GTP_Event 01 (Stage Two Car Poll & Dicussion)

  • Thread starter Sphinx

Stage Two Car Choice

  • Total voters
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I picked the Barbie car...

Sorry, I am weak! But I love the handling and performance of that car.

599, 430, or 512bb are also decent, but I hate the F40
I like a challenge so voted for the F40. This car has a good learning curve to keep you busy and even the setup can be very important for a fast lap. 👍

The California is lets say: "somewhat bland or saltless". :rolleyes:
If we are really ignoring Delphic Reason's vote, then this is WAY too close. :)

Also, I heard a rumor that Sphinx is going to choose the car with the least number of votes so you all better start hot lapping with the F430.
Is it one car that really deserve to have a one make race its the F40! its not as competitive online so it dont get the atention it deserve..

VOTE F40! it will be the most interesting races 👍
I picked the F40. I blow chunks with that car. But, it'll make for a challenge. The California is fun to drive. But, everyone's driving it now it seems. I'd go for the 599 or the 512 also. But, I had to pick something. Please no hate me :dopey:
Hello qualifiers, voted for the 599 a few days ago, not really bothered which car we use except the F430, that pissed me off big time in the registry qualifier, looking forward, i think to next round and good luck to all
still waiting for:

# GTP_turbolag
# GTP_Diverman
# GTP_Nuclearfire
# GTP_SeniorL8R
When will the deadline be for those guys to vote? We have to get all our races in before Nov.3, I'd like to start racing right now ;D

Wayne, you're up!
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I'm just about to close it now and declare the Ferrari F40 '92 to be the drivers choice. 👍 :nervous: :sly:

EDK has kindly done the draw for the pairings and the GTP_Event 01 (Stage Two) thread has been updated and is now good to go. 👍
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Please direct any questions to the GTP_Event 01 (Discussion Thread).
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