League of Mature Rookie Racers -CST

  • Thread starter akira2501
Really good practice last night.Thanks to everyone who stopped by. Couple things we found out..

Class A- It is going to be hard to beat the Zonda or Furia. I have a feeling we will have to address this as we get going. Monza- those chicanes are going to get ugly with everyone on the track with 800Hp. We need to slow it down and be patient.

Class B- The Cusco Impreza might also be hard to beat. I think Lexus has a race car very similar, dont know how it will do.

Class C-What else is there to say about ultralite besides AWESOME! I think there is going to be some killer battles in this class. As Duece said, I agree that we should run more laps on Cote. I think 5 would be perfect.

I was going to jump in last night but then started watching American Idol with my wife :) I practiced a little bit on my own. For class A I was trying the Furia, Veyron, F1 and Ford GT. I think I could probably get the fastest laps out of the Furia, but my F1 surprisingly seems a little more stable to me out of the turns. I didn't really mess with the tuning of the Furia, so I'm sure it could be better. The Veyron is so damn fast, but needs a lot of stopping room which would probably cause some problems in the chicanes. Ford GT was pretty fun, but not quite as fast.

For class B I'm still not sure. My Cusco is at 316hp, so I won't be able to use it (damn 1hp). I have a RM Evo at 313hp or something, but I don't know if I am a huge fan of it yet. I might have to look into that Lexus before tonight.

Class C I'll probably just use the Suzuki, I didn't really spend a lot of time in this class looking for cars, so I wasn't sure of all my options.
That was fun last night, thank you Racecar... Wish I could hang out a lil' more.

It looked like you were able to shave 2-3sec' in Monaco between my two visits, later last night I realized my ZZS was severely under-tuned and over-weight so I'm hoping I can improve as well.
The one thing I realized, that even though it was so much fun to power-slide and drift in some of the turns (and so easy to control) it really hurt my times, the only RL advantage you get is that you effectively block most of the road...
I asked this Q earlier Akira said this.

"Miles – UNLESS YOU GUYS Disagree – yes RM and race cars can be used in ultra lite."

Maybe we should start debating this.

In general, I wouldn't mind either way, but my issue at this point is it is already racing day, so it seems that it's not as fair to change the requirements now. Those of us that have spent time shopping, modding, tuning practicing, re-tuning... that time would be wasted if the specs change and we have to redo that time-consuming process.

So, I don't mind either way (race cars allowed or not), but if there's going to be a change, it should be after the race.

That's my opinion. :)
@freeze- I am using the Daihatsu Copen Active Top for ultralite.

@Taka- Send me freind request to racecar73. I have added just about everybody in our group, that way when I log on, I can see if they are all hanging out in one place.
When I am in my lounge, I always leave a comment on the freinds list.
Also @ Taka- as far as cutting the chicanes go, I see no real way to enforce it. I f the game doesn't give you a penalty, someone would really have to rewatch every car, every race to enforce it. This is a recreational league, for fun, so I would hope no one would do it intentionally. I am sure someone will get forced out there, but hope no one would try to cheat.
Also @ Taka- as far as cutting the chicanes go, I see no real way to enforce it. I f the game doesn't give you a penalty, someone would really have to rewatch every car, every race to enforce it. This is a recreational league, for fun, so I would hope no one would do it intentionally. I am sure someone will get forced out there, but hope no one would try to cheat.
Well, it can't be enforced in real time, obviously, but penalties of some sort could be applied after the replays are watched. With only 2 laps per race, I don't think it would be a big deal to review replays, and it only needs to be done when someone complains, perhaps.

But anyway, if there is an agreement amongst us all not to get more than 2 tires on the green areas at any time, then that's what I'll hold myself to.
In general, I wouldn't mind either way, but my issue at this point is it is already racing day, so it seems that it's not as fair to change the requirements now. Those of us that have spent time shopping, modding, tuning practicing, re-tuning... that time would be wasted if the specs change and we have to redo that time-consuming process.

So, I don't mind either way (race cars allowed or not), but if there's going to be a change, it should be after the race.

That's my opinion. :)

Truthfully the only problem i have with this is you assumed that race cars would be permitted, even though they have not been allowed until the B class of this next series. I think everyone that has been racing assumed that race cars would not be allowed, (myself included) and geared up this way. This will put everyone else scrambling to find a car for tonight instead of one person, so ya i would like to debate this out and clear it up before tonight. I will go with the majority, so if i am wrong and you setup a race car or rm car for this class, please let us know.
Hey guys, I've been super sick with some sort of wicked flu this week.:ill:
I've been reading over the posts I missed:

VDAY: FYI there will be no race on the 14th.

HANK: Is anyone "in the know" aware of any provider issues in the Chicago area?*
Yes, I'm a IT consultant and have had lots of reports about slow pings and DNS issues. I recommend powering down and restarting your cable modem and router. It may help a bit.

MSAND: I love the idea of D-Class without restrictions, that race may added to roster if it turns out well. Now that football's done Sunday at noon works for me.

ZONDA and the new UNRESTRICTED Class A :

1.Please note that there is a new setup Class A and B run one track and C and D run another.
2.Zonda R is allowed tonight.
3.Most importantly this has the potential to turn into a really messy race. I thought it would be fun, but after testing it seems that these cars REALLY suck when tuned to unrealistic HP. This class may be scrapped all together and replaced with something else. So whatever you do, don't invest a lot in it.

Chicanes: I've been specifically avoiding tracks with chicanes, in order to avoid cheating, or worse “claims of cheating”. Now that we all know and trust one another these tracks have been added.
Truthfully the only problem i have with this is you assumed that race cars would be permitted, even though they have not been allowed until the B class of this next series. I think everyone that has been racing assumed that race cars would not be allowed, (myself included) and geared up this way. This will put everyone else scrambling to find a car for tonight instead of one person, so ya i would like to debate this out and clear it up before tonight. I will go with the majority, so if i am wrong and you setup a race car or rm car for this class, please let us know.

Just taking only the context of the initial post alone, there is no mention of race cars being allowed or not allowed for Class C. I would agree with you that we should go with what has been "tradition" up to this point. My only loss there is that I'm new to the group, so I have not had any notion of what the traditions have been. Anyway, I'll respect whatever the group organizer decides.

I have indeed set up a race car for this class's race, so if they are disallowed, I will simply sit out of class C, because I don't have time to shop and tune any more for tonight. I was already going to sit out of classes A and D, for lack of preparation time.
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Truthfully the only problem i have with this is you assumed that race cars would be permitted, even though they have not been allowed until the B class of this next series. I think everyone that has been racing assumed that race cars would not be allowed, (myself included) and geared up this way. This will put everyone else scrambling to find a car for tonight instead of one person, so ya i would like to debate this out and clear it up before tonight. I will go with the majority, so if i am wrong and you setup a race car or rm car for this class, please let us know.

This is what I planned on using for the ultralite class:

Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept '01 (172 hp / 640 kg)

I assumed since people were considering using the Furia for the alpha class that this concept would be okay for the ultralite. I was under the assumption of no race mod cars.
- I will not bring a race car to the ultralight class.

- I will not be cutting corners unless pushed off accidentally, I stay to my own standard of trying to always keep two wheels on the track(asphalt). I know it is slower, but who cares.

- I will probably bring a Veyron (1029 HP) to the A Class race just because I have no idea what to expect! The thing is, it is tuned properly and I can drive it, dialed it in last night after our practice. I do have two other cars ready both in the 650-750HP range which I really enjoy driving because they are unique, but they won't even come close to hanging with Zonda Rs or Furais.
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Just taking only the context of the initial post alone, there is no mention of race cars being allowed or not allowed for Class C. I would agree with you that we should go with what has been "tradition" up to this point. My only loss there is that I'm new to the group, so I have not had any notion of what the traditions have been. Anyway, I'll respect whatever the group organizer decides.

I have indeed set up a race car for this class's race, so if they are disallowed, I will simply sit out of class C, because I don't have time to shop and tune any more for tonight. I was already going to sit out of classes A and D, for lack of preparation time.

I might be wrong also, Thats why we need everyone to chime in here and let use know one way or the other. Just trying to keep everything equal.
so far every race night I have had server issues and have yet to compete in a race.

Based on what I thought was going to be allowed for the ultralite class, I prepped a

VW Golf IV GTI RM '01
196hp / 980kg

If I can get a couple hours heads up I can easily prep some other car for the race. I would like to use the vw but will go with the general consensus.
Just taking only the context of the initial post alone, there is no mention of race cars being allowed or not allowed for Class C. I would agree with you that we should go with what has been "tradition" up to this point. My only loss there is that I'm new to the group, so I have not had any notion of what the traditions have been. Anyway, I'll respect whatever the group organizer decides.

I have indeed set up a race car for this class's race, so if they are disallowed, I will simply sit out of class C, because I don't have time to shop and tune any more for tonight. I was already going to sit out of classes A and D, for lack of preparation time.

Time to shop tune? you shouldn't need much.

By the way this is a rookie league. So, you should have one car in your garage that you can do an oil change, slap a turbo/tires on and get out there and race.. I'll send you my Veyron if needed. Can someone else hook him up with a B class car?
Under original guidelines, I thuoght we were not including race cars unless specified. Eitherway, I am bringing Daihatsu.
Okay, guys, I'll try to show up 15 minutes ahead of race time or so to prep as best I can for all three classes, including a non-race car (in case) for Class C. Msand: I already have a good car for class B (though perhaps a bit overweight), but thanks for asking around. :) I have several high-powered cars already that could be used for class A, so hopefully I can get onto the track beforehand to do some tuning to make sure they're not beyond my control.
So I have my Race car built, And will probably be forced at least for week 1 to use the Zonda for the unlimited class just because I havent found a better option yet.

What is really odd is I know I shopped for the ultra-light class but can't remember if I made a decision or not, I was debating on 2 cars and for the life of me can't remember if I decided or decided to not decide.

Oh and need to check my fireblade and see where it stands. I have a modified one and an unmodified one. But I should be there with bells on tonight.
I bought a racecar for tonight that said 295 bhp in the dealership, go to my garage, its 324 bhp now after no tuning or oilchange.
I bought a racecar for tonight that said 295 bhp in the dealership, go to my garage, its 324 bhp now after no tuning or oilchange.

was it the Autobiancs Atra?? I bought that at 295 hp and as soon as I got it it too jumped to 324.
Well, it turns out that I found another car (non-race) just now in my garage that I can use in class C, and it performs very comparably to the first one I had, so I'm pretty pleased. :) So I'm ready for class C, race cars or no race cars!
Under original guidelines, I thuoght we were not including race cars unless specified. Eitherway, I am bringing Daihatsu.

The confusion may lie in the comment Akira made in the "test the car classes" thread in the social group where he says that race cars are allowed in the ultralight class.

Unfortunatelly, since that's what I thought the specifications were, that's what I had for the class. :(

On the up-side, I think I have something else that can fill in, they just won't be tuned at all.
before everyone gets too crazy about this we are still taking a consensus of everyone and what they where bring for the light weight class. as far as i can tell it is about dead even.
Maybe for the first day we take what we have ready.. If it turns out that RM/Race versions are dominate. We change up or down...

I have My VW Rm but I can also use my Opel speedster.
It's a tough choice, because if race cars turn out superior, and they get allowed, then the people who held themselves back from bringing a race car will sort have been cheated a bit. But if they are disallowed, people could complain that there was no explicit prohibition made. :)

Maybe run the one race, but then have two results lists, one of race cars, the other of non? :) Or even have two races (one race car, one non), if people are up for it.
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Confusion on car classes
Takahashi and others have been confused as to the new car specifications, and I don't blame them, this round has been difficult and I've made changes several times. I post the classes based off of some math and testing. Then I post the specifications; people comment, I adjust based on the comments, then re-post the specifications.

The idea behind the classes is to:
1.Get an interesting mix of competitive cars on the track.
2.Prevent a single make / model from being dominant.
3.Making the rules easy and open enough that non-tuners and low credit players can enter.

A little about each class:

Class A: Ever seen the tuner forum? So many unrealistically super-tuned cars. I figure thats popular and people must own them so lets race 'em. Unfortunately, I came to realize that most handle like bricks (not good for a rookie league), and that one or two where far better then the others. I doubt this class will be settled anytime soon.

Class B Low-Power-Racecar):
This class is pretty much settled, we should see the ultimate in control and clean racing here.

Class C (Ultra Lite):
To allow race cars or not... that is the question.
For race 1 we will allow them.
My concern with not allowing race cars is that this may end up being a lotus only race. Then again; that may end up happening if we do allow them as well...
It's just one race. Like Akira says in the first post about the specs, they are subject to change. It's all for fun.