Official GTPlanet Member of the Fortnight [Member of the Week]

Yes, PM me and when you do be sure to include, anywhere in the message, to stop playing Destiny, Driveclub, Forza Horizon 2, and whatever else I can't seem to tear myself away from.

In big bold letters too. :lol:

It probably won't encourage me to stop whatsoever but it's good to have plans, right?
The recognition of new faces continues from this point on, someone that doesn't cower in the face of fame, someone that doesn't regress when presented with the opportunity to shout from a rooftop "I'm better than you... on the internet!", someone that loves Gran Turismo with the utmost affection and for some strange reason would leap at the opportunity to become one of The Disturbed 25 (yes, there are 25 of us and we haven't committed suicide yet). These are the traits of the archetype known only as The GTPlanet Member of the Week.

No matter where you go, people will know you. No matter what you say, no one will interrupt or correct you. No matter what you're wearing it will be fashionable for the next 10 years.

So let us welcome the newest member to the League of Extraordinary GTPeople, Starlord, er, I mean StarLight!

1. First and foremost, you're officially the Member of the Week so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized amidst the hundreds of thousands of other members here?

First of all, it is an honour to be chosen. It feels unreal, because I didn’t expect it. There are thousands of other good members on this forum and I never thought I’d become a ‘member of the week’. Now that I am one, it feels great to join the other members of the week.

2. What brought you to GTPlanet and what keeps you coming back?

I joined GTP in April, 2011. Foremost for the freebies, later on for the trading. Essentially just for my own benefit. However, along the way I met some great people and they keep me coming back to GTP; the community is great.

3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?

At the moment (since January) I mainly visit the ‘car suggestions’ thread ... until now I have suggested 251 cars and my StarLight Garage is well known. Furthermore, I regularly visit the ‘GT6 Seasonal & Quick Match Events’ and the ‘Photomode’ sub-forums.

4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?

When GT5 was introduced, I was really excited because the graphics looked so awesome. I instantly fell in love with the realistic features of the game and it moved me to buy a PS3 in 2010.

5. How did you come up with the name "StarLight"?

That’s a good question. For other games I use the name ‘SkyHawk’ but for GTP I wanted to make it more related to the game. There’s a paint chip in GT5 called ‘Starlight Black Metallic’ and I liked the ‘StarLight’ so that’s why I chose it.

6. Controversial question time: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport or both?

Definitely Gran Turismo!

7. Because it's finally occurred to me that the question above doesn't allow enough freedom, do you play any other racing games that you perhaps enjoy more than GT or FM?

I don't play any other racing games except Gran Turismo, all my free time goes to GT6 so I don't have time for other games.

8. GTP 12 is up and about, what are your thoughts?

It looks great and it works fine but the search function needs more attention as it does not always work correctly. For example, when I try to look for a car and the search engine doesn’t find it, I do find it manually in the forum.

9. Gran Turismo 6 is finally here, what are you thoughts so far?

GT6, in my humble opinion, is just an improved GT5. One of the major improvements is the car handling. I’m also very happy with the cars we get with each patch and pleased with the choice of amazing tracks. However, I do miss the trade option as it leads to more contact with GTP members. And last but not least, I also miss the track and livery editor.

10. Talk a little about what you think you bring to GTPlanet and how you think you can continue to improve.

I always try to be involved and do my best to contribute to the community. In the beginning with GT5, I did this by being involved in trading with other GTP members and later on with creating replicas. As for now, with GT6, I suggest cars for GT6 and future editions. My aim is to suggest a variety of cars, so people also learn something about rare, exclusive, insane and weird cars.

11. How do you prefer the weather: hot, cold, or mild?

At my age I prefer mild. Too young for cold and too old for hot.

12. If you could live in any video game which game would it be and why?

Oh, that's an easy one, of course GT6 so I could drive supercars all day and enjoy tracks like El Sierra.

13. Tell us something interesting about your hometown.

My hometown is a big and young city in the Netherlands. There is not much history, except for the fact that it is built in a ‘polder’ (Land reclaimed from a body of water, such as a lake or the sea. In this case the sea). National carmakers such as Spyker, Donkervoort and Savage Rivale are within a 50km drive.

14. With the recent influx of GT-related news, how are you digesting it all?

I read all the news.

15.Do you have any hobbies that you'd like to share with us?

I like photography, designing, reading and driving.

16. Are you driving anything special at the moment?

No not really, I have a Skoda Octavia 2.0 TDi wagon.

17. What's your favourite video game, currently?

Once again: Gran Turismo!

18. What would you do if presented with the opportunity of being a moderator here?

I would accept the invitation since I noticed that the moderators are very busy and so more taskforce would be welcome to help them out.

19. Why did you choose that avatar, and why is it not a monkey? (Don't ask me, I had nothing to do with this!)

My avatar has changed many times, but since a year or two it remains the same.
The Senna avatar reflects that I'm an Ayrton Senna fan. On the other hand people recognize me better if I use the same avatar.

20. Games, how do you like them?

a) Pre-Order, I want them on day one.
b) Sealed at first price drop.
c) Used.

Usually option b, but for GT5 and GT6 I have pre-ordered the games.

21. With the next generation of all things video gaming upon us, have you made any plans to pick up a PS4, Xbox One or Wii U?

No, I don't have made any plans for a PS4. But I'm afraid when GT7 comes out I will probably run to the store and buy a PS4.

22. If you were to indulge in the art of boutique car manufacturing what would your mission statement be?

To produce a sports car with classic lines, without electronics gadgets, that everyone can afford and have fun with.

23. What kind of movies have you been watching lately?

November Man, The Purge Anarchy and Dracula Untold.

24. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being likely to go to the nut house, how crazy would you rate yourself?


25. What is your favourite car, why, and what do you think that it says about you?

Ferrari F40, in my opinion the most beautiful Ferrari ever made.
It’s like me, old and wise.

26. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?

I really don’t remember where and when. I don’t think it differs very much from todays style.

27. How many of your controllers have died because of heavy physical abuse whilst playing a PS3 game?


28. Have you ever accessed the website during an unusual time and/or place?

Yes, sometimes when I can’t fall in sleep at 3 or 4AM.

29. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: Years, months, weeks, days, hours?

From the day PD decided to ban all hacked cars until GT6 was introduced.

30. Who (in your own opinion) is the most inspiring person/people here on GTPlanet?

No one in particular, many members are an inspiration to me.

31. What's one significant change you'd like to see made to racing games in the next five years or so?

3D experience so it becomes more realistic.

32. Now it's time for the "Daniel Special": If you could cross a hippo with any other animal - what will the animal be, what will it be called, and why? (Bonus points for creativity! And it can't be another hippo because that's incest)

It will take a alligator, with a longer and stronger tail the hippo could break a big boat in two with a tremendous speed under water (like a hippo torpedo).

33. You wake up naked trapped in a broken lift with a celebrity - which celebrity would you choose and why?

Eva Mendes, she is beautiful and has a gorgeous body.

34. Have you ever participated in any of the racing series' found here?


35. Have you ever considered developing your own racing series, and if you have where can we find it?

I wish I could, but no.

36. Anything else you'd like to say?

Thanks for choosing me as the ‘member of the week’, very appreciated.
Well deserved, Mr. @StarLight 👍

All I read was "GT5", "GT6" and "GT7" -> GT fanboism here. :lol:

16. Are you driving anything special at the moment?
No not really, I have a Skoda Octavia 2.0 TDi wagon.

That`s one of the most reasonable choice one can make.

Welcome to the madhouse. :cheers:
There may not be an issue out (yes, it's a magazine now apparently) this week as this week's guest has yet to answer the call. :(
Member of the Week: Now available by phongazine and periodifone, with windable music box prototypes undergoing experimentation.
Subscribe now for only $15 and receive a free GTP premium membership!

All subscriptions subject to terms and conditions. MOTW is a registered trademark of and its affiliates. Offer ends 2015. Moderator status sold separately. Famine not included. No refunds available.
The recognition of new faces continues from this point on, someone that doesn't cower in the face of fame, someone that doesn't regress when presented with the opportunity to shout from a rooftop "I'm better than you... on the internet!", someone that took the initiative to complete the questionnaire on his own terms before finding out it had to be tailored to him. These are the traits of the archetype known only as The GTPlanet Member of the Week.

No matter where you go, people will know you. No matter what you say, no one will interrupt or correct you. No matter what you're wearing it will be fashionable for the next 10 years.

So let us welcome the newest member to the League of Extraordinary SVX, lover of all things Subaru!

1. First and foremost, you're officially the Member of the Week so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized amidst the hundreds of thousands of other members here?

Wow, I am just absolutely blown away and honoured. I never thought I’d ever be nominated for such a highly contested thing, but sure enough, here we are. :D

2. What brought you to GTPlanet and what keeps you coming back?

I originally came to GTPlanet back in the GT4 days, where I’d like to check out the car list repeatedly, back when GTP had the library section. I then found the forum, which I decided to sign up to after finding it didn’t have a 13 year old age restriction unlike other forums I had found. I was 9 at the time of signing up. :lol:

Numerous things keep me coming back. A main factor would be the ability for the forum to cater to everyone’s interests. If I really felt like it, I can go hang my jaw wide open at the photography section, take a quick squizz at the anime thread and the debate on why toast is the coolest thing ever made. :lol: This is something that I’ve found that other forums don’t do as well. You’d expect it to be a real clinical feeling due to the strict rules on how to post, but really, it feels the opposite.

Another thing would be the friendliness of everyone. I’m sure I still wouldn’t be still here today if people didn’t spent times out of their lives to help me and show me where I was going wrong, which not only helped out my posting style but my attitude in real life too.

3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?

Most of the time you’ll see me in the Cars in General forum or the Grand Theft Auto sub forum.

The GTA forum is the prime point to get information about GTA on GTP, and is a key place to generally chit chat about it or organize meets which are always fun!

I’ve been using the Cars in General forum more and more as of late to try and gain information about the mechanical workings of cars. Thanks to the many people who produce such quality content I am able to do it. 👍 The cool wall threads are great too, producing often heated discussions. :lol: Although, saying that, they have been rather neutral as of late *knock on wood* or do I? :mischievous:

4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?

As soon as I was born, my entire world was revolved around cars. I was very privileged to have started off with a PS1 at a very early age, which gave me a great glimpse of the early NFS series, and of course, GT1 and GT2. The mere fact that it was a game situated around cars first caught my attention, but the attention to detail, realism and extensiveness of the car list I reckon is what made me stay with the series until today.

5. How did you come up with the name "SVX"?

Ever since I was born, my dad has had a hobby of importing damaged Subarus from Japan for real cheap, fixing them up and selling them for a good profit due to the exclusivity Subarus had in NZ 10, 15 years ago. One of the cars he bought was an SVX, and it was the car that I was most interested. It wasn’t like any other Subaru, or any car on the road for that matter, its looks were out of this world. To couple that with the fact that almost no one knew what it was, made it all the sweeter. Plus, SVX looks cool as a name. :P

6. Controversial question time: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport or both?

Now, I’m probably going to have shoes thrown at me for saying this, but… Forza. While GT will
always have a place reserved in my heart for it, the prospect of Forza not only delivering what its consumers want, but actually delivering something.

7. Because it's finally occurred to me that the question above doesn't allow enough freedom, do you play any other racing games that you perhaps enjoy more than GT or FM?

GT is probably the only racing game I play somewhat regularly due to GTAV taking up most of my time now days, but I still get a kick out of the NFS series and F1 series.

8. GTP 12 is up and about, what are your thoughts?

I find it really, really crap great. The added functionality for mobiles is a Godsend, especially if you are on a phone that is quite unloved on the app support. The streamlined of it makes it so easy to find everything. Though, I did find out that the conversation posts do not have an auto save, which I found out the hard way. :lol: I tip my hat off to @Jordon @Jordan for is continuous hard work of pleasing us picky bunch, and succeeding. :D

9. Gran Turismo 6 is finally here, what are you thoughts so far?

I find GT6 a vastly improved GT5, a game that I grew bored of very quickly. While GT6 is less complete at the start, I have a feeling that in the end it'll be a great game. To me, the vastly improved physics engine practically sealed the deal to get it.

10. Talk a little about what you think you bring to GTPlanet and how you think you can continue to improve.

I feel I bring a unique perspective, opinion and side of the story from a young teenager's point of view. My willingness to go into a debate often leads me into a heated debate where I won't back down without a fight, which I believe is an effect of my young age and my immaturity. I think I am fairly mature for my age, but I still have awhile to go yet, so mistakes like getting into a bad argument can often be very beneficial and educational. I think really my immaturity is my only 'weak point' where I need to focus on.

11. Funny story, you actually took the initiative to complete the questionnaire before I had a chance to personalize toward you, thus taking matters into your own hands and now here we are again - walk us through this one. :P

Well, when I got the PM I was a little overwhelmed at first. With the ‘what do you say’ I misinterpreted as asking ‘what do you say in the interview’. Yes, I’m a bit thick. :P

12. If you could live in any video game which game would it be and why?

Forza Horizon 2. Beautiful cars, southern Europe, music festivals. What’s not to like?

13. Tell us something interesting about your hometown.

I didn’t think there was anything remotely interesting about my hometown, so I went to Wikipedia, and turns out I wasn’t wrong. This is only the most noteworthy stuff. :lol:

This plan recognises Johnsonville as Wellington's most economically important commercial and population hub outside the city centre.

Johnsonville was originally the site of a Maori track from Wellington to Porirua, and had no native inhabitants before European settlement. Vegetation was dense native forest, dominated by totara, mixed podocarp trees (notably totara and Rimu), Rata and hinau. Johnsonville was settled in 1841 by, among others, Frank Johnson who had purchased a certificate of selection and had drawn the 100 acre 'Section 11 Kinapora (Kenepuru) District'. Initially called 'Johnson's clearing', Frank Johnson built a house by the Johnsonville stream and a timber mill near the center of modern Johnsonville. He quickly denuded the entire Johnsonville area of virgin native forest, with timber sold to help build the nearby town of Wellington. He soon sold his land at a substantial profit, and returned to England by 1858 leaving the environment massively changed, and on which site a farming industry to support nearby Wellington City grew. Over the 20th century, farmland slowly gave way to Suburbia, with the first tiny township of Johnsonville steadily growing to become populated principally by a "mid-level" socio-economic strata.

14. I'm sure by now you've heard of this FPS/MMO by the name of "Destiny", have you played and if you haven't... what is wrong with you?

A lot is wrong with me, so that’s why I probably haven’t played it. :P It just doesn’t seem like a game I’d find interesting, FPSes aren’t really my forte.

15. Do you have any hobbies that you'd like to share with us?

I’m really into photography, cars (of course), sports (football, basketball, touch rugby) and drawing/sketching.

16. Are you driving anything special at the moment?

I wish. They moved the legal driving age up to 16 a couple of years ago. :/

17. What's your favourite video game, currently?

Grand Theft Auto V. There’s a reason why it’s the only game where I’ve been incredibly hyped for.

18. What would you do if presented with the opportunity of being a moderator here?

Go into no man’s land and clear out all of the culprits in the drag racing forum and drifting forum. It’d be called the GTPlanet massacre. :P

19. Why did you choose that avatar, and why is it not a monkey? (Don't ask me, I had nothing to do with this!)

I really cool picture I thought, and it fits nicely with my username. Thanks @Skython. :P

20. Games, how do you like them?
a) Pre-Order, I want them on day one.

b) Sealed at first price drop.

c) Used.

The only games I really deemed necessary to pre order was GTAV and GT6. GT6… that was probably a waste of $103 (it was only a standard version! :eek:)

If it’s a game I must have, a). If it’s not, c).

21. With the next generation of all things video gaming upon us, have you made any plans to pick up a PS4, Xbox One and/or Wii U?

I very nearly bought an Xbox One a few months ago, but didn’t due to my parents not allowing me to spend my own money. I’ll most likely stick with the Xbox One, as most games I am interested in a multi-platform, but due to Forza I’m swayed there.

22. If you were to indulge in the art of boutique car manufacturing what would your mission statement be?

My mission statement would be to introduce cars that are cheap, reliable, easy to mod and great to drive, and more traditional/mechanical.

23. Are you looking forward to this year's "GTPlanet vs. Wham!", and how long do you think you'll last?

The whole distance. :mischievous:

I don’t go out much, and there are no formals to catch me out like a few years ago. :grumpy:

24. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being most likely to go to the nut house, how crazy would you rate yourself?

6.5 at best, but when I’m hyped up… 8. :P

25. What is your favourite car, why, and what do you think that it says about you?

1971 Nissan Skyline GT-R (KPGC10) Hakosuka. I absolutely love this car due to its rawness, styling, sound, omg that sound, its pedigree and simplicity. I think it shows that I’m more into the drive, and am willing to give up road comfort and extras for a brilliant sound and experience.

26. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?

My first post was congratulating @Smallhorses on winning an American sports car race in a Taurus SHO. For such an simple message, I really messed it up:

Good Work Man.

I’d say the main difference has been the quality of my messages, actually providing something useful (more so than a congratulatory message :P), and not capitalizing every letter. Now, one of my first threads…

Let’s not go there. :P

27. When you go into an electronics store what aisle do you always find yourself in despite it having nothing to do with why you're there?

Nine times out of ten I’ll have a look at the Hot Wheels/Matchbox section and the gaming section, just to see what prices are like.

28. Halloween creeps which of course means there'll be horror movie marathons starting up (if they haven't already) what are you most thrilled to watch with a bowl of your favorite cavity-inviting sweets?

Nothing. :P

I’m not one to really watch horror/scary movies, though Scary Movie might find itself on due to being on every Halloween.

29. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: years, months, weeks, days, hours?

Probably about four days, due to school camps.

30. Who (in your own opinion) is the most inspiring person/people here on GTPlanet?

I have a few members I’m inspired by, most specifically @homeforsummer and @niky, because they do the job I’m aspiring to do!

Shem is also someone I look up greatly to. 👍

31. What's one significant change you'd like to see made to racing games in the next five years or so?

Proper NFS Shift style customization. I want me some wide bodies! :D

32. Now it's time for the "Daniel Special": If you could cross a hippo with any other animal - what will the animal be, what will it be called, and why? (Bonus points for creativity! And it can't be another hippo because that's incest)

A human. A typical girl teenager to be specific. Because watching it do a duck face would be hilarious. :P

33. You wake up naked trapped in a broken lift with a celebrity - which celebrity would you choose and why?

Lana Del Ray or Taylor Swift. I would love to see the look on @Sharky.’s face. :P

But, seriously though, both are them are incredibly gorgeous woman, with a great voice too.

34. Have you ever participated in any of the racing series' found here?

I have, I once joined @akmuq’s Swift Racing Series. I was not ready for that, at all. Total disaster, I did not have the maturity for it at all.

35. Have you ever considered developing your own racing series, and if you have where can we find it?

Yup. @Skython and I have spitballed plenty of ideas. :P

36. Anything else you'd like to say?

I am still completely blown away, many thanks to whoever nominated me! :)

Really sorry for this taking so long, here you go though. :)
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Destiny has already happened. You acknowledged it.

...'Twas your destiny.

EDIT: I can word today.
Although, saying that, they have been rather neutral as of late *knock on wood* or do I?

You better not knock on me! Oh wow, I just made a joke that like; two people are going to understand.

And last but not least, I also miss the track and livery editor.

Livery-what now?

The whole distance. :mischievous:

I don’t go out much, and there are no formals to catch me out like a few years ago. :grumpy:

We're going to have to make a legally binding agreement to not Wham each other.

But anyway, congratulations, Josh. :cheers: You may make an awful noise occasionally when you have had too much sugar, and another awful noise when you haven't had too much sugar... But it's about damn time! You can't have a beer, and I don't want to hear the awful noise that you make when you have sugar... So here, have a congratulatory glass of water.

And an apology for T-12 for dragging him all the way into the thread to respond to things he didn't even say... Sorry. :P Move along please.
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Thanks very much, all. 👍

Just realized, that rather embarrassingly, I have @StarLight's answer for number 9.

Here's my actual answer:

I find GT6 a vastly improved GT5, a game that I grew bored of very quickly. While GT6 is less complete at the start, I have a feeling that in the end it'll be a great game. To me, the vastly improved physics engine practically sealed the deal to get it.
Thanks very much, all. 👍

Just realized, that rather embarrassingly, I have @StarLight's answer for number 9.

Here's my actual answer:

I find GT6 a vastly improved GT5, a game that I grew bored of very quickly. While GT6 is less complete at the start, I have a feeling that in the end it'll be a great game. To me, the vastly improved physics engine practically sealed the deal to get it.


Quite entertaining your interview, well done!
Thanks, you two. 👍

:embarrassed: Just noticed that I did the same thing for question 10, too. :dunce:

I feel I bring a unique perspective, opinion and side of the story from a young teenager's point of view. My willingness to go into a debate often leads me into a heated debate where I won't back down without a fight, which I believe is an effect of my young age and my immaturity. I think I am fairly mature for my age, but I still have awhile to go yet, so mistakes like getting into a bad argument can often be very beneficial and educational. I think really my immaturity is my only 'weak point' where I need to focus on.

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