NSX-R fun settings

  • Thread starter A.A.Z.
Upgrades: all except slick tires and racing mod.

Springs: 12 kg / 6 kg
Height: 89 mm / 94 mm
Dampers: 4 / 7, 7 / 10
Stabilizer: 3 / 1
Brakes: 20 / 24
Gears: Final 3.500, Auto 10
LSD: 16 / 45 / 13

Track: Trial Mountain / Deep Forest.

Fun guaranteed :) Lots of drifting action. Forget the grip, forget the turbo torque - just pure old-fashioned car control by driver's skills only.
You can tune the stabilizer (like, 4 / 4) for grip racing. It'll be a much more stable ride, although I strongly recommend this one :)
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Thanks, man. Things are so dead here at GTP/GT2 section :indiff: Wanna write a tuning guide for that other post? just kidding. :lol:
Awesome tune AAZ, I ran GT2 on epsxe after reading this and although I'm all over the place (forget how to drive with GT2 physics after so much GT5P :lol:) your settings are wonderful 👍.
Oh my Gosh. All this time, his name is "legend?" I thought it was some sort of abbreviation for a racing car or class I'd never heard of before! :lol::ouch:
Oh my Gosh. All this time, his name is "legend?" I thought it was some sort of abbreviation for a racing car or class I'd never heard of before! :lol::ouch:

You just made me feel completely ridiculous about my own username.

Someone give me premium so I can change it!!! :banghead:

j/k :P

I'm interested though, what made you think LeGeNd-1 is the name of a racing car or class?
You just made me feel completely ridiculous about my own username.

Someone give me premium so I can change it!!! :banghead:

j/k :P

I'm interested though, what made you think LeGeNd-1 is the name of a racing car or class?

I don't know. Alot of people make user names associated with a car (Merc_CLK or whatever) and since LeGeNd-1 isn't a car name, I thought it was a class of racing I hadn't heard of. Or something to do with cars or racing. It seemed French to me (for no reason at all). I didn't put too much thought into it, actually. Long ago when I saw your name, I made a quick guess at what it might mean, then I didn't think about it again till AAZ made his comment above. ;0 lol
Haha lol, yeah sometimes we unconsciously relate some words to something completely unrelated. I get that too sometimes. Our brain works in strange ways...

Anyway, if you (or anybody else for that matter) want to know what my username really means, it's very simple really: when I was small I have always dreamed of being a Legend in GT. To be the fastest driver in the world. To be number 1 in everything. Hence Legend-1. But I thought it looks a bit boring so I capitalized every second letter, so you get LeGeNd-1 ;). Bit lame maybe, but I'm a very sentimental person when it comes to these kinds of things...
Haha lol, yeah sometimes we unconsciously relate some words to something completely unrelated. I get that too sometimes. Our brain works in strange ways...

Anyway, if you (or anybody else for that matter) want to know what my username really means, it's very simple really: when I was small I have always dreamed of being a Legend in GT. To be the fastest driver in the world. To be number 1 in everything. Hence Legend-1. But I thought it looks a bit boring so I capitalized every second letter, so you get LeGeNd-1 ;). Bit lame maybe, but I'm a very sentimental person when it comes to these kinds of things...

It's not lame. It's almost like a puzzle, though. A word hiding in plain sight, actually. If it can get by me (and I'm a bit of a Tomb Raider fanatic, which means I'm fascinated by how this game hides stuff in plain sight sometimes) it can get by others.

I've gotten into the habit of hiding stuff in plain sight occasionally, matter of fact. I'll put my smoking pipe right on the piano, for instance. There's alot of other stuff on the piano, but since nobody ever plays it, people aren't in the habit of looking at it! :lol:
It's not lame. It's almost like a puzzle, though. A word hiding in plain sight, actually. If it can get by me (and I'm a bit of a Tomb Raider fanatic, which means I'm fascinated by how this game hides stuff in plain sight sometimes) it can get by others.

When I made my username I didn't think of hiding its true meaning at all. On the contrary, I thought everyone would instantly see what it means. So now that you said this, I'm (pleasantly) surprised :).

I've gotten into the habit of hiding stuff in plain sight occasionally, matter of fact. I'll put my smoking pipe right on the piano, for instance. There's alot of other stuff on the piano, but since nobody ever plays it, people aren't in the habit of looking at it! :lol:

LOL that's exactly what happens to me every time. Sometimes I would look for some old stuffs and searched the whole house when it's right under my nose. I often forgot where I placed something, especially if it's a very old thing :dunce::lol:.

And sorry for taking your thread wayyy of topic AAZ. Luckily we are in the GT2 forum, so no one cares :P.