Fanatec ClubSport Wheel & Pedal V2 Reviews

  • Thread starter LogiForce
First, now i finally read it : Great review Christiaan :)

Are you still noticing (oaccasional) belt slippage?
In an other review i heard they mentioned some wouble in the quick release, do you have that too?
If i wanted to extend the rod on the CSPV2 brake, so i have less play on the pedal. Will that be possible because the damper is also connected to the pedal?

Ps: somehow one of your download links redirected me to a pornsite :D
First, now i finally read it : Great review Christiaan :)

Are you still noticing (oaccasional) belt slippage?
In an other review i heard they mentioned some wouble in the quick release, do you have that too?
If i wanted to extend the rod on the CSPV2 brake, so i have less play on the pedal. Will that be possible because the damper is also connected to the pedal?

Ps: somehow one of your download links redirected me to a pornsite :D

I don't notice anymore belt slippage.
There is very minute play in the QR. This has been fixed for the retail wheels.
The issue that caused the "wobble" was that the ball sockets were cut a little to deep. This has been resolved.

You could extend that rod, however I would recommend putting a stiffer progressive spring on the damper first. It feels much better at that point. If you still want to lengthen it afterwords, be my guest.
I actually have to set the Load Cell dial to 9, because else I don't get enough input.

I can't say it enough, but the basic design is still the good old ClubSport Pedal design. So you can still use all of your old modifications on it if you want.

To a porn site? Which one? The mediafire one? Cause the above link is my own site.
If it is the mediafire link, I reckon it is the ads on that page which are put there because of your surf behaviour. lol
Changed it to 2shared instead. I hope that is kid/workplace safe. lol

Here is a complete list of changes made in the manufacturing process after issue reports during the long testing period of beta testers and short period of community testers. However this list is from the top of Thomas his head, so he could have forgotten something.

List of improvements made in the manufacturing process

Quite a few changes have been made since the first community test Clubsport Wheels were produced and I am sending you a list of all the improvements that will be a part of the final production wheels:

Depth of holes on the base-side of the quick-release has been reduced. This eliminates any play on the quick-release mechanism because metal balls now have less play.
Dimensions of the base-side part of the quick-release have been slightly reduced to make the rims slide on and off more eaisly.
Layout of the PCBA inside the BMW M3 GT2 rim has been changed so that paddle shifter does not hit one of the elements if moved closer to the rim.
A shorter cable is now being used to connect quick release pins to the main PCBA inside the CSW base. This solves the issue where the same cable would rub against the main PCBA and produce unwanted noises.
A fixture has been added in production to eliminate any BMW badge alignment issues on the BMW M3 GT2 rim.
Springs and switches inside paddle shifter mechanisms have been changed for higher reliability.
Metal screw inserts are now used for shifter paddle attachment - increased reliability.
Grease is now used for lubrication of paddle shifter mechanisms instead of oil. This prevents potential problems with squeaking.
Belt drive is now better aligned and with optimized inner friction of the drive system.
Sequence of LED shift ligths on the BMW M3 GT2 rim has been changed to: YYY-RRR-BBB
Brightness of LED shift lights has been increased on both rims.
Type of Loctite on several screws has changed for easier disassembly.
Position sensor mount has been changed for better stability.
Due to problems with leaking, different bottles are now used for CSP V2 damper oil.
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Hell of a review Logi, I can tell you put some serious time into the layout and presentation.
Thomas should take notice. Hats off! 👍 👍
Hell of a review Logi, I can tell you put some serious time into the layout and presentation.
Thomas should take notice. Hats off! 👍 👍

Thanks. It took even more time because the Mac Mini was slow as heck even with the fan at full power. Especially with unoptimized images. The original document is well over 1GB. Lol
Anyways, will start debugging the MM soon. ;)
i heard about some difficulties about reaching buttons on both wheel, GT and F1 unless you have giant fingers

If you keep your hands on the wheel on the BMW rim you can only reach the sticks. On the Formula the sticks and the buttons on the top left and right are only easily accessible.

I have just bought Sparco gloves so I know my size. Which is Small or Size 9 on the Sparco size chart.
Hi everyone,

Let me kick this thread of by saying just a small thank you to everyone and I hope you will enjoy the read.

Christiaan "LogiForce" van Beilen
Community Test Manager

LogiForce his ClubSport Wheel review

I will update this post over the weekend with the review text and forum friendly pictures. However due to time constraints and me not wanting to let you wait longer. Here is the small sized PDF document, with as an appology a video I did about my brake damper mod. :)

LogiForce's review PDF (size: 6.3 MB):
Mirror 1:
Mirror 2:

iPhone users on the GTPlanet app, if you'd like to download the PDF: tap the above link, then tap the download button, then tap the action button on the lower right (action button) of the app and open in Safari, finally you can "open in iBooks".
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Thanks for spending a lot of time on the review Logi, it is quite a beautiful wheel indeed! I would say the wheel could become a legend once we have more games that fully utilize the Fanatec SDK. iRacing, GT5 and the big two sims coming next year pCars and Assetto Corsa... and so on.
BRAVO Logi =)
Awesome read. $1,100 for this new sim set up or $1,100 for new Michelin Pilot P2's for my real M3?? Decisions...decisions. LOL Yeah, I can stretch the current set for another 6 months. LOL
^ :lol: now that's funny

Edit: finally got to my computer and read the whole review. That was a really good review thank you
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Ha, Ha...

I loved it...

Applaud the amount of effort, it shows your dedication and passionate interest.
Looked great on the "iPad" as well.

Do think using a forum, better images would make it a little juicer and congrats on the pedal video.
That spring indeed just looks "toyish" and would of expected something better to be included with these revised pedals aimed at matching such a serious wheel.

Going to make my own thoughts on what I'm learning in reviews about the wheel but I kinda feel so far a degree of confusion. Are these rims and buttons/features on the rims worth all the extra expense over a possible or future mods for the elite or indeed a T500RS. Yes the CSW has the network connection and dual shifter sockets but what exactly does this wheel offer with its increased electronics that cannot be done on those other wheels as mods?

I think that's one area reviews should of taken into account to consider the pros/cons of options or future possibilities for owners of the ELITE or T500RS. For instance what happens if a quick release mod appears for the Elite (already possible on T500RS) and combined with a decent button box or this new "MONSTA" display?

In some part the BMW rim is being criticised, while it looked to be the KING of rims? Is the issue with it's weight really such an issue, does this mean maybe such features are better on button/boxes or external displays as not to inhibit the wheel performance? Personally this is one question/situation I've not yet seen enough coverage on but one that has my interest. I wonder how long before different rims from other firms start appearing that can at least fit Fanatecs QR system?

Great thing that the wheel is reliable, quiet good compatibility and offers a high level of build with leading performance. I feel tempted but not yet that excited and how do Elite owners feel?
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What i have missed in the reviews is reading about the ability to increase FFB above the 100% in the tuning menu.

Is it still there?
How does it work and how well it works. I would love to have some info on that
What i have missed in the reviews is reading about the ability to increase FFB above the 100% in the tuning menu.

Is it still there?
How does it work and how well it works. I would love to have some info on that

Yes thats part of my questioning the "advanced electronics" the Elite does not have.
I know the tester on my forum had to have his replaced, but he told me the issue has been fixed by fanatec. Not entirely sure what the issue was though.

That was the only problem I've heard about so it does seem they're quite reliable :)
What i have missed in the reviews is reading about the ability to increase FFB above the 100% in the tuning menu.

Is it still there?
How does it work and how well it works. I would love to have some info on that

Yeah, me too. this is the reason I sold my Elite, because cetain games like Forza ffb was too weak. I am waiting to hear how much of a difference this option makes.
What i have missed in the reviews is reading about the ability to increase FFB above the 100% in the tuning menu.

Is it still there?
How does it work and how well it works. I would love to have some info on that

It was there at least on a test wheels.

Here's abit about it.

A couple of reviews I read on iracing says that the wheel is nice, but its not really any better than the t500 as far as performance goes. Even stated if you already own a t500 its probably not worth the upgrade. Of course that was only in the way it drives. If your into some of the extras this may offer at some point than thats a different story. Some test even showed the logitech g series as good in some peformance tests.
What I want to know is, where's Mayaman's review? His is one of the ones I've been particularly looking forward too...
I might be wrong but didn't he say because of work his might not be up until Sunday/Monday

You are correct. He works for a hedge fund so he has to find the right amount or time.

I am still trying to take care of the aftermath of the TT. I kinda look like a red lobster now. lmao
So I am going to take it easy for the rest of the day. Will see if I can give the above people some answers tomorrow.
Currently poor anyways ;)

Might con Maya into letting me come visit. I'm under two hours from the furthest town in his state away from me. ;)
Christiaan, could you explain a bit more about the "Force" setting?

-How it works
-What's effected by it
-Does it work well and do you like it AND use it
-Can setting the force higher compensate for the "heavy" BMW rim

Could you also check for me how long the wider belt is 508 or 514?


Edit: How was the TT ? :)

@bumer thanks for the video link, i'm gonna check it out. 👍
On the ipad your post was blank though. I'm downloading it now with Mxtube?

And where the Mayaman review? :confused:
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A couple of reviews I read on iracing says that the wheel is nice, but its not really any better than the t500 as far as performance goes. Even stated if you already own a t500 its probably not worth the upgrade. Of course that was only in the way it drives. If your into some of the extras this may offer at some point than thats a different story. Some test even showed the logitech g series as good in some peformance tests.

I've been following those threads pretty closely since I am in that camp. John B's comments really surprised me.

I was also very disappointed to hear about the comments on the weight of the GT rims effect on performance. When you think about it, it is 100% obvious that more mass i.e. resistance to acceleration, would do that. Sounds like it is smoother but more damped/slower than the T500.