I think my Cat is turning into a Zombie

  • Thread starter Pebb
Southampton, UK
The reason I say this, was my cat tried to take a chunk out of my arm early on. However before he could get a good grip on my arm, I moved my arm away quickly.
Wow, that is amazing. You seem pretty smart to move your arm out of the way of impending doom, however, the point of this thread is what mate? I'd show some pics of what my psycho cat has done to me possibly next week; however I don't actually own any pictures of the random puncuation damage that my cat has done to my limbs.

However; mate

I can't stop laughing. Wow.

And may I recommend Strunk and White, may solve the punction issues you are encountering from your feline friend ;)
My brother's cat was born mentally retarded, and he constantly does what you describe. Maybe you should check around to see if your cat got a lobotomy done recently.
My friend blew a whole bongload of pot smoke into his cat's face once. It slept for like 3 days. He thought he had killed it, but it must have just been traveling around the astral plane or something. But I guess that's a different kind of zombie, not the flesh eating kind.
My act is constantly ripping my flesh apart. I go to school an people think I mutilate my hands.

I have a ton of small scrapes on the back of my hand from him grabbing my hand and tearing it apart and a bunch of long scrapes along my arm from when my cat gets his back legs into the flesh ripping action.

I still love him though :D
Best thread eva!!!!! :D

By the way, how does a cat become a zombie anyways? My male cat is a p:censored:!!! He is afraid of everyone and is scared of my baby nephew! :lol: He tried to clinch onto my hand before, but had no balls to bite me. Really really cowardly cat. But i feel sorry for him....... has no balls and have no friends
My friend blew a whole bongload of pot smoke into his cat's face once. It slept for like 3 days. He thought he had killed it, but it must have just been traveling around the astral plane or something. But I guess that's a different kind of zombie, not the flesh eating kind.

Wow, 3 days straight!

A friend of mine did that to his cat too. Ended up with the cat jumping off the balcony from the 3rd floor... :scared:

The cat is fine.
Zombie Pussy, eh?

I'd normally suggest throwing it down the stairs, but cats are tricky and usually land on their feet (rat bastards). Although, we may have a problem:


I love cats. I want to have one and name it Cheezburger. Problem is, I hate cats. And I want to throw them down stairs...
YSSMAN stole my lolcat. That's like someone posting a GIF animation before Duck. :grumpy:


TVR&F_F, should I try and tell you just how many times my cats tried to bite me? I've been accused of self-injurious behavior by school officials. Cats bite humans either when the cat is hyper, or when it's being annoyed. Based on previous encounters with your posting, my guess would be that you've annoyed him.
Well, you can train a cat to not constantly attack back. Trust me, I have a cat I can pick up by his leg and he'll just look at you like "oh please, not this again."