No GT6 till 2015?

  • Thread starter monildan
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United States
Los Angeles
So today in the E3 Sony chairman Kaz Hirai said that there were no plans of Sony coming out with PS4 until the 10 year life cycle of ps3 comes to an end..

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Hirai further added that he's "always said a 10-year life cycle for PS3, and there is no reason to go away from that." That ten-year life cycle would place the PS3's end-of-life around 2016, but as with the PS2 and PS3, we'd expect some overlap between the PS3 and its eventual successor.

Looking at this, i see very little hopes of getting a GT6 till that time because i would assume that the graphic capabilities of GT6 would be far more than what the current gen of playstation you guys think PD will support GT5 for atleast a couple years from now??

Meaning continue giving seasonals/OCD/DLC's?
Any Suprise there? Look at the time In Between GT4 & 5... Just hope they do a bit better job with this one.

I do hope they release the next generation of GT on the Play Station 4.. For a few reasons, More potential in a new Gen. PS.. & also by 2015 (If this is an accurate date) the PS3 will be Far past it's prime + Out-Dated By Microsoft's Next Xbox version (720?)
I agree..maybe that will give them enough time to convert the standards to premiums:):).. but do you think that the support we get right now from PD in the form of Seasonals/ OCD updates and DLC will continue till then??

i would think they will stop the patches after 1 or 2 more patches from now ..
there will more then likely be NO standards in the Next Version of Gran Turismo.. due to the amount of FLAK they received for this batch of standards... I think you will find the next GT become a much more Complete game.. I hope this game becomes a more complete game to be honest.
E3 is in June, I believe you mean CES, and simply because the PS3 has such an elaborately-planned life cycle does in no way, shape, or form indemnify the PS4 (or GT6 for that matter) from showing up before 2015.

The PS2 had a similar life cycle and the PS3 came out in 2006.
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I anticipate GT6 sometime in 2013, i.e. up to about three years after GT5. I don't fully agree with this "no GT6 on PS3" idea, there's so much more that can be done still on PS3 that wasn't fully explored in GT5.

That is, unless Kaz has changed his mind about GT6 "not taking as long."
It seems like they've already got all the heavy lifting accomplished for a GT6 title. I don't see why they couldn't release it sometime in 2013 if they've actually been working on it.
It seems like they've already got all the heavy lifting accomplished for a GT6 title. I don't see why they couldn't release it sometime in 2013 if they've actually been working on it.

uuuuhhhh no. They can just continue to come out with updates if they choose to explore areas of the ps3 that they haven't. I would highly doubt Kaz would decide on another PS3 GT launch because it would just be pointless. GT5 was never really completed which everyone tends to forget and I'm sure Kaz still has many plans to make it the way he wanted too.
I would think that they have already stretched the graphical capabilities of PS3 in GT5... they will need to have access to more VRAM atleast in order to provide the cutting edge graphics that we have come to expect of PD.. plus, a couple years down the line the graphics we see currently won't be anything novel and PD will need to set the graphical benchmarks at that time...
I would think that they have already stretched the graphical capabilities of PS3 in GT5... they will need to have access to more VRAM atleast in order to provide the cutting edge graphics that we have come to expect of PD.. plus, a couple years down the line the graphics we see currently won't be anything novel and PD will need to set the graphical benchmarks at that time...

There's more to a game than graphics. 💡
There's plenty that could be added, in terms of content at the very least, and in terms of features (even just by applying bitty / part-implemented features in GT5 more universally etc. etc.)
uuuuhhhh no. They can just continue to come out with updates if they choose to explore areas of the ps3 that they haven't. I would highly doubt Kaz would decide on another PS3 GT launch because it would just be pointless. GT5 was never really completed which everyone tends to forget and I'm sure Kaz still has many plans to make it the way he wanted too.

That's fine. Then they can continue to release DLC that I won't buy and at some point GT5 will get shelved simply because I got bored with it.

If my memory serves, the differences between GT1 and GT2, and GT3 and GT4 weren't terribly dramatic either. It was the platform changes that prompted big upgrades in the game.

...and yes, I'm aware that neither the PS1 nor PS2 had a download system for updating software and releasing new content, but it doesn't seem that they're going to adjust the core of this game (standard A-spec, B-spec, arcade mode) using those methods anyway.
There's more to a game than graphics. 💡
There's plenty that could be added, in terms of content at the very least, and in terms of features (even just by applying bitty / part-implemented features in GT5 more universally etc. etc.)

Believe me, nothing would give me more pleasure if thats how PD thinks and keeps adding more content to the game till we see a new GT on the horizon.. however, i get a gut feeling that our honeymoon phase with PD supporting the game in such a whole hearted fashion will end in a year or so when they start concentrating full time on the next version..
however, i get a gut feeling that our honeymoon phase with PD supporting the game in such a whole hearted fashion will end in a year or so when they start concentrating full time on the next version..

This is the most likely scenario. I'm guessing that right now their development teams are operating on a ticket system for bug fixes and enhancements and are balancing that work load with development of GT6. But that's just an educated guess.
Believe me, nothing would give me more pleasure if thats how PD thinks and keeps adding more content to the game till we see a new GT on the horizon.. however, i get a gut feeling that our honeymoon phase with PD supporting the game in such a whole hearted fashion will end in a year or so when they start concentrating full time on the next version..

I personally think they are concentrating on GT6, but they've a small team to keep on top of bug fixes (which will benefit GT6, too) and cherry pick the odd bit of "new" content for DLC, oh and update the odd seasonal event (which is homework for the kinds of events people like, according to "usage" ;)). Etc.

All updates for GT5 are updates for GT6, but they're just ones PD decided to share with us "in advance" (or are things that should have been present in the first place...)
If kaz decided that gt6 should be in ps4 , he should use this advantage to make gt6 something our minds cant even imagine 1% of it .

also we all know that in every playstation generations is a huge jump for graphics and other things i dont understand like fps and how much speed does the device do < ??
if kaz hirai talked about ps4 NOW we just wait for it because gt6 will be there BUT that not the thing , does kaz planing for gt6 release date WITH ps4 or delaying it for long time while ps4 is everwhere ???
If kaz decided that gt6 should be in ps4 , he should use this advantage to make gt6 something our minds cant even imagine 1% of it .

also we all know that in every playstation generations is a huge jump for graphics and other things i dont understand like fps and how much speed does the device do < ??
if kaz hirai talked about ps4 NOW we just wait for it because gt6 will be there BUT that not the thing , does kaz planing for gt6 release date WITH ps4 or delaying it for long time while ps4 is everwhere ???

I would say Sony would push for GT6 to be a launch title for PS4.. Just imagine the sales of that Baby..would blast XBOX 720 to outer space....:dopey:
Did he really say that at CES ? I think PS4 will not release before 2014 though. Many games are in development for next 2yrs. PS2 still sold half a million in last 2 months and it is some 11yrs old :eek: So obviously PS3 with blu-ray and 3D support should last another 3yrs or more without any problem.
Wasn't there a couple of years of overlap on the PS2 & PS3? PS3 was on the market, but PS2 was still being sold (and games still being developed) for a good while after that.

I take this to mean that the ten-year life cycle of the PS3 will be over in 2015 - but that could very well mean that the PS4 could hit shelves in 2013.
Even if graphics capabilities are more advanced on the PS4, the premium cars looks as good as they should now. The tracks are also decent. I would be very content if they left all the premiums alone and just did minor cleanup of existing tracks (shadows, lighting, cardboard cutout people, etc) for GT6. They could then focus on finetuning other parts of the experience: better AI, better online play, adding cars/tracks. GT5 felt like they sacrificed a lot for graphics, this time I hope they start forgetting about improving graphics and think about the gameplay. If they do this then the transition between GT5 and GT6 could be much more enjoyable for us and good for their DLC profits.
Lets break this down....

How well does everybody here think GT6 would sell? As well as GT5? 75% as well as GT5? Better than GT5?

Personally, I think it would sell AT LEAST as well as GT5. If PD can put something together that adds significantly more new content than they can push through DLC in the form of more, and more current premium cars, a few new tracks, and perhaps a few other enhancements I think most of us would consider that to be a "win."

That's a lot of money they'd be leaving on the table if they waited for a PS4 to be released before coming out with another GT title. I'm not a businessman by trade, but I really have to think that they're desperately trying to get another GT game out for the PS3.
Wasn't there a couple of years of overlap on the PS2 & PS3? PS3 was on the market, but PS2 was still being sold (and games still being developed) for a good while after that.

I take this to mean that the ten-year life cycle of the PS3 will be over in 2015 - but that could very well mean that the PS4 could hit shelves in 2013.

This^ I think the PS4 will be out before 2015. Just because he said "10 year life cycle" blah blah blah, doesn't mean it won't be released until the PS3 has been out for 10 years.

It's gonna go like it always has, once Microsoft releases a new Xbox, be looking for the PS4 4-5 months later. I say by late 2013 we should have a PS4.
there will more then likely be NO standards in the Next Version of Gran Turismo.. due to the amount of FLAK they received for this batch of standards... I think you will find the next GT become a much more Complete game.. I hope this game becomes a more complete game to be honest.

If PD adds "standard cars" in GT6 I could only see them being the premium GT5 cars, because I can just imagine how good cars will look on the next gen PS. But if we are looking at 2015 for the PS console, I think GT6 is gonna be for the PS3 because it' already in production, so lets hope for that
Well time to get out the comfy couch and hunker down, I think I'll need more patience's this time than last time. As much as two Buddhist monks.
They could easily comeout with GT6 on the ps3 they dont have to wait for a ps4 we shouldnt assume anything
I don't understand why you would want GT6. It would be the same as GT5 at this point.. -_- I mean honestly what do you expect them to do differently? Have them add the things that weren't in GT5? Guess what. That can be an update for GT5! Kaz's idea for GT6 clearly pointed out it would be for the next gen console because it would be something the PS3 clearly cannot do. That would be full rendering of the car models and more weather affects and car affects. Right now it would be pointless for another GT on the PS3. This generation of system is much different from the old generation. The ps2 didn't have the full internet system like the PS3 does. So the games were just updates.
Personally, I hope PD manages to get out from under their Sony exclusivity. I have nothing against the PS3, but I don't think we can be sure about the direction gaming will go in the future. Having Gran Turismo solely on Sony hardware could be a major problem sometime soon. I want to see the GT series stick around for a long time, and the best way of doing that is probably to diversify.
It's at least good to know that the PlayStation 3 might still be getting exclusive titles and updates after the PS4 comes out. I don't plan on buying a PS4 right away.

Personally, I hope PD manages to get out from under their Sony exclusivity. I have nothing against the PS3, but I don't think we can be sure about the direction gaming will go in the future. Having Gran Turismo solely on Sony hardware could be a major problem sometime soon. I want to see the GT series stick around for a long time, and the best way of doing that is probably to diversify.

This will never happen because Sony owns PD. At best, Kazunori could leave PD and start his own company. He wouldn't be able to take Gran Turismo with him though.
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