GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
I think NFS Shift has the best sound except for the sound of the wind at speed. Don't hate me for mentioning NFS Shift. Even without that comparison, I think GT5 could sound much better than it does. The cars just don't sound raw enough, if you know what i mean.
Then again, I've only seen captured videos, so I'm hoping the sound details were missing in those vids. Otherwise they have work to do
Got to say I agree that the sound in GT5 really needs to be better this has to be one of my biggest let-downs of the GT series, the AMG SL55 is a perfect example it tends to sound like a hoover, as does the E92 M3 which is a shame because in FM3 the V8 cars are so much better. I have driven both cars in the metal and they do not sound anything like they do in any of the games.

Now I know that we cannot expect a completely realistic sounds from a game but FM3 manages to get closer in this aspect.

I hasten to add that I play the game through a 5.1 surround sound system and also have a separate sub woofer. Yes I also have the GT5p in the cinema mode too.

So if FM3 designers can do it PD should be able to at least match it. I really do not want anymore "hair dryer" or "hoover" V8's please.

The strange thing seems to be that every time they do a behind the scences video we are told how hard they try to get the sound correct for the car and then each time they seem to fail at the same hurdle.

Got to say I agree that the sound in GT5 really needs to be better this has to be one of my biggest let-downs of the GT series, the AMG SL55 is a perfect example it tends to sound like a hoover, as does the E92 M3 which is a shame because in FM3 the V8 cars are so much better. I have driven both cars in the metal and they do not sound anything like they do in any of the games.

Now I know that we cannot expect a completely realistic sounds from a game but FM3 manages to get closer in this aspect.

I hasten to add that I play the game through a 5.1 surround sound system and also have a separate sub woofer. Yes I also have the GT5p in the cinema mode too.

So if FM3 designers can do it PD should be able to at least match it. I really do not want anymore "hair dryer" or "hoover" V8's please.

The strange thing seems to be that every time they do a behind the scences video we are told how hard they try to get the sound correct for the car and then each time they seem to fail at the same hurdle.


You are right mate, and I'm glad that you're not one of the blind apologists.👍 Fundamentally lousy sound can eventually sound mediocre on an expensive sound system, but you can't expect any more than that...
It's still a mystery at which step they menage to ruin the sound, but I'm hopeful that we're in for a pleasant surprise in march(in light of the latest info)!:)
Gt is the best racing series in my world. But I really need that wild, deep racecar sound too be able to say that is`s perfect. And some backfire too from the rally cars, please.
There should be somewhere we could write pd with comments on their games, or could we hope they drop by this forum once in a while:)
I seems like it`s only engine sound we hear in many cars, but the exaust sound is very important too. And your can esaly hear the excaust in a racecarfrom incar view:)

Come on PD, give us just that phat, wild, deep racecar sound and you´re god:)
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I'm sure PD has the technology to make a proper car sounding and sound quality better than any developers, they just don't apply the proper car sounding right. Like the F430 which they took the sound in the engine and not including the exhaust note, in the other car like the Z06 C6 they did took the exhaust note properly, but ignored the engine sound. They made a lot of proper sounding car, but some are just shown very little attention to who ever made it. Maybe the sound was compressed and the bass effect was lost for PSN download? I'm not good about car sound recording, but I do record in a studio for music and it takes a lot of effort to make a great sounding instrumental music.
I have played every Gran Turismo since the start of the first Gran Turismo launch.

The new Gran Turismo should have realistic sounds and by realistic I mean pitch. Need for Speed SHIFT has amazing car sounds but a poor arcade feel.

Will Gran Turismo sound like PGR or SHIFT? Or will the sounds just stay the same?
Nobody knows. See, none of us have played the game. ;) I'd say that if they are anything like GT5:Prologue, then they will be "alright".
They'll probably be a bit improved, but probably only a few will have the true "feel" of their real life counterparts.

Edit: And the 787B damn well better be one of them. :P
I hope so, the tyre's scrub on the track in shift instead of squeal, although alot of the cars are recognisable just by there noises, think Ferrari, GTR, NSX, Aston. I do hope the damage effects have some realistic sounds though.
Nobody knows. See, none of us have played the game. ;) I'd say that if they are anything like GT5:Prologue, then they will be "alright".

You say "nobody knows" at the start of every new thread. What do think these threads are for anyway.
I have played every Gran Turismo since the start of the first Gran Turismo launch.

The new Gran Turismo should have realistic sounds and by realistic I mean pitch. Need for Speed SHIFT has amazing car sounds but a poor arcade feel.

Will Gran Turismo sound like PGR or SHIFT? Or will the sounds just stay the same?

Why People allways say NFS Shift Car sounds are like the heaven of sounds??. some cars sound waaaay more packed and loud than they actually are, most have some noise or bad mixing, and some sound plain annoying, on the bright side some cars sound really good.

about other sounds, its great, but the car sounds arent that great.

In GT5P cars like the Mazda 6 Sound waaay real, sound sluggish and a little bit faint, like a stock 4 cylinder engine for a family saloon car, the mustang also sounds really good, and the nissan gtr also sounds good, now there are bad sounding cars like the M3 or the NSX, but simply put it this Way, Some cars will sound better, some arent going to sound good; BUT in Overall, all Cars will have top of the line sound mixing/audio quality:tup:
The second part of this preview of soon to be released video, you can hear a well recorded car sound (from real race cars etc.). I haven't heard anything from a console game that even approach this level of realism. A few mods for GTR2 and rFactor has come close but still no cigar.

Click on the Youtube watermark to view in high def.
You say "nobody knows" at the start of every new thread. What do think these threads are for anyway.

Umm, cause nobody knows? Do we work for PD? No. Have we played the game? No. The number of threads I see pop up every day can be answered just by a simple search or by really thinking about it.
Yay, another sound thread...
PD are really screwing with us. We've officially run out of things to speculate on, wish, discover or whine about.
I actually think that the car sounds found in Prologue are a notable improvement over GT4. 👍 Though I do think that they could still use a little bit more "grunt", especially at higher revs. :mischievous: I guess we have to be realistic; if GT5 indeed has a thousand cars, we can't expect them all to sound authentic and immaculate.
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Some of the sounds in GTPSP actually have an improvement, the R8 LMS car certainly sounds like the R8 that was in Topgear the other night
I want ignition, shutdown, failed shifts\transmission noises, handbrake. For the rest im sure GT5's mixing will be the ultimate.

To reinforce a point, cars that are stock or non-race modified meaning still have all the interior bits, will sound alot less loud from the cockpit as the noiseproofing is still installed.
In GT5P cars like the Mazda 6 Sound waaay real, sound sluggish and a little bit faint, like a stock 4 cylinder engine for a family saloon car, the mustang also sounds really good, and the nissan gtr also sounds good, now there are bad sounding cars like the M3 or the NSX, but simply put it this Way, Some cars will sound better, some arent going to sound good; BUT in Overall, all Cars will have top of the line sound mixing/audio quality:tup:

Umm...? Compare the following sounds.

Sorry, I couldn't get a video on the GT-R where it was revving similar to the real video, but this is pretty close.

The GT-R is a great example, because it shows what PD is lacking. The GT-R sounds reasonable, but comparing it to the great sound the actual car has, it's far off. The GT5P version mostly lacks the grunt and the oomph, as mentioned many times before. The sound of the turbocharger, in GT5P, is only audible at low RPM and it sounds nothing like it does in the real video. The same is true for many cars in the game.

To me, the sound issue might even make or break the game for me. It's very important (alright, I'll still buy it if the sounds are crappy, but you get my point). What does everyone else think?
The car noises have and always will be a let down in GT games. I think they just need to sack all the sound guys and hire fresh talent (but Japanese companies don't do that - job for life culture). The sounds for various cars has always lacked detail (they sound like they use the same sample and just modulate the pitch far too often). All the sounds for anything with more cylinders than 6 have been laughable. Also, no drivetrain/gears noise, wtf.

Sack them. Admittedly, the sounds haven't grated badly or become annoying to listen to during lengthy sessions, so that might be what they're trying to do. But if thats the case, at least admit realism isn't the aim!
I have played every Gran Turismo since the start of the first Gran Turismo launch.

The new Gran Turismo should have realistic sounds and by realistic I mean pitch. Need for Speed SHIFT has amazing car sounds but a poor arcade feel.

Will Gran Turismo sound like PGR or SHIFT? Or will the sounds just stay the same?

Kaz promised for new Physics engine, as well SOUND improved.. just how much improved. we do not know.. Judging from Tokyo game show demo, nothing is improved in sound department.. but PD loves to surprise!
Umm...? Compare the following sounds.

Sorry, I couldn't get a video on the GT-R where it was revving similar to the real video, but this is pretty close.

The GT-R is a great example, because it shows what PD is lacking. The GT-R sounds reasonable, but comparing it to the great sound the actual car has, it's far off. The GT5P version mostly lacks the grunt and the oomph, as mentioned many times before. The sound of the turbocharger, in GT5P, is only audible at low RPM and it sounds nothing like it does in the real video. The same is true for many cars in the game.

To me, the sound issue might even make or break the game for me. It's very important (alright, I'll still buy it if the sounds are crappy, but you get my point). What does everyone else think?

The main problem with your video choice is that the real car is being recorded 2 feet away from the exhaust pipes on the outside, while the game is an inside camera.

And believe me, it sounds much different inside than outside.
Gran Turismo use the same sound pattern for every car, they modify its properties to achieve every engine sounds, you have to understand that there is 1000 cars, they cannot record every single car and generate a sound wave for each of them, games with 20-50 have a sound wave (litteraly) for every car whilst Gran Turismo don't, they could have a different basic sound for every type of engine tho; boxster, inline, V, W, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12pistons, etc. wich GT never had to this date, even GT5P only had one sound at its core for every engine ingame. I don't see why they wouldn't do better this time, especially since it is the less improved aspect of Gran Turismo over the years and sound is almost as important as physics for racing fans.
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The main problem with your video choice is that the real car is being recorded 2 feet away from the exhaust pipes on the outside, while the game is an inside camera.

And believe me, it sounds much different inside than outside.

Yes, I figured that would come up. If you can find a video that shows the sound well from an exterior view, by all means post it so we can compare them. And the reason I put up the GT-R was because I was playing around with it yesterday, revving it just like the real video from the exterior view, and I noted the difference, which was... well, huge.
Kaz promised new physics engine and sound.

Anyway, I did some kind of sound check for GT5P .. "using z06" well the results were the z06 have nice idle sound .. maybe all cars .. it sounds realistic from in low rpm but it screws up when it reaches the best sound which is high rev ~5k to ~7k rpm.. same for M3 I think.

I think it has nothing to do with the sound sample it just mixing. I wish we could tweak sounds like in LFS (SHIFT+A).

But as for engine revving (idle) I've never heard a real one in a game. like in SHIFT it sounds ugly when you rev a car.

(off-topic..sort of) the rev / sound matching in GT5P is realistic I would say cuz in FM3 a tuned Audi RS4 can rev up to 9200 rpm but it doesn't sound like it is at the rpm actaully.
Yes, I figured that would come up. If you can find a video that shows the sound well from an exterior view, by all means post it so we can compare them. And the reason I put up the GT-R was because I was playing around with it yesterday, revving it just like the real video from the exterior view, and I noted the difference, which was... well, huge.

I'm not saying it's not difference (read: worse) in the game, but I've heard GT-Rs in real life and it's not really far off.