GT Sport to not feature single player 'career' events/races?

  • Thread starter Samus

How would you feel if there was no traditional single player 'career' in GT Sport?

  • Not happy and I won't buy a GT game without one

    Votes: 199 43.7%
  • Not happy but i'll still buy a GT game without one

    Votes: 181 39.8%
  • I don't mind, if one is there I'll play it but prefer online

    Votes: 50 11.0%
  • I don't care at all, I don't want/need a single player career, will play online

    Votes: 25 5.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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United Kingdom
We've known for some time now that GT Sport features three core modes.

"Campaign Mode", "Sports Mode" and "Arcade Mode".

Arcade Mode was always pretty obviously going to be rather similar to older games but we didn't know exactly what the other two would entail until the London Event.

So first of all 'Campaign Mode'.


The above slide is very clear in what it contains. 117 Events, and the breakdown of those. I think many people assumed those events were in part going to be like the past, 'Sunday Cup', 'Like The Wind' and so on. However thanks to @fagnerpc that seems not to be the case.


The 'Beginner's School seems to be what we expected, basic driving lessons similar to old license tests.


Circuit Experience is where I think many people, including myself, expected to find familiar race events. However the above screen suggests this is not the case and they are in fact just exercises to learn the tracks.


Mission Challenge is seemingly what most people were expecting, short to mid-length driving challenges, some against the clock, some against AI. Very similar to those found in GT4 and later games. However again these are seemingly specific scenarios, not set race events.


Racing Etiquette does what it says on the tin, teaches you the do's and don't of real racing. Again, just simple scenarios are presented here, no race events.

'Sports Mode' we also now know to be the online multiplayer portion of the game, featuring online events and races. So of course we may see some familiar events but they're all online, against human opponents.




So, thoughts? Is this really it, or will they add offline events as we know from previous games?
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...So, the game needs to be "always online"? I knew of the truncated SP, but not to this extent. Wowsers.

Sports Mode seems like a reskinned Seasonal Events - a mixture of MP and SP.

Dunno what to think now. I was seriously considering Day One, but then all this info makes me wary...
...So, the game needs to be "always online"? I knew of the truncated SP, but not to this extent. Wowsers.

Sports Mode seems like a reskinned Seasonal Events - a mixture of MP and SP.

Dunno what to think now. I was seriously considering Day One, but then all this info makes me wary...

I don't think there is any SP in Sports Mode. Those events all have a start time, suggesting they are 'live' and against humans. If there were SP you could start them at any time.
Wait, so career is online only?

I really hope they do something to help with aggressive drivers or getting through the campaign is going to get very frustrating.

I don't understand why this game wouldn't have a single player career.
Yeah, wowsers. I haven't been in multiplayer with GT6 following what I experienced in GT5. (These days I tend to spend more time simply lapping tracks).

Since Polyphony turned off the GT5 servers, I suspect that'll be standard for the other games at some point as well, which makes me wary for a game that has nearly all of its functions online.
I've liked your post @Samus because it's informative, but I don't like the situation. Perhaps the lack of car variety renders having a variety of championships a little pointless. Time trialling is still there so that's something at least.
Online will probably just be normal lobbies as before. GT5P's set races were fun, so hopefully Sport apes that to some extent, and the existing lobby system is reasonably flexible as-is. A few changes and that would be enough - I personally hope for Shuffle to return for online (come on museum mode, don't let me down...)

So, in terms of single player, if arcade is as made to be as flexible as online, maybe that'll be good - more like a sandbox simulator rather than the needless arcade progression (which, arguably, "Campaign" now provides). That's the hope, now to wait for reality to kick in!

Nice thread. 👍
Considering I haven't seen one photo displaying a way to acquire credits or a purchase screen anywhere, not having a single player focus like old GT is not that surprising with only 137 cars. It has arcade which more than likely lets you choose any car, any track and choose to race AI, which would serve the same purpose as having the old GT progression minus the credit chase. GT Sport seems to have a different focus and it's biased heavily toward online interaction, you know the part of GT 5 Prologue, GT 5 and GT 6 that folks were howling to the heavens about.

I'm already rethinking my purchase but it's got nothing to do with no single player credit chase, but that's another story altogether. It's good and bad I guess but we'll figure that out in November, until then I want to see improvements in presentation on the tracks, atmosphere, ambiance and more clinically dead presentations guys.

@jm79 That online is the normal online like in GT5/6. Sport are more or less ranked races with leaderboards most likely and probably where you increase manufacturer relationships to unlock more of their prestigious autos as opposed to single player route(I believe they stated that you are graded on skill and etiquette, that whole FIA license thing). So the Online is where the usual stuff from GT will reside, I'm guessing. I wonder if that performance point gauge is used in the online section? Anyway there are changes and many people are change averse, they usually start freaking out and complaining, but in time they calm down and think things through and realize that the world changes whether they like it or not.

Side note, just where are people getting these images? My first time seeing 98% of them.
I don't think there's a lot of 'game design' work in saying: "This car, this circuit, these AI opponents" and knocking one out a week, a day, etc...

So I'm not too concerned about this.
So you're hoping it will come to the game but it's not there now so what if it doesn't? There's a fair chance the entire progression through the game is done online. No one has seen a mention of credits anywhere I'm aware of.

Not being an offline player other than for hotlapping and TT's the lack of an offline career doesn't concern me personally, but for the sake of the franchise and all the players who still enjoy racing offline this should be really, really worrisome. Hopefully they'll flesh it out but when it comes to GT, hoping that stuff will be fixed in the future when there is no specific promise associated with it is quite often fruitless.
Wait, so career is online only?

I really hope they do something to help with aggressive drivers or getting through the campaign is going to get very frustrating.

I don't understand why this game wouldn't have a single player career.

I would imagine it'll be like GT6 where you can't race online or join the events until you've passed most/all of the test/instructional events. For the FIA events, I'm sure you'll need the FIA digital license.

Campaign is all single player in various tests, licenses, missions and instructionals. Sport is all online, with the various 'live' events running.

There are 4, not 3, core modes.

Campaign, Sport, Online, Arcade


As Griffith says Online is just the 'old' lobbies/free online mode. In Sport mode there will only be a few events available at a time, a bit like Quick Race events in GT6, so there still needs to be a normal online mode for people to race whenever/whatever they want.
So you're hoping it will come to the game but it's not there now so what if it doesn't? There's a fair chance the entire progression through the game is done online. No one has seen a mention of credits anywhere I'm aware of.

Not being an offline player other than for hotlapping and TT's the lack of an offline career doesn't concern me personally, but for the sake of the franchise and all the players who still enjoy racing offline this should be really, really worrisome. Hopefully they'll flesh it out but when it comes to GT, hoping that stuff will be fixed in the future when there is no specific promise associated with it is quite often fruitless.

You're totally right, of course, and it is merely a hope, but a hope based on the assumption that these things are really quite easy to set up.

What I'm interested in also, as @SavageEvil pointed out, is the currency and how you earn it. The Amazon pre-order mentions $ values as an incentive, but I've no idea where you earn these things. Surely you need an offline component for this to function at all well?
I've liked your post @Samus because it's informative, but I don't like the situation. Perhaps the lack of car variety renders having a variety of championships a little pointless. Time trialling is still there so that's something at least.
Project Cars built a massive and immersive Career Mode out of about half that number of cars. Any series could take place on multiple tracks with 1-2 hour races (optional length of course), pit stops for fuel and tires etc. and a single series could take up to 30-40 hours or more to complete. There are hundreds of hours of offline gameplay in there if it's designed that way.
You're totally right, of course, and it is merely a hope, but a hope based on the assumption that these things are really quite easy to set up.

Right, but why wouldn't that be outlined in the presentation? The slides he showed were quite clear what each mode contained, if they planned to include SP events, why wouldn't they be mentioned in the presentation?

What I'm interested in also, as @SavageEvil pointed out, is the currency and how you earn it. The Amazon pre-order mentions $ values as an incentive, but I've no idea where you earn these things. Surely you need an offline component for this to function at all well?

Seems obvious to me the only money earning (and spending) is done online, in either Sport mode or normal online mode.
Right, but why wouldn't that be outlined in the presentation? The slides he showed were quite clear what each mode contained, if they planned to include SP events, why wouldn't they be mentioned in the presentation?

Seems obvious to me the only money earning (and spending) is done online, in either Sport mode or normal online mode.

Hmmm, not so sure how successful that would be. Surely a 'financial' incentive would ruin the urge to be sportsmanlike on the track? Turn all races into a frantic crash-tastic cash grab*

*say that quickly ;)
Hmm, it looks to me 117 events is more like 117 license tests events.

Goodness. I hope not. They're mostly practically lessons, rather than racing events. :(

The full 60 bucks deserves some more offline treatment. I can't believe Kaz would say this would pass as GT7, if this is the case.
I would imagine it'll be like GT6 where you can't race online or join the events until you've passed most/all of the test/instructional events. For the FIA events, I'm sure you'll need the FIA digital license.

Campaign is all single player in various tests, licenses, missions and instructionals. Sport is all online, with the various 'live' events running.

Getting a FIA digital license isn't going to prevent people from driving like jerks online.
Hmmm, not so sure how successful that would be. Surely a 'financial' incentive would ruin the urge to be sportsmanlike on the track? Turn all races into a frantic crash-tastic cash grab*
*say that quickly ;)
And therein lies the dilemma if that's indeed the case. QM is a perfect example of how good online racing will be if huge amounts of cash are up for grabs and content is hidden behind a game economy based on those winnings.
Getting a FIA digital license isn't going to prevent people from driving like jerks online.
It won't, that's a function of game design and the general audience that a game attracts. The problem with having a game economy based on online winnings is there is no punishment or incentive for driving clean unless it's built into the design of the game. Will they do that? Will it be fair and just? One can only hope.
Getting a FIA digital license isn't going to prevent people from driving like jerks online.

Well no but there seems to be some sort of safety/rating system in place, so hopefully you'll be paired with other similar racers to you. Depends if it works properly though, rather than the person being rammed getting penalised and such.
Well no but there seems to be some sort of safety/rating system in place, so hopefully you'll be paired with other similar racers to you. Depends if it works properly though, rather than the person being rammed getting penalised and such.

Sorry about being negative but racing online(well since forever) hasn't given me hope in online communities.

Hopefully a penalty/flag system will be able to keep people civil.
No one has seen a mention of credits anywhere I'm aware of.

There will seemingly be a credit system in game. Various editions of the game come with In-Game credit incentives:
  • $500,000 In-Game Credit
  • $1MM In-Game Credit – Build and customize your personalized garage


There was also a screenshot (driver profile maybe?) where credits appeared I think.
There will seemingly be a credit system in game. Various editions of the game come with In-Game credit incentives:

There was also a screenshot (driver profile maybe?) where credits appeared I think.
True, I meant to say there was no mention of credits in any of the game menus that I saw. Obviously there is an economy but is it offline? Online? Both? We can only wait until we get more information to know for sure.
As of right now except for Arcade Mode there is no provision for earning anything offline. That is why I'm inclined to believe the economy is all online-only.