didn’t feel as good here, struggled a little on the sharp turns, in the mid and exit. Still did a decent time with those AI drivers on the road.
Circuit da Roma:................................................................................................8.5/10
Like a sunday afternoon cruise.


More dissapointed on my driving than the car, should have been a lot faster, the car handled well on the twisting down slope, wish that section was ten times longer.

Nurb.Nord. ( Joy ride ) :......................................................................Bonus Points..9
Never felt I was in trouble, you really did a good overall tuning on this one. It’s not gritty like your Stratos, but you don’t feel your missing grip even with it’s slight floating feel.

Just wanted to be picky.
Thanks for opening my eyes on a different way of fixing a problem.
Could have used a bit more in some situations (Matterhorn), but for the most of it it was very good.

Total: 92.5

Picture 6.png

As with the others I will ask you two questions, you don't have to answer, but it's always a pleasure to hear what others have to say.

Question: 1
Would you care to discuss the way you went about to choose your LSD setting? I figure it's a big part of your tuning setup.

Question: 2When doing tunings for the Miata and Lancer Seasonals, I tried at least 7 different cars for each, the best choices were on both, the newer versions where you didn't have much power to upgrade to. I had older versions on both that I boosted up which had favorable specs, but they were slower. Is it just my imagination or is it something you noticed also?

Advice: Don't where the mustache with this one, you'll look better with sun glasses.
@ DolHaus Hello Mr., been busy with a new project and some testing, decided to take a break and have fun with one of your tunes. I'll try not to compare to your other ones.

Test Track : Silverstone International

Low Speed Corner Entry:.......................................................................................8.5/10
Good, somehow it feels to good to be true.
Low Speed Corner Mid:.........................................................................................8.5/10
Good, a tad of body movement
Low Speed Corner Exit:........................................................................................8.5/10
Comment: What could be wrong?
Total: 8.5/10

Mid Speed Corner Entry:.......................................................................................8.5/10
Real smooth, ..
Mid Speed Corner Mid:.........................................................................................8.5/10
...still smooth...
Mid Speed Corner Exit:........................................................................................8.5/10
...all buttered up.
Comment: Sometimes you just have nothing to say.(Doesn't happen often though)

Total: 8.5/10

Fast Speed Corner Entry:.....................................................................................9/10

Fast Speed Corner Mid:.......................................................................................9/10

Fast Speed Corner Exit:.......................................................................................9/10
Comment: ( see general comments )

Total: 9/10

General Comments:
The handling is very good, I don’t know if it’s because of my driving style or what, it’s like putting on a new pair of jeans that fit like the old ones, I just can’t find much to say about it except, congradulations very good work done.


National.A 500PP Clubman (these races are done in A-spec mode, againts the all-mighty AI drivers)

Matterhorn Rottenboder:...................................................................................7.5/10
Matterhorn Rottenboder: Kind of a let down, it didn’t feel as good here, struggled a little on the sharp turns, in the mid and exit. Still did a decent time with those AI drivers on the road.
Circuit da Roma:................................................................................................8.5/10
Like a sunday afternoon cruise.


More dissapointed on my driving than the car, should have been a lot faster, the car handled well on the twisting down slope, wish that section was ten times longer.

Nurb.Nord. ( Joy ride ) :......................................................................Bonus Points..9
Never felt I was in trouble, you really did a good overall tuning on this one. It’s not gritty like your Stratos, but you don’t feel your missing grip even with it’s slight floating feel.

Just wanted to be picky.
Thanks for opening my eyes on a different way of fixing a problem.
Could have used a bit more in some situations (Matterhorn), but for the most of it it was very good.

Total: 92.5

View attachment 144476

As with the others I will ask you two questions, you don't have to answer, but it's always a pleasure to hear what others have to say.

Question: 1
Would you care to discuss the way you went about to choose your LSD setting? I figure it's a big part of your tuning setup.

Question: 2When doing tunings for the Miata and Lancer Seasonals, I tried at least 7 different cars for each, the best choices were on both, the newer versions where you didn't have much power to upgrade to. I had older versions on both that I boosted up which had favorable specs, but they were slower. Is it just my imagination or is it something you noticed also?

Advice: Don't where the mustache with this one, you'll look better with sun glasses.
Another excellent review, thank you for taking the time to do this, I genuinely look forward to your feedback because they're a pleasure to read. Glad you enjoyed it, I didn't really like this car as it was such hard work to get it to behave and even after I was done it still gives me a headache every time I drive it.

In answer to your questions (love this feature by the way!):

1) When ever I start a tune I always look at where the main problems lie with the car. In the case of the Stratos it was the suspension, it was too soft and floppy, made it very difficult to be precise and led to unforced errors due to the car leaning over on its door handles. Once stiffened up and made more predictable the car was a much easier prospect.
With the Spirra the suspension was fine in stock form, the spring rates matched the weight distribution and it didn't dive, squat or roll during test drives. The problems all seemed to be centred around power delivery, the rear wheels were just in psychopath mode all the time and it just made the car impossible to drive.
try to isolate and analyse the characteristics of the three variables, Initial, Accel and Decel. This can be done if you simplify their functions, Initial sets how easy the car is to rotate with neutral throttle (lift off), Accel sets how the car rotates and transfers power when under throttle, Decel sets how the rear wheels will behave when on the brakes.
To find out how they are performing I will concentrate on the process during different corners. To test the Initial you go into a corner and stay off the throttle concentrating on how the car rotates, if it over rotates or feels nervous then the Initial needs to be increased, if it feels heavy and sluggish then the Initial needs decreasing.

Same basic process with the Accel, go into a corner, line up your exit and jump on the throttle. At this kind of power level using these tyres you're not likely to be lighting up the tyres so you don't really need to run low Accel to diffuse the power delivery which opens up the full range rather than being limited to mid/low settings. The basic things i'm looking for are rotation and wheelspin, if they are present in any form then I need to isolate why because the problem can be solved by both raising and lowering the settings, its just a case of finding out which solution works better. If I use high settings and discover the torque isn't high enough to spin up the tyres then I will concentrate on the rotation because power delivery tends to be very smooth and gives great punch on exit, if the car pushes wide then I will keep decreasing the setting until it starts behaving as desired. If the car is producing more torque than the tyres can handle then I will start low and work my way up, this time trying to find the balance between ease of use and power delivery. The lower the setting the slower the car comes out of the corner because it sends power to the wheel with the least grip.

The Decel settings are the easiest to set, pick a corner that requires braking from high speed whilst trying to turn the car. If the rear breaks away from you then keep increasing the Decel until it gets stable, once its stable concentrate on how easy the car is to rotate whilst braking, if it plows straight on like a train then the decel is too high and needs reducing.

The final part is balancing, if any settings are too far away from each other then transferring between them is going to be savage and induces instability. The closer the settings the more consistent and predictable the rear wheels will be. Its not always a problem, plenty of cars can handle varied settings with no problem. The Spirra was a different kind of beast, if the settings weren't close then that little transitional difference between being on and off the throttle was enough to make the car twitch and squirm, keeping them relatively close seemed to make a real difference.

2) Can't say I've noticed that much, I rarely put that much thought into the selection of cars for seasonal events, I just choose based on what I have in my garage or by looking at the power/weight figures and picking the best fit for what I want it to do.
Some cars definitely take power tuning better than others, its important to keep an eye on the torque curves rather than just the peak figures. After tuning you might be making +10 peak torque but the peak is now at 4000 RPM whereas it was at 6000 RPM before hand. The important thing to consider is the useable RPM range and how the power curves fit within it, if during a lap you never drop below 6000 RPM then all that extra torque is wasted and you might be producing less than stock within the usable range.
Modern engines are more specialised than ever, they are intentionally designed to have different amounts of power in different parts of the range because it best fits their intended use. Road cars tend to produce good low/mid range power because most of them will never hit the redline during daily use, track cars tend to have the meat of the power higher up the range because that is where it is most needed and its unlikely to need low down grunt that proves useful when driving around town at 30mph in 5th to save fuel.

Hope those answers make some kind of sense, apologies if I waffled on a bit
Another excellent review, thank you for taking the time to do this, I genuinely look forward to your feedback because they're a pleasure to read. Glad you enjoyed it, I didn't really like this car as it was such hard work to get it to behave and even after I was done it still gives me a headache every time I drive it.

In answer to your questions (love this feature by the way!):

1) When ever I start a tune I always look at where the main problems lie with the car. In the case of the Stratos it was the suspension, it was too soft and floppy, made it very difficult to be precise and led to unforced errors due to the car leaning over on its door handles. Once stiffened up and made more predictable the car was a much easier prospect.
With the Spirra the suspension was fine in stock form, the spring rates matched the weight distribution and it didn't dive, squat or roll during test drives. The problems all seemed to be centred around power delivery, the rear wheels were just in psychopath mode all the time and it just made the car impossible to drive.
try to isolate and analyse the characteristics of the three variables, Initial, Accel and Decel. This can be done if you simplify their functions, Initial sets how easy the car is to rotate with neutral throttle (lift off), Accel sets how the car rotates and transfers power when under throttle, Decel sets how the rear wheels will behave when on the brakes.
To find out how they are performing I will concentrate on the process during different corners. To test the Initial you go into a corner and stay off the throttle concentrating on how the car rotates, if it over rotates or feels nervous then the Initial needs to be increased, if it feels heavy and sluggish then the Initial needs decreasing.

Same basic process with the Accel, go into a corner, line up your exit and jump on the throttle. At this kind of power level using these tyres you're not likely to be lighting up the tyres so you don't really need to run low Accel to diffuse the power delivery which opens up the full range rather than being limited to mid/low settings. The basic things i'm looking for are rotation and wheelspin, if they are present in any form then I need to isolate why because the problem can be solved by both raising and lowering the settings, its just a case of finding out which solution works better. If I use high settings and discover the torque isn't high enough to spin up the tyres then I will concentrate on the rotation because power delivery tends to be very smooth and gives great punch on exit, if the car pushes wide then I will keep decreasing the setting until it starts behaving as desired. If the car is producing more torque than the tyres can handle then I will start low and work my way up, this time trying to find the balance between ease of use and power delivery. The lower the setting the slower the car comes out of the corner because it sends power to the wheel with the least grip.

The Decel settings are the easiest to set, pick a corner that requires braking from high speed whilst trying to turn the car. If the rear breaks away from you then keep increasing the Decel until it gets stable, once its stable concentrate on how easy the car is to rotate whilst braking, if it plows straight on like a train then the decel is too high and needs reducing.

The final part is balancing, if any settings are too far away from each other then transferring between them is going to be savage and induces instability. The closer the settings the more consistent and predictable the rear wheels will be. Its not always a problem, plenty of cars can handle varied settings with no problem. The Spirra was a different kind of beast, if the settings weren't close then that little transitional difference between being on and off the throttle was enough to make the car twitch and squirm, keeping them relatively close seemed to make a real difference.

2) Can't say I've noticed that much, I rarely put that much thought into the selection of cars for seasonal events, I just choose based on what I have in my garage or by looking at the power/weight figures and picking the best fit for what I want it to do.
Some cars definitely take power tuning better than others, its important to keep an eye on the torque curves rather than just the peak figures. After tuning you might be making +10 peak torque but the peak is now at 4000 RPM whereas it was at 6000 RPM before hand. The important thing to consider is the useable RPM range and how the power curves fit within it, if during a lap you never drop below 6000 RPM then all that extra torque is wasted and you might be producing less than stock within the usable range.
Modern engines are more specialised than ever, they are intentionally designed to have different amounts of power in different parts of the range because it best fits their intended use. Road cars tend to produce good low/mid range power because most of them will never hit the redline during daily use, track cars tend to have the meat of the power higher up the range because that is where it is most needed and its unlikely to need low down grunt that proves useful when driving around town at 30mph in 5th to save fuel.

Hope those answers make some kind of sense, apologies if I waffled on a bit
You didn't waffle on a bit, I really appreciate that you took the time to answer with such details, you should add this to your guide it should help less knowledgeable tuners like me get better. I've still have so much to learn and I haven't yet touched the relationships between RPM/Hp/Torque, but thats going to come. Thanks a lot, I'm going to post something soon (top secret project) and I will give you a notice when, would be glad to have your point of view on that. Again, thanks and have a beautiful sunday.👍:bowdown::cheers:
You didn't waffle on a bit, I really appreciate that you took the time to answer with such details, you should add this to your guide it should help less knowledgeable tuners like me get better. I've still have so much to learn and I haven't yet touched the relationships between RPM/Hp/Torque, but thats going to come. Thanks a lot, I'm going to post something soon (top secret project) and I will give you a notice when, would be glad to have your point of view on that. Again, thanks and have a beautiful sunday.👍:bowdown::cheers:
The basic idea with power graphs is to take your car out for a lap, watch the rev counter, make a note of what range it spends most of its time.

Lets say you have an engine that redlines at 8500

1st) 0 - 8500
2nd) 4200 - 8500
3rd) 5700 - 8500
4th) 6100 - 8500
5th) 6700 - 8500
6th) 7000 - 8700

You're going to spend most of your time between 2nd and 5th so you want to look at the rev range around there, lets say 4600 - 8500. Any torque/BHP outside of this rev range is pretty much useless so when looking at your graph, ignore these areas. You want the curves to have the best possible range within this banding as this is what you will really use.
Try fitting different parts and combinations of power parts and watch how it affects the curve, try and avoid using the limiter where possible as it can do bad things. That's about it really as far as I understand things, the graphs are a little hard to read but you don't need to be hugely accurate, just estimate your desired rev range and make best guess.
Here it is @XS, the 500PP tune that I made in about 30 minutes at Tsukuba, the testing is more time consuming, but I almost didn't change anything in the end :D

OULLIM MOTORS Spirra Prototype '04 500PP

Special Build Spirra Proto at 500PP
Comfort Soft to Sports Soft

CAR : Oullim Motors Spirra Prototype '04
Tire : Comfort Soft to Sports Soft

Horsepower: 359HP at 6500 RPM
Torque : 350.1 ft-lb at 4200 RPM
Power Limiter at : 97.9%
Weight: 1205 kg
Ballast : 0 kg
Ballast Position : 0
Weight Distribution : 44 / 56
Performance Points: 500

Oil change
Improve Body Rigidity ( NOT INSTALLED IN THIS BUILD ) - OPTIONAL-only install for racing tire fitment.
Custom Rear Wing :
Wing Mount Standard Type D
Wing Large Type E
Winglets Large Type C
Height -7 and Width +16
Wheels : +2 Inch Up OZ Racing SuperFogiata in Black or GT6 Matte 006
Car Paint : GT6 Matte 006 or White or any color you like.

Tuning Parts Installed :
Semi Racing Exhaust
Isometric Exhaust Manifold
Twin Plate Clutch
Fully Customizable Dog Clutch Transmission
Adjustable LSD
Fully Customizable Suspension
Racing Brakes Kit

Suspension - Custom Coilover Damper Kit
Front, Rear

Ride Height: 110 110
Spring Rate: 12.00 9.00
Dampers (Compression): 7 2
Dampers (Extension): 8 6
Anti-Roll Bars: 5 5
Camber Angle: 0.2 0.2 ( use zero camber all around for max grip )
Toe Angle: -0.08 0.08

LSD - 2 Way LSD High Preload Low Locking Rate
Initial Torque : 30
Acceleration Sensitivity: 20
Braking Sensitivity: 30

Install all power parts
Set Default
Set Final to 3.900
Set Auto Max Speed at 220kmh / 137mph
Adjust each gear :
1st 2.972
2nd 2.235
3rd 1.764
4th 1.474
5th 1.238
6th 1.037
Set Final : 2.889 ( top speed at 280kmh, lower final for higher top speed )

REAR : 20 ( MAX )

Brake Balance:
4/3 ( personal BB) or for ABS 0 wheel : 4/3, for ABS 1 - feel free to use your preferred brake balance.
I recommend to run 5/4 for ABS1.

Recommended setting for DS3 user :

Steering sensitivity at +1 or +2, all aids off, except ABS 1 ( if not comfortable with ABS 0 ) with 4/3 brake balance as starting point.

Notes :
I used to have this car in GT5, never really drive on the limit, just cruising around online.

Then I read that this car is nasty for it's oversteer :), so I tuned it for racing or just driving as quick as possible around tracks ( track days )

I set at 500PP for this build, maintaining stock weight, and tuning using my replica building experience.

Suspension is the most crucial part of the build, with carefully chosen spring rate, damper tuning and ARB. All these three parts gives the car great handling with predictable response on the limit and easy to control when exceeding it.

LSD is another important part, with high preload to reduce handling changes when pushed hard and low locking rate for more consistent drive experience.

Gearing is also what makes this car special, using adapted racing car close ratio, the Spirra gives excellent acceleration and top speed.

The more I drive this car, the more I like it, especially for hot laps :D

I tuned and tested at various track, Tsukuba, Brands Hatch GP, Silverstone GP, Silverstone Intl, Bathurst, Matterhorn Rottenboden, Rome and a few others.

When tested at Tsukuba on comfort soft, it was capable of 1:02s lap :eek:
While on sports soft tire :
Bathurst now, 2:17s on 1st lap going easy on the car
Rome : 1:12s
Silverstone International : 1:07s, while on Sports Medium 1:10.1xxs
Matterhorn Rottenboden : 1:42s with ease.

This is one of the quickest 500PP car :D

ENJOY :cheers:

EDIT : Corrected power figure and limiter, due to worn engine, the updated figure now used new fresh oil figure and limiter.

UPDATE : Tweaked the rear damper, and LSD, the car is now more stable on high speed and braking, easier to push on low to medium speed even on Sports Hard Tire.

The new update managed mid 1:11s at Silverstone International on Sports Hard :crazy:

@XS, I updated my tune, after a review from Danbojte, I made a simple tweak on rear damper compression, LSD initial and braking setup, the car is now easier to drive even on sports hard, able to post mid 1:11s at Silverstone International and when tested at Ascari, also on SH, able to post mid 40s 1st sector and 2:22s lap on the 1st warm up lap on worn engine oil at 499PP :crazy:
(ds3, ABS 1, Grand Valley 10 laps)

Low Speed Corner:
Over rotates pretty easily on the brakes but apart from that turns in fairly well.
Mid: A little bit of understeer when pushed but completely manageable otherwise.
Exit: Stable and predictable but not fast coming out of corners, spins away a lot of the power on the inside wheel
Comments: No major problems once you're in the corner but heavy braking is risky at best, could probably do with the LSD Deceleration raising substantially as it is not at all stable on the brakes.

Mid Speed Corner:
Same story as before, over rotates on the brakes but once you get past that its fairly stable and predictable
Mid: A little bit of understeer when pushed but completely manageable otherwise.
Exit: Stable and predictable but not fast coming out of corners, spins away a lot of the power on the inside wheel. Not as noticeable as low speed corners but still lacks punch.
Comments: No new problems, very easy and predictable once past the braking stage. Fairly progressive but does start to understeer when you try to push.

High Speed Corner
Decent turn in, stable and easy to position
Mid: Understeer seems to be a bit worse here but still not a problem
Exit: Smooth and clean, no real problems
Comments: Nothing to report here, car felt safe and easy to drive

Tune Comments: Overall I quite liked this car, felt very stable and predictable in every aspect apart from braking and that would be easy to fix with adjustments to the LSD. Compared to how the car started life it is an improvement all round, the car never really did anything unexpected or took me by surprise, felt just like any other well set up MR. I think if you made a few little changes to the LSD it would be a good little car, maybe make it more stable on the brakes and a little more direct on exit, that's all it needs.
Great job

(ds3, ABS 1, Grand Valley 10 laps)

Low Speed Corner:
Decent stability on the brakes, straightlines slightly under really hard braking but not a problem. Good turn in.
Mid: No real problems, holds line well enough, a little bit of understeer
Exit: Can over rotate if you get on the throttle too early and very difficult to save when it does happen, but this is usually your own fault rather than the cars, if driven well it will present no real problems apart from a bit of late corner understeer
Comments: Feels fairly good no real problems, does occasionally throw up some unexpected under/oversteer for no particular reason but if driven consistently it shouldn't cause an issue.

Mid Speed Corner:
Good, easy to turn in and place
Mid: Does develop understeer, starts to drift wide and doesn't want to come back in
Exit: Understeer gets worse when throttle is applied, found myself having to wait a long time to get back on the gas.
Comments: This is where the car didn't really work for me, the late to mid corner front end grip just fades away. I think that maybe the rear ride height is too high and you've overcompensated with the front Toe out in order to make it rotate.

High Speed Corner
Good and sharp, no real drama
Mid: Can develop understeer but not as noticeable as before
Exit: No real drama, slight increase in understeer perhaps
Comments: Nothing new to report here, still feels like it loses front end grip as it gets further through the corner but its not a major problem due to the decreased steering angle. Feels fine and stable most of the time though.

Tune Comments: All round its a pretty good effort, fairly stable, predictable and easy to drive most of the time. Does feel like you've used a few too many tricks to try and make the car behave and its left it a little out of sorts, doesn't feel quite right somehow. Very easy to drive at a reasonable speed but I feel I can't really push with it because I can't be entirely sure how its going to react.

(ds3, ABS 1, Grand Valley 10 laps)

Low Speed Corner:
I found I was locking the front brakes a bit under heavy braking but otherwise stable and easy to place
Mid: Stable and predictable, holds its line well with short jabs of throttle to maintain speed
Exit: Can be a little vicious on the throttle, needs a little nursing to get it out of a corner safely. Easy to get used to though, rarely caught me by surprise.
Comments: Felt pretty good, fairly predictable and feels comfortable rolling into corners when off the throttle. Can be a little aggressive on exit but its easy to deal with, doesn't snap round or anything, just lights the tyres up occasionally. The brakes could probably do with dropping a notch or two as I did feel myself locking up under heavy braking.

Mid Speed Corner:
Predictable and easy enough, feels kinda heavy though which can cause a bit of understeer
Mid: Holds its line well and carries decent speed, little jabs of throttle can again be used without it pushing wide.
Exit: No real complaints, would only advise keeping it off the curbs on exit as it can get a bit twitchy.
Comments: Felt good again, no complaints. Can't chuck it into corners but if you drive it cleanly then it won't let you down or catch you off guard.

High Speed Corner
Slight understeer, needed to back off slightly to get the nose turned in sometimes
Mid: Stable and holds its line well
Exit: No problems or drama, just gets the power down and gets on with it.
Comments: Nothing new to report here, feels a little heavy on turn in again but that adds to the mid/late corner stability.

Tune Comments: I quite enjoyed driving this, felt predictable and genuine. Wasn't the easiest to drive but it wasn't trying to kill me constantly either, the only area I felt needed improvement was corner exit speed. Was a little hard to get the power down out of slower corners and this cost it quite a bit of time, I feel it would be a lot faster if I could trust the throttle more. Never the less, enjoyed the experience and a very good effort.
(ds3, ABS 1, Grand Valley 10 laps)

Low Speed Corner:
I would have to rank the brakes somewhere near 'Land Mines' and 'Fire' on a scale of "Things I'm going to regret putting my foot on"! The rear end doesn't seem to get the order to slow down at the same time as the front, I have to smile and wave at the rear end as it overtakes the front every time I go near the pedal. If you can get the thing slowed down then the initial turn in is great, easy to place and accurate.
Mid: Holds its line really well, stays tight and invites you to get on the throttle early....
Exit: And here we make our second pedal related error. Touching the throttle is certainly an experience, its probably best described as 'exciting'.
Comments: Saving these for the end...

Mid Speed Corner:
Great turn in, feels really progressive and sharp.
Mid: Holds it line well, no real hint of understeer.
Exit: No two are alike...

High Speed Corner
Decent turn in, not as willing as it is in slower corners but by no means difficult.
Mid: Slight instability, feels a little bit uncomfortable with what its doing but completely manageable.
Exit: No new problems, still loves to light the rear tyres up but easy enough to keep in check.

Tune Comments: If we take the brakes out of the picture then the car handles very well. Turns in nicely, feels stable but nimble, invites you to get on the throttle early and power out of the corner. Then you're suddenly in a cloud of smoke facing back the way you came and wondering what the hell happened? The front end feels incredible but the rear is an absolute animal. I really do like it though, requires a mix of precision and luck to get a good lap out of it. Fights you most of the time and constantly wants to kill you but when you get it right it feels amazing. One of the most fun cars I've driven in a while, every corner is an experience and a challenge, I'm sure there's faster ways round the track but few so satisfying.

(ds3, ABS 1, Grand Valley 10 laps)

Low Speed Corner:
The rear does come around a bit under heavy braking but its completely manageable. The nose turns in smoothly and accurately, inspires confidence.
Mid: Holds its line well, feels stable and neutral
Exit: A small amount of throttle control is required when exiting but easy to adapt to quickly.
Comments: My first lap was a bit of a wild ride because I was being fairly aggressive with the car but once I relaxed and concentrated on being smooth the car just came to life, found myself really enjoying the ride.

Mid Speed Corner:
Slightest bit of understeer perhaps but not a problem, the brakes did catch me out a few times with no warning though. Couldn't quite put my finger on why but sometimes the brakes would just bite and snap the car 180. Apart from that quirk it was great.
Mid: Balanced and predictable, holds speed really well.
Exit: Smooth and clean, good power out of the corners
Comments: Apart from the occasionally snatchy rear brakes the car again felt beautiful, easy and natural through the bend.

High Speed Corner
A bit of initial understeer that requires a small lift to get the nose turned in but not a problem
Mid: Stable, accurate and predictable. Retains speed well
Exit: No problems
Comments: Nothing to say here really, does exactly what you'd expect it to do with very little fuss. Handles great, I would probably drop the downforce on faster tracks to make it a little more nimble but its not a problem as it is.

Tune Comments: Simply put, this thing is incredible. Rewarding to drive because its fast and stable but still requires concentration to get the best out of it. An absolute pleasure to hammer round a track, feels like a well set up NSX, predictable and fast with a bit of a temper if you treat it badly. I would advise everyone to take this for a spin, great car, congratulations.

(ds3, ABS 1, Grand Valley 10 laps)

Low Speed Corner:
The rear does come around a bit under heavy braking but its completely manageable. The nose turns in smoothly and accurately, inspires confidence.
Mid: Holds its line well, feels stable and neutral
Exit: A small amount of throttle control is required when exiting but easy to adapt to quickly.
Comments: My first lap was a bit of a wild ride because I was being fairly aggressive with the car but once I relaxed and concentrated on being smooth the car just came to life, found myself really enjoying the ride.

Mid Speed Corner:
Slightest bit of understeer perhaps but not a problem, the brakes did catch me out a few times with no warning though. Couldn't quite put my finger on why but sometimes the brakes would just bite and snap the car 180. Apart from that quirk it was great.
Mid: Balanced and predictable, holds speed really well.
Exit: Smooth and clean, good power out of the corners
Comments: Apart from the occasionally snatchy rear brakes the car again felt beautiful, easy and natural through the bend.

High Speed Corner
A bit of initial understeer that requires a small lift to get the nose turned in but not a problem
Mid: Stable, accurate and predictable. Retains speed well
Exit: No problems
Comments: Nothing to say here really, does exactly what you'd expect it to do with very little fuss. Handles great, I would probably drop the downforce on faster tracks to make it a little more nimble but its not a problem as it is.

Tune Comments: Simply put, this thing is incredible. Rewarding to drive because its fast and stable but still requires concentration to get the best out of it. An absolute pleasure to hammer round a track, feels like a well set up NSX, predictable and fast with a bit of a temper if you treat it badly. I would advise everyone to take this for a spin, great car, congratulations.

Thank you for reviewing my tune :) Glad it drives well even with the temperamental rear brake, did you drive with the original tune or the updated version ? I think increasing front brake or reducing rear brake could help with the bitey rear. It does feel like NSX when driven hard and it's very quick for 500PP MR, maybe the real Spirra could handle like this :cheers:
Thank you for reviewing my tune :) Glad it drives well even with the temperamental rear brake, did you drive with the original tune or the updated version ? I think increasing front brake or reducing rear brake could help with the bitey rear. It does feel like NSX when driven hard and it's very quick for 500PP MR, maybe the real Spirra could handle like this :cheers:
I used the original tune I think, got a lot to get through so if its not on the OP then I probably won't see it. I couldn't quite work out what was causing it but I'm sure it could be fixed by playing with the LSD decel and the brake balance. Not a massive or constant problem but it does catch you out at occasionally without warning, everything will be going fine and then it feels like the car just snap rotates around the front inside wheel when braking whilst turning.
I used the original tune I think, got a lot to get through so if its not on the OP then I probably won't see it. I couldn't quite work out what was causing it but I'm sure it could be fixed by playing with the LSD decel and the brake balance. Not a massive or constant problem but it does catch you out at occasionally without warning, everything will be going fine and then it feels like the car just snap rotates around the front inside wheel when braking whilst turning.

Exactly the same issue that @danbojte said on the original tune, the updated tune supposed to fix this :D, you should try it, only a simple tweak, rear damper compression set at 2 and LSD initial + brake value change - initial 30, braking 30 :) Thanks again for giving detailed feedback :cheers:

On the original tune, I didn't catch the braking issue as I didn't use ABS and modulate the brakes ( cadence + trail brake )
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Exactly the same issue that @danbojte said on the original tune, the updated tune supposed to fix this :D, you should try it, only a simple tweak, rear damper compression set at 2 and LSD initial + brake value change - initial 20, braking 30 :) Thanks again for giving detailed feedback :cheers:

On the original tune, I didn't catch the braking issue as I didn't use ABS and modulate the brakes ( cadence + trail brake )
Ok cool, I'll try and give it a go when I'm finished testing
I don't think there's a need to use ride height exploit :) From the experience of building my 500PP quick tune, the car was able to be quick, consistent and I would say better than with the exploit. Just my opinion.
But you´re using a rear wing with 20 points downforce.


(ds3, ABS 1, Grand Valley 10 laps)

Low Speed Corner:
Decent stability on the brakes, straightlines slightly under really hard braking but not a problem. Good turn in.
Mid: No real problems, holds line well enough, a little bit of understeer
Exit: Can over rotate if you get on the throttle too early and very difficult to save when it does happen, but this is usually your own fault rather than the cars, if driven well it will present no real problems apart from a bit of late corner understeer
Comments: Feels fairly good no real problems, does occasionally throw up some unexpected under/oversteer for no particular reason but if driven consistently it shouldn't cause an issue.

Mid Speed Corner:
Good, easy to turn in and place
Mid: Does develop understeer, starts to drift wide and doesn't want to come back in
Exit: Understeer gets worse when throttle is applied, found myself having to wait a long time to get back on the gas.
Comments: This is where the car didn't really work for me, the late to mid corner front end grip just fades away. I think that maybe the rear ride height is too high and you've overcompensated with the front Toe out in order to make it rotate.

High Speed Corner
Good and sharp, no real drama
Mid: Can develop understeer but not as noticeable as before
Exit: No real drama, slight increase in understeer perhaps
Comments: Nothing new to report here, still feels like it loses front end grip as it gets further through the corner but its not a major problem due to the decreased steering angle. Feels fine and stable most of the time though.

Tune Comments: All round its a pretty good effort, fairly stable, predictable and easy to drive most of the time. Does feel like you've used a few too many tricks to try and make the car behave and its left it a little out of sorts, doesn't feel quite right somehow. Very easy to drive at a reasonable speed but I feel I can't really push with it because I can't be entirely sure how its going to react.
Thanks for the test, but i dont feel like you say at all ((Does feel like you've used a few too many tricks to try and make the car behave and its left it a little out of sorts, doesn't feel quite right somehow.))
The car was a piece of 🤬 and now i think it´s very well balanced in my opinion,neutral line showing a few eagerness staying safe ,you can take this under rated car in an online room to race agains the best 500PP without problems. This is what i try to do always when i tune a car, for people use online.
Sorry if i didn´t let it unpredictable, behaviors that i´m not sure the real car have. For me the PD build is totally wrong , that´s all.
Have a good day.
But you´re using a rear wing with 20 points downforce.

I used the wing to make it look good, the car drives well without it and it doesn't exploit the flaw in the physics :) 20 points downforce is almost like nothing below 160kmh - I got 1:02s at Tsukuba on comfort soft without wing.
I have built many replicas, and some of my GT3 replicas with 20 rear aero drives like without wing below 160kmh - it's like adding only 5 points aero in GT5. I think this is why custom wing do not add PP :)
But you´re using a rear wing with 20 points downforce.

Thanks for the test, but i dont feel like you say at all ((Does feel like you've used a few too many tricks to try and make the car behave and its left it a little out of sorts, doesn't feel quite right somehow.))
The car was a piece of 🤬 and now i think it´s very well balanced in my opinion,neutral line showing a few eagerness staying safe ,you can take this under rated car in an online room to race agains the best 500PP without problems. This is what i try to do always when i tune a car, for people use online.
Sorry if i didn´t let it unpredictable, behaviors that i´m not sure the real car have. For me the PD build is totally wrong , that´s all.
Have a good day.
There's nothing drastically wrong with it, it just feels like the rear ride height is too high which has got rid of the snap oversteer but killed the rotation. To give it some rotation back you've used the Front Toe Out/Rear Toe In trick, unfortunately the Front Toe Out leaves you lacking mid/late corner grip. My suggestion is to lower the rear ride height slightly to give it some natural rotation back and then run it with less Front Toe Out so you get the mid/late corner grip back. A few small changes would take it from good to great, that's all I'm trying to say.
My reviews are more critical when dealing with the top rated tuners admittedly, you guys don't need another person telling you all you tunes are great because there's enough people doing that already. Try not to take it personally, I'm harder on you guys because I know what you are capable of, if I let small flaws slide then there would simply be nothing to say.
There's nothing drastically wrong with it, it just feels like the rear ride height is too high which has got rid of the snap oversteer but killed the rotation. To give it some rotation back you've used the Front Toe Out/Rear Toe In trick, unfortunately the Front Toe Out leaves you lacking mid/late corner grip. My suggestion is to lower the rear ride height slightly to give it some natural rotation back and then run it with less Front Toe Out so you get the mid/late corner grip back. A few small changes would take it from good to great, that's all I'm trying to say.
My reviews are more critical when dealing with the top rated tuners admittedly, you guys don't need another person telling you all you tunes are great because there's enough people doing that already. Try not to take it personally, I'm harder on you guys because I know what you are capable of, if I let small flaws slide then there would simply be nothing to say.
You´re right, the car can have some more rotation, but i don´t know how this can be in an online race. My tunes are base tunes. Anybody can let it the way he want. For me it´s ok like this. If i was looking for driving pleasure cruising on a track offline... perhaps. But like i´ve said, a safe fast car is what i want to have fun in an online room on the Nordschleife where staying on the road under pressure is already a challenge.
Don´t worry, i don´t take anything personally but i need to let my goals clearly explained. I´m very happy with the result. This is exactly what i wanted to do.
I used the wing to make it look good, the car drives well without it and it doesn't exploit the flaw in the physics :) 20 points downforce is almost like nothing below 160kmh - I got 1:02s at Tsukuba on comfort soft without wing.
I have built many replicas, and some of my GT3 replicas with 20 rear aero drives like without wing below 160kmh - it's like adding only 5 points aero in GT5. I think this is why custom wing do not add PP :)
Your springs value are as radical and extreme as my RH value. I´ve tested your car against my ghost at suzuka, it´s very good and very performant. My car just have a better retake due to the lower weight.Good tune , congrats.
I loved this car in GT4, driving it at Suzuka was one of the best combos I ever tried.

I'll try and come up with a solid tune in the next couple days.

Your springs value are as radical and extreme as my RH value. I´ve tested your car against my ghost at suzuka, it´s very good and very performant. My car just have a better retake due to the lower weight.Good tune , congrats.

Real life MR cars often have lower rear than front springs when tuned for competition ( autoX and GT3 MR cars) - up to 1.5 times. I simply adapted real life practices, it's not radical or extreme or an exploit. You must have used lower rear spring on MR cars before, have you ? Spring rates between front and back are not always set like rules. There are too many variables.

Toda Racing Fightex coilover kit for Civic Type R '08 FD2 has lower front spring rates than rear ( 9k/12k ), a rarity for FF car coilover setup, but it works well IRL and in GT6 ( my Toda FD2 replica is one of the quickest FF cars I have built - 450PP 1:04s at Tsukuba on comfort soft with stock gearbox :eek: )

Anyway, thanks for the congrats :) It was built for someone else - a request, then I posted here as well.
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(ds3, ABS 1, Grand Valley 10 laps)

Low Speed Corner:
I would have to rank the brakes somewhere near 'Land Mines' and 'Fire' on a scale of "Things I'm going to regret putting my foot on"! The rear end doesn't seem to get the order to slow down at the same time as the front, I have to smile and wave at the rear end as it overtakes the front every time I go near the pedal. If you can get the thing slowed down then the initial turn in is great, easy to place and accurate.
Mid: Holds its line really well, stays tight and invites you to get on the throttle early....
Exit: And here we make our second pedal related error. Touching the throttle is certainly an experience, its probably best described as 'exciting'.
Comments: Saving these for the end...

Mid Speed Corner:
Great turn in, feels really progressive and sharp.
Mid: Holds it line well, no real hint of understeer.
Exit: No two are alike...

High Speed Corner
Decent turn in, not as willing as it is in slower corners but by no means difficult.
Mid: Slight instability, feels a little bit uncomfortable with what its doing but completely manageable.
Exit: No new problems, still loves to light the rear tyres up but easy enough to keep in check.

Tune Comments: If we take the brakes out of the picture then the car handles very well. Turns in nicely, feels stable but nimble, invites you to get on the throttle early and power out of the corner. Then you're suddenly in a cloud of smoke facing back the way you came and wondering what the hell happened? The front end feels incredible but the rear is an absolute animal. I really do like it though, requires a mix of precision and luck to get a good lap out of it. Fights you most of the time and constantly wants to kill you but when you get it right it feels amazing. One of the most fun cars I've driven in a while, every corner is an experience and a challenge, I'm sure there's faster ways round the track but few so satisfying.
First off, thanks for taking the time to review my little monster, 2nd off, if you would have taken the time to read the manual that was in the glove compartment you wouldn't have had any trouble braking. It states that to brake, and I quote, "DON'T USE THE BREAK PEDAL" (I had to use a Korean to English translator for this), " TO BRAKE PRESS ON THE RED BUTTON PLACED BEHIND YOUR HEAD REST, IT WILL DROP AN ANCHOR AND YOU WILL STOP PRONTO". Now that were clear about that, I think that I should learn to drive as you earthlings do, when testing up here on the moon I never run into the problems and behaviors you mentioned, in fact everything is quite smooth.
Now seriously (yep that happens sometimes), I agree about tires turning red, I have a problem with tuning cars, I adapt to their behavior after running them for a long time, so after a while I don't see the problem because I've adapted my driving to it, but no more excuses, I think I'll work on one car for a couple of hours than change to another so next time I take it back the problems should pop up to my closed eyes. Also I'll have to be better at analyzing the different problems and their solutions, btw,nice of you to put on white gloves for writing this review.
On a different note, thanks for the cue on the RPM, the scale graph PD gives is quite, (now let's be polite children and administrators might read this), metabolic waste ( I googled for another word here), I'm working on a little calculator that will give an average reading in numbers between the different ranges of the RPM levels for torque and Hp. One thing I noticed about the limiter is that on the Mustang Mach 1 that I'm working on, when you bring it down to around 80% it brings down the torque peak from 3500 rpm to 2500 rpm, thus bringing down the available torque usable to the first 2 or 3 gears, could be useful for Autumn Ring Mini though or a 3 speed transmission revving at a top 3000 rpm. I would have liked to finish the reviews of the few cars left but I'm going to forfeit this time, have a tooth infection driving me crazy and the antibiotics didn't work so the pain is depriving me of the joy of testing, going back tomorrow for a new prescription so I should be back to normal in a couple of weeks, then ....d...e...n...t...i...s...t...
Have fun all of you, and thanks again DolHaus for the help. (I need to know, so I can sleep better, how did you choose the name?)
First off, thanks for taking the time to review my little monster, 2nd off, if you would have taken the time to read the manual that was in the glove compartment you wouldn't have had any trouble braking. It states that to brake, and I quote, "DON'T USE THE BREAK PEDAL" (I had to use a Korean to English translator for this), " TO BRAKE PRESS ON THE RED BUTTON PLACED BEHIND YOUR HEAD REST, IT WILL DROP AN ANCHOR AND YOU WILL STOP PRONTO". Now that were clear about that, I think that I should learn to drive as you earthlings do, when testing up here on the moon I never run into the problems and behaviors you mentioned, in fact everything is quite smooth.
Now seriously (yep that happens sometimes), I agree about tires turning red, I have a problem with tuning cars, I adapt to their behavior after running them for a long time, so after a while I don't see the problem because I've adapted my driving to it, but no more excuses, I think I'll work on one car for a couple of hours than change to another so next time I take it back the problems should pop up to my closed eyes. Also I'll have to be better at analyzing the different problems and their solutions, btw,nice of you to put on white gloves for writing this review.
On a different note, thanks for the cue on the RPM, the scale graph PD gives is quite, (now let's be polite children and administrators might read this), metabolic waste ( I googled for another word here), I'm working on a little calculator that will give an average reading in numbers between the different ranges of the RPM levels for torque and Hp. One thing I noticed about the limiter is that on the Mustang Mach 1 that I'm working on, when you bring it down to around 80% it brings down the torque peak from 3500 rpm to 2500 rpm, thus bringing down the available torque usable to the first 2 or 3 gears, could be useful for Autumn Ring Mini though or a 3 speed transmission revving at a top 3000 rpm. I would have liked to finish the reviews of the few cars left but I'm going to forfeit this time, have a tooth infection driving me crazy and the antibiotics didn't work so the pain is depriving me of the joy of testing, going back tomorrow for a new prescription so I should be back to normal in a couple of weeks, then ....d...e...n...t...i...s...t...
Have fun all of you, and thanks again DolHaus for the help. (I need to know, so I can sleep better, how did you choose the name?)
Its easily done, I sometimes spend hours tuning a car and get it to the what I think is a peak of performance then test it the next day and realise I've created a dog. Always wise to retest on a clear head and see if you still like it, if you can go out and get close to your fastest lap within a few laps then its fine, if you're miles off the pace then its time to start de constructing and work out where you've messed up.

The name is a combination of part of my surname 'Dol' and my last alias when I was a cheeky neighbourhood vandal 'Haus'. I also use the name for my design studio (Plug lol) http://dolhaus.deviantart.com/gallery/

See if the doctor will prescribe you some Cocodamol, its a strong painkiller that will leave you feeling right as rain (fuzzy, slightly confused but content rain). Knocked a tooth out playing rugby a few years ago and that stuff sorted me right out.
I've had a quick run at Trial Mountain in the revised @Ridox2JZGTE Spirra (500pp on Sports Hard).

I did 10 laps this time as I hadn't driven the Spirra for a while. On the whole I found this to be a decent MR; turn-in is precise and it holds the corner well, the gearing is set well to keep the acceleration fierce. However, the back end was very skittish at Trial Mountain - maybe the firm setup is not best suited to the bumpy conditions. I also sometimes had the problem with the outside rear heating up mid to late corner and losing traction.

An excellent Spirra tune especially considering there is no ride height differential, but probably more suited to smooth tracks. I think I will try out this one on some other tracks.

500pp/SH Trial Mountain Times (Arcade Mode, ABS 1)

Praiano63: 1:36.958
Woodski_427: 1:37.230
Ridox2JZGTE: 1:37.419
Dolhaus: 1:37.832 (tuned for SS)
I've had a quick run at Trial Mountain in the revised @Ridox2JZGTE Spirra (500pp on Sports Hard).

I did 10 laps this time as I hadn't driven the Spirra for a while. On the whole I found this to be a decent MR; turn-in is precise and it holds the corner well, the gearing is set well to keep the acceleration fierce. However, the back end was very skittish at Trial Mountain - maybe the firm setup is not best suited to the bumpy conditions. I also sometimes had the problem with the outside rear heating up mid to late corner and losing traction.

An excellent Spirra tune especially considering there is no ride height differential, but probably more suited to smooth tracks. I think I will try out this one on some other tracks.

500pp/SH Trial Mountain Times (Arcade Mode, ABS 1)

Praiano63: 1:36.958
Woodski_427: 1:37.230
Ridox2JZGTE: 1:37.419
Dolhaus: 1:37.832 (tuned for SS)

I tuned the car for tracks that are mostly smooth, I did test it at Matterhorn Rottenboden, and it was great there. For Trial Mountain, I suggest to lower spring rate, maintain spring ratio of 1.33, so for instance ( front/rear ) : 10.00k / 7.51k or 11.00k / 8.27k. If you do not wish to lower the spring / lower spring is worse, use the tune spring rate 12/9 and lower rear damper extension to 4, it may help.

As for the rear outside tire going red, that's more to the lower grip tire losing traction as the car has high initial torque LSD. It's rare to happen on sports soft tire, unless the driver overworked the rear :) I suggest to lower initial torque from 30 to 20, see how it goes 👍

Thanks for giving great feedback on the car :) You can try use ride height differential on the car and see what it does on the tune :D It might get better :cheers:
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My brother-in-law had a baby yesterday so I couldn't get to the tune, hopefully later today 👍
