DSLR vs Phone, the epic showdown

  • Thread starter TB
Expect to see more close-up shots in the future.
And due to the resounding popularity of the last shot, here's some more. :dopey:


Exposure: 1/2 sec, f/5.6 (assumed), ISO100
Focal Length: 55mm
Flash: Not fired
Notes: Shot using all three extension rings and shutter released with a remote cable.

Pencil lead

Exposure: 1/2 sec, f/5.6 (assumed), ISO100
Focal Length: 55mm
Flash: Not fired
Notes: Shot using all three extension rings and shutter released with a remote cable.

Pencil Shavings

Exposure: 1/2 sec, f/5.6 (assumed), ISO100
Focal Length: 55mm
Flash: Not fired
Notes: Shot using all three extension rings and shutter released with a remote cable.

Ice and Sun

Exposure: (59 shots, one taken every 15 seconds) 1/50 sec, f/13, ISO100
Focal Length: 37mm
Flash: Not fired
Notes: Playing around with a new intervalometer. It was intended to be an exercise of watching ice melt but ended up being more about the sun traversing the sky. Condenses 14m45s down to 15 seconds.
Nice shots,

was thinking about getting some extension rings too. Now I will go for it.

On a side note:
"The FAQ is better selling than Fifty-Three More Things to do in Zero Gravity." Lol great reference 👍
Nice macro shots. Never knew you could get results like that with extension rings. Pencil lead and pencil shavings are cool shots. Like them very much. 👍
Great page of shots TB 👍 TRex made me laugh as my eldest sends about 95% of his waking hours pretending to be a dinosaur at the moment. Love the macro stuff too.
Woah, some awesome results from extension rings there! What setup are you using on these? I've always wanted to use an extension on my 50mm f1.8 as it allows manual aperture control.
Nice shots,

was thinking about getting some extension rings too. Now I will go for it.
Thanks, ibo! Depending on what you're looking for, extension rings can be very, very expensive or very, very cheap. As far as I'm aware, the only thing a cheap one like the one I bought won't do that the Canon one will is autofocus, which is just fine with me.
Nice macro shots. Never knew you could get results like that with extension rings.
Thanks, blitz! I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, either but am pleasantly surprised. The disturbing thing is with all 3 rings on and my 18-55 at 55, depending on my focal point, I literally have to touch the lens to what I'm taking a picture of. Far cry from the ~10" minimum focal distance! :scared:
Great page of shots TB 👍 TRex made me laugh as my eldest sends about 95% of his waking hours pretending to be a dinosaur at the moment. Love the macro stuff too.
Thanks, Neal! Does he have a dinosaur costume he wears around the house whenever possible? If not, would you like one? Thing 2 is starting to get too big for it. Granted, he's been wearing it (on and off, naturally) for 2 years! :lol:
Those macro shots are awesome! Well done:)
Thanks, V8!
Woah, some awesome results from extension rings there! What setup are you using on these? I've always wanted to use an extension on my 50mm f1.8 as it allows manual aperture control.
Thanks, Moglet! I have my T1i with all three extension rings and my 18-55 (at 55mm) mounted on a cheap tripod and triggered with a cabled shutter release (the same one I used for Ice and Sun). Simple and quite inexpensive, once the camera purchase is out of the way, of course.

Any suggestions/requests for what to macro next?

Edit: I think I have figured out how to change my aperture so hopefully my DOF won't be 1/16" anymore. Unfortunately, that will also allow less light in so my shutter will be open even longer than it already is...
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Thanks, Neal! Does he have a dinosaur costume he wears around the house whenever possible? If not, would you like one? Thing 2 is starting to get too big for it. Granted, he's been wearing it (on and off, naturally) for 2 years! :lol:

Hell yes! He doesn't have a dinosaur costume yet although funnily enough I have been browsing for one recently but they all look rubbish. He does have a hulk costume with padded muscles for Halloween which is all kinds of awesome though :D

Any suggestions/requests for what to macro next?

Insect heads 👍
Insect heads 👍

^ I was thinking that as well.. Dead insects could be interesting OR maybe an old circuit board/motherboard might act as a good subject.
As its been entirely too long since I've had the camera in my hands, I'm using my day off to remedy this. I hope. With spices. :lol:

All Spice

Exposure: 1/30 sec, f/4.5, ISO200
Focal Length: 29mm
Flash: Not fired
Notes: I'm not sure what exactly I was going for with this shot, only that I felt like shooting macros of spices. This is what started that process... *lawandordersound*


Exposure: 0.8 sec, f/5.6 (assumed), ISO200
Focal Length: 50mm, with three extension rings.
Flash: Not fired
Notes: I quite like the extreme differences in texture between the black, green and white peppercorns, I just would have liked more DOF to be able to show that off more.


Exposure: 1/200 sec, f/5.6 (assumed), ISO100
Focal Length: 18mm, with three extension rings.
Flash: Fired, see notes
Notes: This was shot with the flash to try to highlight the properties of the salt crystals. To do so, I used my flash extension cable and placed the flash 1 foot to camera's left with it set to 1/64 power.


Exposure: 1.6 sec, f/5.6 (assumed), ISO100
Focal Length: 18mm, with three extension rings.
Flash: Fired
Notes: More or less the same setup as the salt shot, with the shutter speed being the difference. Of the bunch, this is my least favorite.


Exposure: 1 sec, f/5.6 (assumed), ISO100
Focal Length: 18mm, with three extension rings.
Flash: Not fired
Notes: My batteries died on my flash so this was shot with only the ambient light in the room. There's something... reptilian about rosemary when viewed close-up that's kind of disturbing.
I'll be back for a more lengthy commentary - but for now TB - MG! Is there no end to your talents?

Just being the wonderful Dad you are is enough, you know.

aaaah the spoons and the salt are awesome. You succeeded in bringing out the cristalyne appearance of salt grains with the flash, very cool.

Damn I want to extreme macro :|
Cool shots TB :) Super macro mania :P The salt shot is cool because I've never seen salt up close like that... The flash placement really compliments the shot as well 👍
Put me in, Coach

Exposure: 1/500 sec, f/4.0, ISO100
Focal Length: 25mm
Flash: Not fired

TB - there's just waaaaay too many incredible images in here to pick any out as the most extraordinary - your pictures are crisp, clean, shot so impeccably that the cameraman is totally forgotten - the subject and the treatment of it takes over the viewer. The fact that you humble your skills as average is modesty that is truly princely.

This shot however is one that intrigued me no end - it is obvious that you would take on the deadliest of challenges if you took on the challenge of breaking the law of thirds. A truly great effort - and a daring one. What would I change? The lighting, of course. And one more thing - the ultimate subject of our attention - as our eyes are dragged across vertical and horizontal lines - is the child - whom I would place just slightly left of the pole, and directly looking at the viewer. This would place the target subject in the picture, right at the crossroads of the visual.
If that made any sense, anyway . . . ;)

BTW - my wedding ring is pretty battered, too; scratched, worn, dulled . . .adds character you know, heheheh.

Update time! This time I bring you the TB 2012 Summer Family Trip Extravaganza! :P

My family and I left on our trip around 3:30 Friday, July 6th. After driving past the Worlds largest Sandhill Crane, Buffalo, Holstein Cow and, later, a Catfish, we had to stop and see this monstrosity. :lol:

World's Largest Scrap Metal sculpture

At 154 feet wide, 110 feet tall and weighing in at 78.8 tons, this thing is immense. And completely pointless. :lol:

After spending the night in Dickinson, ND, we had to wait for the Dinosaur Museum to open so we hunted down a playground for the kids to play at to kill some time. Across the street was this beauty.

I won't bore you with shots of dinosaur bones. :P

Continuing west on our way to Medora, ND, we stopped off for a hike at Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

Gorgeous landscape. I'd love to have been able to stay a bit longer to take a few more shots but we were pressed for time.

And speaking of pressed for time, it's rapidly approaching 1am so I'll stop for now and continue this... later today. :ill:
While not still images, as I used my DSLR to shoot them, I figured I share these. Taken at Disney World's Hollywood Studios on February 25th. Recorded in 1080p but downsized to 720p for Vimeo.

Technically speaking, it's not my camera* and REALLY technically speaking I didn't take any of the pictures** but here's a video I put together of still shots of a new building going up on campus. It's only 3 days worth of construction but I think the end result in approximately one year should be pretty cool.

* It's a webcam I set up for work.
** I have software running to capture an image every 15 minutes and save them to the network.
Technically speaking, it's not my camera* and REALLY technically speaking I didn't take any of the pictures** but here's a video I put together of still shots of a new building going up on campus. It's only 3 days worth of construction but I think the end result in approximately one year should be pretty cool.

* It's a webcam I set up for work.
** I have software running to capture an image every 15 minutes and save them to the network.

Definitely work a lot quicker then the UK lol. Tea break every 20 minutes here.
My wife and I had a fantastic time on Kauai and are ready to go back for her conference next year. For now, I'll have to relive the trip through pictures. :)

All pics are click-to-enlarge and C&C are mandatory. :P

View from the lanai.

Our noble steed, completely out of its element.

Opaeka'a Falls

I'm not so sure I should have been out this far... :lol:

...but the scenery was nice.

My sleep schedule was completely screwed up so I was usually asleep by 9:30pm and awake at 4am. So one morning I took off early (left the resort at 5am) and headed for the north shore, just over a 90 minute drive, to hike the Kalalau Trail along the Na Pali Coast.

It was still dark when I got there. Then it started to rain. Thankfully it stopped after about 10 minutes. Quick trip to the bathroom and off I went!

See that stick on the right? That one's mine. :P

The first assent was a little more than I was expecting. :scared:

But the views made me forget about the lactic acid.

I have more to post but I don't think my laptop can take it. I shall resume later. Thanks for looking!
My wife and I had a fantastic time on Kauai and are ready to go back for her conference next year. For now, I'll have to relive the trip through pictures. :)

All pics are click-to-enlarge and C&C are mandatory. :P

View from the lanai.

I can't imagine paradise any other way.
Nice shot except for the darker areas that take away detail from the shrubs at center left.


Our noble steed, completely out of its element.

Lucky dog. Not the car, you.


Opaeka'a Falls

Nice viewpoint. A tripod that would have allowed for a slightly slower shutter speed (did you bracket?) may have given just that little bit more movement to the water.
Intriguing POV; from where was this taken?


I'm not so sure I should have been out this far... :lol:

...but the scenery was nice.

I can't resist a pier like that, either, and must venture out as far as possible to get the most daring shots. :dopey:
Great catch of the spray while the water pours over the rocks; super shot. 👍

My sleep schedule was completely screwed up so I was usually asleep by 9:30pm and awake at 4am. So one morning I took off early (left the resort at 5am) and headed for the north shore, just over a 90 minute drive, to hike the Kalalau Trail along the Na Pali Coast.

It was still dark when I got there. Then it started to rain. Thankfully it stopped after about 10 minutes. Quick trip to the bathroom and off I went!

See that stick on the right? That one's mine. :P

Which stick are you talking about? I see a whole bunch of them.
I'm thinking the biggest stick is yours - since you probably needed it for support. :sly:
Nice shots again, and made me feel like I was on the hike, too.
Never been to Hawaii (though I was born on a tropical island) but always longed to visit. Another thing on my ever-expanding bucket list.


The first assent was a little more than I was expecting. :scared:

You had the stick!
I hear the Hawaiians have a multitude of names for rocks - how true is this? Is there a kind of rock called 'ow-ow'?
Love how you captured the rough textures and grim darkness of the rocks, and yet they lead to the light and some sort of resting place.


But the views made me forget about the lactic acid.

You know what - the older I get the more I can handle the pain of that old lactic acid. :lol: Got to get there.

I have more to post but I don't think my laptop can take it. I shall resume later. Thanks for looking!

Make sure you do this - false info is against the AUP. :dopey:

Thanks for the view into Hawaii (through TB's eyes.) 👍
Mr. TB, you sir have truly made me miss a Hawai'i. Just remember buddy, when you go again, I'm a carry on and a tour guide.

Also, I need a good camera.
Nice shot except for the darker areas that take away detail from the shrubs at center left.
I might see if I can pull a bit out of the shadows later. 👍
Lucky dog. Not the car, you.
Nice viewpoint. A tripod that would have allowed for a slightly slower shutter speed (did you bracket?) may have given just that little bit more movement to the water.
True, but packing light meant no tripod. I did do some slower hand held waterfall shots that will be coming up later. SPOILER!
Intriguing POV; from where was this taken?
22°02'46.9"N 159°21'30.4"W. Give or take a few feet. :P
Which stick are you talking about? I see a whole bunch of them.
I'm thinking the biggest stick is yours - since you probably needed it for support. :sly:
Yes, yes. The big, fat stick on the far right of the sign to hold up my immense girth... :lol:
Nice shots again, and made me feel like I was on the hike, too.
Next time I go, I have to bring someone with me, bot the share the views and to help get my sorry but out of there when I fall and break something. :scared:
I hear the Hawaiians have a multitude of names for rocks - how true is this? Is there a kind of rock called 'ow-ow'?
Ow-ow was certainly one of the things said on the descent when I about twisted my ankle thrice. The other names were less said and more muttered. Never know when kids are around and all.
Love how you captured the rough textures and grim darkness of the rocks, and yet they lead to the light and some sort of resting place.
Got to get there.
Exactly. On the plus side, having to stop and take pictures give me time to take a short break, too!

In all honesty, it wasn't all that bad. That first climb was the worst but there were a few spots that while they weren't as steep, were more slippery from the fresh rain. Makes for an interesting return trip - worlds worst Slip'N Slide!
Make sure you do this - false info is against the AUP. :dopey:
We're about to head out shortly but I'll get more posted up tonight. 👍
Thanks for the view into Hawaii
And thank you for the comments! :cheers:
Mr. TB, you sir have truly made me miss a Hawai'i.
I do my best. :D
Just remember buddy, when you go again, I'm a carry on and a tour guide.
My wife's next conference is on Maui. We have a condo claimed and it sleeps 5... ;)
Also, I need a good camera.
You're on your own for that one. Sorry.

Thanks again for the comments, gents!
We have a condo claimed and it sleeps 5... ;)


@photonrider - As mentioned earlier, I was playing around with the f-stop a bit to get the water to flow instead of freezing it. This is one of the better results I ended up with:

f/5.6, 1/500 sec.


f/36, 1/8 sec. but that's obviously a whole lot closer than the Opaeka'a Falls shot so the movement of the water is easier to see.

Moving on with the hike!

I'm parked a few hundred feet inland from the beach, straight out from the bathroom just visible on the middle-right. For only 1/4 mile into the hike, you can see how quickly the elevation climbed!

Right around the corner from there I came across my first of many waterfalls to cross. Alright... it isn't much of a waterfall, but it's a start.

Non-stop wave after wave.

My first view of the Na Pali coastline! The entire reason I went.

View attachment 308198
See! I was there!

More climbing, Now with water.

And another waterfall to cross. This one a bit larger than the last.

Not much of an edge next to the trail.

The sun is finally cresting over the top of the mountain.

Love the way the vegetation framed the coastline.


Apparently that's where I stop this time because the rest of the shots stopped uploading to imgur. :confused:
All finished uploading!

Three foot deep waterfall/river going out...

... ocean coming in? Yeah, time to turn around.

But not before I balance some stones. Er...

One last shot of the coastline, now with more sun.

A quick video before returning back to the steed.

I have a trip up to Waimea Canyon if anyone is interested but it was cloudy and misting so the pictures didn't turn out the best. Very low clouds and sightseeing at 3,500 feet tend to do that!
Took this shot tonight to post in the biking thread and thought it turned out pretty decent. Click for larger.

It's been an INCREDIBLY long time since I've posted anything and even now, it's not anything noteworthy, more of an experiment.

I needed to take some pictures of one of the newest buildings on campus so I thought now would be a good time to answer a question I've had for a while - how does my 18 year old DSLR stack up against Samsung's Galaxy S22?

Canon T1i with 18-55 kit lens and CPL:


Galaxy S22:


I kicked the saturation up a notch on the DSLR picture, like I usually would so ignoring that difference, they appear pretty similar. The biggest difference being the reflection on the glass.

Crop them and the difference is more apparent.





The focus on the camera is better but the phone, considering all of the other things it can do, did a pretty decent job.