Guess That Manufacturer!

Hint 1: This manufacturer was a former designer at a successful car company before he decided to venture out on his own.
:get down: ewit ewit yeah. John Delorean was a pimp.

Mine hint is: The designer for this company was well known for the introduction of the mini-van and the Dodge(not the the correct answer) Dynasty.
Yes, The great Lee Iacocca most notably the designer of the Ford Mustang. Feel free to request a Tune at the Watering Hole and I'll start work on it as soon as I get my PS3 back.
I'll keep that in mind when I get another PS3, I'm gonna need a tune when I start over.

But as for the riddle: This manufacturer's halo car's design was influenced by Moblie Suit Gundam.
Lee Iacocca was part of the hint not the answer to the riddle but he was the answer for the bonus question.

edit: do you consider Lexus a U.S. company or a Japanese?

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