Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

  • Thread starter km
Wow I was looking wor a wrestling thread!
WWE sucks!
try XPW, or CZW or some indy fed!
Although brok lesnar is good :D
WWF/WWE has been going downhill for a long time now. So I try to get all the bootleg japanese/american indy federation tapes.
Although I havent watched wrestling for a good few months.
There used to be so many more original characters but now they are all just the same go back 5 years and it rocked not no more all thought i still like watching undertaker kick peoples ass.
:lol: Never. I find it funny that you bring this up b/c my GF was playing SvR 2011 last night and said "Who the heck is this guy? All the people I know aren't in these games anymore!"
Hey guys i like wwe stone cold steve austin and the rok are myf av wrestlers i like when the rock says know your role its really cool and i like when stone cold steve austin brings out the beer truck by the way hhh and shawn michaels are also kinda cool also hulk hogan is cool he is probably my fav wrestler besides stone cold steve austin and the rok "do u smalll what the rock is cookin" ya hes cool so anyway wrestling rules gr8 topic km
Max Powers
Hey guys i like wwe stone cold steve austin and the rok are myf av wrestlers i like when the rock says know your role its really cool and i like when stone cold steve austin brings out the beer truck by the way hhh and shawn michaels are also kinda cool also hulk hogan is cool he is probably my fav wrestler besides stone cold steve austin and the rok "do u smalll what the rock is cookin" ya hes cool so anyway wrestling rules gr8 topic km


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