GT Sport vs GT7 FFB/Road details&/Curbs

  • Thread starter MateuszPL
I've bought TGT-2 for the best exeperience in GT7. But i'm quite dissapointment with FFB in game, especially from the curbs and overall details from the road. On Dualsense i've got more details (maybe GT7 was made at first for the controller) than from my wheel. I've tried various of settings, nothing works well for me.

The same wheel in GT Sport works very different. More powerfull. More details on every curbs. Also tried this on T300 - the same result.

Can anyone from PD, any dev or producer in this forum can relate to this situation?
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Gt7 had "good" force feedback (I'm a a noob when it comes to wheels and don't know how to describe the ffb :D) in the beginning but nerfed it after some players reported problems with their fanatec direct drive and I think some logitech wheels
It's not only a problem with overall ffb strenth. Take a controller and go into a corner with curbs. Then take a wheel and do the same thing. On controller you fell the bumps. On wheel you feel flat.
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It's not a problem with overall ffb strenth. Take a controller and go info a corner with curbs. Then take a wheel and do the same thing. On controller you fell the dumps. On wheel you feel flat.
There is no force feedback on controller.

Force feedback relates to the movement of the wheel in response to what is happening to the car in game - the wheel pulls against you if you push the car to far, or it wants to snap in the other direction if you crash. This relates to the steering wheel exclusively. It creates force feedback. You'll only feel the curbs if the curbs are bumpy enough to change the cars trajectory.

What you feel through the controller is haptic feedback - the controller simulates vibrations you would feel if you were sitting in the car and going over curbs. This is why curbs and random track bumps are more apparent on controller. It's a different style of feedback aimed at recreating a different part of the racing sensations.
For whatever reason GT7 has removed the impact feeling you get when you hit/mount a curb. Every other racing game has a distinct feeling when you both hit and are rolling over curbs. Both in the wheel/controller and other haptics you might have.
I use a fanatec DD GT Pro and also have simrig setup to send haptic data to 2 bass shakers and no matter what I cant get that sensation that every other game seems to have, even GT sport. In simhub GT7 is one of the only games that doesn't have an option for "road rumble"
You can get the sensation of the suspension compressing on the curbs and it feels good, but not the sensation when you actually hit it with your tyres.
The another great example is Tokyo Expressway - Central Clockwise. In GT Sport you can feel the bumps along the road. Also on Dualsense in GT7. But nothing on the wheel.
The kerb effect ffb is very poor in GT7. And there is no feel of lateral grip either, both of which you got in GTS. It's like it's 5 years out of date. My salutation for GT7 has been "when will they fix the ffb?" since I did my first ever lap. There has been no reason to change it.

It has to improve because with dynamic track conditions the feel of grip is critical to finding the limit and all we get atm is rear tyre slip (which is too late). I'd you don't have lateral grip ffb every corner is a guess.

In GTS you got a dull grind turning into a hard rumble the closer you got to the limit of grip. Ok so this is unrealistic, the steering should get heavier and heavier until it starts to suddenly go light. But it doesn't really matter the realism, it's the feedback telling you <something>, whatever it may be, that matters.

Btw it's "kerb" not "curb".
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Efekt krawężnika ffb jest bardzo słaby w GT7. Nie ma też wyczucia przyczepności bocznej, które można znaleźć w GTS. To tak, jakby to było 5 lat nieaktualne. Moje pozdrowienie dla GT7 brzmiało: „kiedy naprawią ffb?” odkąd zrobiłem swoje pierwsze okrążenie. Nie było powodu, aby to zmieniać.

Musi się poprawić, ponieważ przy dynamicznych warunkach na torze wyczucie przyczepności ma kluczowe znaczenie dla znalezienia limitu, a wszystko, co uzyskujemy, to poślizg tylnej opony (co jest za późno). Chciałbym, żebyś nie miał przyczepności bocznej ffb każdy zakręt to zgadywanie.

W GTS tępe zgrzytanie zmienia się w mocne dudnienie, gdy zbliżasz się do granicy przyczepności. Ok, więc to jest nierealne, kierownica powinna być coraz cięższa i cięższa, aż nagle zacznie robić się lżejsza. Ale tak naprawdę nie ma znaczenia realizm, liczy się informacja zwrotna, która mówi ci <coś>, cokolwiek to może być.

Btw to jest "krawężnik", a nie "krawężnik".
I'm not a hardcore player, but for me in GT Sport FFB is way more fun. These sensations are maybe not real, but just fun.

We are one year after premiere and PD do nothing with this. I lost my hope :(
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The FFB definitely had a regression on GT7, at least for my G29. There's like this very strong centering effect that makes it feel completely unnatural and as mentioned on the thread there's very little feedback for kerbs and road surface in general.
I'd say I can feel curbs as good as on dualsense on a wheel with trueforce. Haven't tested any other wheels though.

I don't get the 'thuds' of vibration in the wheel that you get on dualsense when you cross the seams in the road on the Tokyo tracks though. Can hear the sound of it, and maybe some mild vibration, but definitely not like on controller.
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Anyone figured this out yet? I have Thrustmaster T-GT and I've tried all settings on Max Torque and FF Sensitivity available on the net. Nothing makes it feel like GTSport.
Anyone figured this out yet? I have Thrustmaster T-GT and I've tried all settings on Max Torque and FF Sensitivity available on the net. Nothing makes it feel like GTSport.
There's nothing to figure out, it's just the game.
Just tested GT7 PS5 & GTSport on exact same hardware and exact same controller settings and its night and day. GTSport is absolutely phenomenal with every road detail perfect. GT7 is like a vibrating controller which is hit or miss. Where do we file bug for GT7?
I don't get the 'thuds' of vibration in the wheel that you get on dualsense when you cross the seams in the road on the Tokyo tracks though. Can hear the sound of it, and maybe some mild vibration, but definitely not like on controller.
When actual force feedback is considered, there shouldn't be any in that situation. There's no force pulling the wheel to either side as both front wheels hit the seams simultanoeusly. In real life it would jolt the entire car, yes, but not cause any actual steering rack torque - you could go over the seams with hands off the wheel and the trajectory wouldn't change. Been there, done that on right angle railway crossings many times.
Just tested GT7 PS5 & GTSport on exact same hardware and exact same controller settings and its night and day. GTSport is absolutely phenomenal with every road detail perfect. GT7 is like a vibrating controller which is hit or miss. Where do we file bug for GT7?
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At this point, if they haven't fixed it I don't think they will. But it's indeed bizarre how much better GT Sport's FFB is, at least on the G29.
I have hope. If they had it implemented correctly in GTSport maybe they've just been too busy preparing for launch of VR. Now that its done they'll fix/port FF
People have been complaining since launch. VR has been a part of gt7 since the start, just not activated until the psvr2 came out (and obviously they worked on it a bit over that time too) The fact that the telemetry data for the FFB doesn't exist is really concerning
Lowering sensitivity made it a lot better for me on the T300, I'm also running low strength tho as I think it's super unrealistic to have the wheel fighting against me with its self centering force.
Thrustmaster support is good about follow-up. We should file requests for them to pressure PD. Obviously they are paying licensing fees but turning-off FF is turning off customers.
Thrustmaster support is good about follow-up. We should file requests for them to pressure PD. Obviously they are paying licensing fees but turning-off FF is turning off customers.
My only hope is that some of the folks who run this site are feeding them high-priority items to remedy.
Please submit support tickets to each of your wheels' sites. Logitech, Fanatec, Thrustmaster. They all pay PD license fees. The wheels sales will hurt.
G923 has every detail of the road on gt7. Im thinking about getting the g pro since its 10x better. I wanted the dd pro but i see it lacks kerb and road detail till this day. And the extreme wheel fullforce dosent even work rn.
I use T-GT-II and you can feel everything… curbs, road, bumps, weight transfer…the vibration sensation you get when the tires get worn etc…. the added vibration from the wheel also goes through my rig and makes the experience even better…