Eddy's PVC Rig from start to finish - (Inspired by SIMUL8R) - Now with Insturctions!

  • Thread starter SlowEddy
eeek my free photo bucket account has reached the 10gig monthly Bandwidth limit. they say it won't pics wont be active again until "the 14th of the month" unless i upgrade to premium :s ..

which pictures do you need?

Try to host pictures at imageshack.us

and I found some wrong sizes on the seat base If you go with 1 and half PVC Pipes only, I dont know it will be the same with 2" PVC.


Item # 8 (3" pvc pipe QTY:2) you don't need that. It's too short.

Item # 9 (5.375" pvc pipe QTY:4) It's perfect size but Item # 8 should be in this.

I will say remove Item # 8 and add QTY: 2 on item # 9.

Here's my cockpit rig. almost completed! You see the missing two PVC pipe on seat base. 5.375" PVC Pipe is fitted all together with front cockpit base.

I hope this help!
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AAACCCCKKKK!!! Eddie, fix your pics!!! Hehe, I got my seat today and am trying to assemble and I need the reference!! None of your photo's are showing, just says 'bandwidth exceeded'.

LOL thanks.


Hey Andretti, heres a direct link to the project pictures


let me know if you still can't see them

I don't really want to re upload everything all over...... again such a pain but ill do it eventual if i have to

Try to host pictures at imageshack.us

and I found some wrong sizes on the seat base If you go with 1 and half PVC Pipes only, I dont know it will be the same with 2" PVC.


Item # 8 (3" pvc pipe QTY:2) you don't need that. It's too short.

Item # 9 (5.375" pvc pipe QTY:4) It's perfect size but Item # 8 should be in this.

I will say remove Item # 8 and add QTY: 2 on item # 9.

hey Jinx, part 9 is 4.375" not 5.375"

but I imagine that fittings for 1.5" diameter pipe are slightly smaller than fittings for 2" pipe

either way your rig should work fine!
Sacrilege? people take engine's all the time and that actually comes from the manufacturer of the car (well, generally). The seat comes from some oem seat place just like the rear view mirror and other generic crap. Heck even bugatti's have some switches and other misc items that are also used on audi's.

I'm fairly sure, that you will not find any VW related sticks in the Veyron - apart from that, I agree (-:
Hey Andretti, heres a direct link to the project pictures


let me know if you still can't see them

I don't really want to re upload everything all over...... again such a pain but ill do it eventual if i have to

That helps tons, thanks!

I was going to start putting it all together today, but overtime called so I'm going to start final prep tomorrow and hopefully get it assembled and 'racing' in the next few days.

Simul8r suggested getting the steering part set up first before gluing...and the more I thought about it, it made alot of sense, so thats what I'll be doing. I'm still hopefull I'll get it knocked out in the next few days though. I'll post when done.

Thanks for the link Eddy

I'm fairly sure, that you will not find any VW related sticks in the Veyron - apart from that, I agree (-:

My comment was mostly ment jokingly....although, like I initially stated, I wanted a NEW seat. Getting a used one from a wreck or something didnt really appeal to me if I could avoid it.

Some searching on the net and I found a extremely nice one through amazon for $152 that I got with free shipping delivered to my door. Could I have found one cheaper? Absolutely. Do I care in the least? Nope, and I'm extremely satisified with what I purchased.

Here's a link to what I got: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CRGPXM/ref=noref?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&psc=1

hey Jinx, part 9 is 4.375" not 5.375"

but I imagine that fittings for 1.5" diameter pipe are slightly smaller than fittings for 2" pipe

either way your rig should work fine!

Yes, I mean that. I didn't look on the paper. I typed those numbers from my head. :)

1 and half pvc pipes is way cheaper! I paid all of it not even over $100 yet. :)
Yes, I mean that. I didn't look on the paper. I typed those numbers from my head. :)

1 and half pvc pipes is way cheaper! I paid all of it not even over $100 yet. :)


Not trying to mess you up or anything, but I'd gotten the impression that building this and other pvc 'stands' like these to be used as a simulator, that most found that 1 1/2" pipe 'flexed' too much.

I could be wrong, but that is certainly the impression I got when I was researching on the site to decide how and what to build and why mine now is being done with 2" pvc pipe. I guess I figured if nothing else, I'd rather it be more than enough strength wise, verses spending the money and ultimately realizing I messed up and having to do over again with larger pipe....at twice the cost.

I just figured if you hadn't thought about this previously, I'd mention it before you got any further.

eeek my free photo bucket account has reached the 10gig monthly Bandwidth limit. they say it won't pics wont be active again until "the 14th of the month" unless i upgrade to premium :s ..
💡Any chance you can change them over to clickable Thumbnails?
Anyone know the size of the screws that screw into the steering wheel, foot pedals, and shifter for the Logitech G27? I'm heading to the hardware store here in a bit and need to figure out the correct sizes.

I've finished mounting the seat to the back half of the cockpit pvc, but now I am starting work on attaching the pedals and the steering wheel with the proper hardware. I'd rather avoid having to go to the store carrying the shifter or something to use as a 'tester' to get the right screws if I can avoid it.

Research on Logitech's site tells me its an 'M6 bolt'. Does that mean I need to find a 6mm (headed) bolt or is that a reference to the threads?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Everyone - Happy New Year....
Thanks for all of the information on this post.
I am getting ready to built my rig, and have found a AK Rocker
gaming chair that I will be using. Has anyone incorporated this
chair into this design, and also need to design something that will
allow me to move the chair to accommodate three drivers - ME, my
9 year old son, and my wife...I will not have my chair until next
week, so will have to figure out how to mount the chair, then
make some type of slide adjustment. I have seen some pvc
adapters, and maybe could come up with some type of locking
pin solution that would allow the front and back to come apart,
and also adjust?

Joe S.
Washington, PA.
Here's where I'm at. I got my seat delivered a day or two ago, so I just finally got a chance to get to work on it. I'm hoping to get the steering wheel mount done tomorrow, then I'll pull all the wood off so I can paint it black to mount the pvc.


Hi Everyone - Happy New Year....
Thanks for all of the information on this post.
I am getting ready to built my rig, and have found a AK Rocker
gaming chair that I will be using. Has anyone incorporated this
chair into this design, and also need to design something that will
allow me to move the chair to accommodate three drivers - ME, my
9 year old son, and my wife...I will not have my chair until next
week, so will have to figure out how to mount the chair, then
make some type of slide adjustment. I have seen some pvc
adapters, and maybe could come up with some type of locking
pin solution that would allow the front and back to come apart,
and also adjust?

Joe S.
Washington, PA.
There are a few who have built using the AK but as of late the one who comes to mind with regards to the adjustments your wanting would be GearType's. He's modified the rocker and posted what he's done to his rig on my Lumenlab's thread

Here's a pic of his rig:
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_1KxK8tZWdy0/TRI95l5F5RI/AAAAAAAAAKM/QiB95ATJK5g/10 10:05:23 AM.jpg
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Simul8r....the recommendation of using those 'clamp' styled fittings was god sent.

When I attached the pedals, I only did the two brackets at the end and the pedals dont move at all. For the steering, I could only use two, but once again, they proved so sturdy (so far, testing has begun) that I havent added anything else to keep the wheel in place.

I still need to pull all the boards again and paint them all black, as well as add the final line that the shifter goes on, and clean up all the wiring, but I want to try it out too much, so all that will have to wait for a bit.

Thought I'd share. Thanks Eddy and Sim....big help guys. Im very happy with it thus far and expect to only like it better and better as I use it more and more.


Andretti, nice! One suggestion though, do you feel the pedals are putting some strain to your shins/foot arching so much? I found this with mine and and when placing the board below the front pipe instead elleviated alot of tension while pedalling if you know what mean. Also, to prevent the bolts from sticking straight up have them reverse facing down with the nuts underneath the wood same goes with the steering. Just a suggestion.
Okay guys so heres my final product, after 3 weeks of on/off building and getting tools heres what I got :)!

I would like to thank SlowEddy and Simul8r for their help.
Guys I'm having trouble posting the pictures of my Cockpit, can someone explain how its done because I have tried twice already and no luck.

upload the picture from your hard drive to your account on photobucket (its free, so if you dont have one, get one).

once its uploaded, copy the link by 'direct link'. Once copied, come here, make a post, click the button on top that says 'insert image', then when the menu pops up, past in your link. Hit ok or whatever, then submit reply when done. Pic will show.

looks really good playforlife

I plan on getting home tomorrow and taking mine back apart to change over the screws so they face down (like simul8r suggested) as well as painting them, then trim the board my steering wheel size down slightly (painting it too) as well as hard connecting the steering wheel, and then getting to work on the shifter mount. I actually also need to build the part to mount the shifter too, so I'll be doing some cutting and measuring to get that done. Finally though (and maybe most important).....I need to drill and add a screw to attach the front section to the rear one. Like many others I didnt want to have a perminant connection for fear I'd one day need to move it and it as one big piece would be a royal pain. Playing with it last night for an hour or two, I must have had the sections come apart 3 or 4 times at least. Definately necessary.

One question, since yours resembles mine the way you did the pedal board....are you thinking you should have made it wider so you had a place to put your left foot when not shifting? I'm thinking about replacing the first board and making it slightly larger so I can rest my foot there as well as possibly putting a dead pedal later. Curious if you think you need the same?


Anyway, awesome job. Looks really good
Yeah Andretti I actually done see the need in making another board and adding a dead pedal, although that would be better...but I just rest my left foot right under the clutch pedal on the Pedal housing lol works for me.