GT7 Is Rain effects broken for you.

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I'm playing GT7 on ps5 and I'm using priorities ray tracing.
If I'm playing using the in car view I see the rain on the windscreen but switching to the bonnet view I see no rain falling. Tbh DRIVECLUB which had the weather effects added to its game 7 years ago on the original ps4 still does the weather effects better imo.
Same feeling here, I drive with the bonnet cam and sometimes the only way to know it is raining is watching the replay 🤣

So ok, it has been a small rain on a limited period of the race, but I did not realized it was raining at all.
Yes, it would be nice if there was any visible indicator for this outside of cockpit cam.
You might be able to hear it, but that's not guaranteed...
It's there, its just faint AF. I guessed its assumed if your using the bonnet/hood cam, you DON'T want to see the rain effects. Beside, what is there completely imaginary camera angle, for the rain to bounce off of?
It makes you think how was this over looked, we are talking basic things like being able to see the rain real time. I was beginning to think it was just a glitch on my game.
It's there, its just faint AF. I guessed its assumed if your using the bonnet/hood cam, you DON'T want to see the rain effects. Beside, what is there completely imaginary camera angle, for the rain to bounce off of?
I get what your saying but if you stopped in a tunnel out of the rain, looking out you should still be able to see it raining just like if you look through your house window you can see the rain and the Direction of the rain and wind gusts even though the rain might not be hitting your window.
Yamauchi Kazunori spent to much time on the clouds or had his head in them. Let's Hope they fix the game, fingers crossed.
2022 and 404 rain not found unless played from a cockpit, well, technically that's how you supposed to drive, not sitting on the bonnet, bumper or flying behind the car, this is after all A Real Driving Simulator guys🙄
I assume if there was a visible rain fps would be in the 20s,its already dipping in 40s without it
Problem is speed sense is so bad when driving from inside that 200 feels like 100...oh well
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There are visible transparent rain particles and a good amount of them on screen; the way they are rendered is they need to be lit up by a light source against dark background to be seen properly.



I guess they could add some droplets latching onto the camera like in Driveclub, but a big complaint of driveclub is all those droplets blocking the view and just makes it a pain to play.
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I'm playing GT7 on ps5 and I'm using priorities ray tracing.
If I'm playing using the in car view I see the rain on the windscreen but switching to the bonnet view I see no rain falling. Tbh DRIVECLUB which had the weather effects added to its game 7 years ago on the original ps4 still does the weather effects better imo.
They obviously toned down the effect for better performance. Driveclub isn't really a good example really, this game is calculating more physics in its weather system than Driveclub, plus it wasn't even running at 60fps. Vanilla Driveclub was more about visual spectacle more than anything. If you want to see DC running at a higher framerate just watch some VR gameplay and see for yourself how much they downgraded the LOD and particle effects just to have a stable performance.
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People keep talking about RT like its available during the race, no its not, only for replays and showcase/photo mode
People keep talking about RT like its available during the race, no its not, only for replays and showcase/photo mode
And switch to frame rate priority, will be better for rain effects...
They obviously toned down the effect for better performance. Driveclub isn't really a good example really, this game is calculating more physics in its weather system than Driveclub, plus it wasn't even running at 60fps. Vanilla Driveclub was more about visual spectacle more than anything. If you want to see DC running at a higher framerate just watch some VR gameplay and see for yourself how much they downgraded the LOD and particle effects just to have a stable performance.

I have played the VR version of DRIVECLUB and there was slightly more detail on the ps4 pro version and the Sense of speed was even more amazing than the normal game. It was early days for ps VR and again there was pressure to get the game out. The GT sport VR was more of a demo from what I remember.The normal game, liking DRIVECLUB or not the Sense of speed was there for 30fps and the game was very playable,i liked the pick up and play bit tbh rather than having to check I had the right tyres on, right setup for the track etc, for multiplayer it worked Great if you didn't have time on your side just wanted to go racing. The DRIVECLUB "visual spectacle" is still impressive today that was my point the weather effects. GT7 at present on PS5 with a bigger budget, bigger team working on it, more resources I hate saying it because being a fan since GT1 on ps1, GT7 just misses the mark with the weather at present. Maybe in one of the GT7 build up videos before release weeks back if they hadn't of made such a big deal about how nice the clouds are I might of overlooked the lack of rain effects on outside views.
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30 fps which is unacceptable in a racing game, well any game in particular, I'd take 60 fps of some sprinkles tyvm
Heres a gt7 rain effects versus DRIVECLUB rain effects

During gameplay, the raised water effect was stupidly reduced by PD, with patch 1.06, completely ruining the immersivity of the game.

They had to and must give us the opportunity to choose how many effects to have during the gameplay. You have to ask them in mass to fix this problem that also affects the smoke of the tires during the drift, particles like stones and grass in the off track and dirt tracks, the same thing applies to the sparks, everything during the gameplay, in the replays instead remained unchanged.