How does one type in Japanese in GT Sport's activity feed/posts?

  • Thread starter Encvel
United States
Fort Collins, CO

Just a small question. I follow a couple of Japanese players in GT Sport's social function, and I've been learning the Japanese language recently. Quite simply, I'd like to be able to comment on some of their posts properly.

I've added Japanese as a language input option on my PS4, and that does let me type Japanese kana and kanji in other games by using my USB keyboard to input in the PS4's software keyboard. However, in GT Sport, the software keyboard goes away whenever you start typing on a hardware keyboard, which prevents me from typing kana and accessing the kanji dictionary.

So if there's some way to reply properly in Japanese GT Sport posts (and not romaji) I would like to know how to do so. :)


Just a small question. I follow a couple of Japanese players in GT Sport's social function, and I've been learning the Japanese language recently. Quite simply, I'd like to be able to comment on some of their posts properly.

I've added Japanese as a language input option on my PS4, and that does let me type Japanese kana and kanji in other games by using my USB keyboard to input in the PS4's software keyboard. However, in GT Sport, the software keyboard goes away whenever you start typing on a hardware keyboard, which prevents me from typing kana and accessing the kanji dictionary.

So if there's some way to reply properly in Japanese GT Sport posts (and not romaji) I would like to know how to do so. :)


I don’t remember where it is, but on the keyboard itself, you can change the input language.
You can go to settings > Language > Input Languages and change to Japanese. Just be mindful that it will switch your default method to Japanese, so before you start to pounding away on virtual keyboard in English, make sure to click L3 to switch to English input mode every time you want to type in English.
Now I'm home.
ALT + ~
doesn't work.

I can't enter Japanese too.:banghead:

---- EDIT ----
sorry for BAD information above.

I can enter Japanese at Share Comment and other comments by using ALT + ~.
Where I can't enter is Discover > Search > Tags.

Try ALT + ~.
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What about using the text input function on the PlayStation smartphone app? I don't have a keyboard for my PS4 so I just use the app to type long texts quickly. I guess you can use the app to type using your phone's Japanese keyboard?
Okay, found the issue... I needed to set the input language to Japanese. But I accidentally set the keyboard to Japanese instead. A rather silly mistake lol.


Everything is in working order now. Thanks for making me go through the steps again so I did it right.