Red Bull X1 Challenges, Dualshock 3 controller

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I can't get any bronzes on any of them, even after the update. I reckon I could beat the time easily, its just that I haven't completeted any of them once without getting disqualified.
I currently have Bronze on them all.

I'm ~4 seconds away from Gold on all the tracks. It's not impossible, it's never been. Now, it's completely possible, especially if you put the sensitivity up to seven and you practice a lot.

Agreed as it is definately possible now with the ability to change controller sensativity. I finally did it with a DS3 but the controller sensitivity was set to 7 and many, many hours invested in it. Without the change to controller settings could not have golded without a wheel
Controller (not a dual shock) almost out of the window.

ROFL!!! I'll give it a try later on with controller sens. in 5 or 6, however i'm not THAT interested in gold them all right now, maybe later when i finished the whole A and B Spec (whole Endurance in A-Spec, Professional and so on in B-Spec)
I actually tried it several ways before going back to the controller, including a wheel.

While the wheel was more precise, it required HUGE movement from one side to the other.. you had to snap-turn the wheel 180+ degrees in a half a second, against the feedback. Damn near tore the thing right off the stand. That goes away if you turn off the feedback completely, but then there's no sense of where the middle is, and the car had a tendency to drift around where I didn't want it to go.

The controller wasn't precise enough until I figured out the sensitivity thing. I adjusted it much higher than I normally used, and tweaked it up or down depending on which of the three tracks I was on. After that, I'd say I did it in less than an hour, over the course of two days.

For me, gold doesn't matter. I've got the car. At lv40, I can just buy a matte black one, so what else would I need?
I really tried for days to at least bronze all three tracks with the old times and no luck at all. I was at least 3-4 seconds off every single time. Then when PD upped the bronze, I had read they did this but I had soured on the whole Vettel experience. Then a couple weeks ago I decided to try again. Bronzed Monza on the second try and Nurburg and Suzuka took about 5 tries apiece but the point is I did it lol. I use a DS3 so it is possible to at least bronze the Vettel. I'm so close to silver on the three tracks. Like only a second or two off. I can almost taste the colored Vettel.*

*ahem that's when you know you've played too much GT5*
I managed to bronze the event with my DS3! Was tricky to get the hang of! I found suzuka the hardest with the 1st corner. BUT persistance is the key and try not to push too hard cus thats when you start spining or going wide!
I unlocked this yesterday and because I had one already thought I'd do it no problem. My god driving one at Indy and driving one on the nurburgring are different things. The speed and accuracy I can't think fast enough. All aids off except driving line because that's the only way I would know where to brake. I probably won't do it again until I'm bored of gt5 as I'm too busy doing time trials with normal cars. I would say though that if the x1 felt like a f1 car it would be a lot easier to drive.
I unlocked this yesterday and because I had one already thought I'd do it no problem. My god driving one at Indy and driving one on the nurburgring are different things. The speed and accuracy I can't think fast enough. All aids off except driving line because that's the only way I would know where to brake. I probably won't do it again until I'm bored of gt5 as I'm too busy doing time trials with normal cars. I would say though that if the x1 felt like a f1 car it would be a lot easier to drive.

Don't use the driving line. Its better to rely on the gear indicator over the line because the line does slow you down. I turned off the line and I bronzed all 3 of these rather quickly.
wait.......its harder with a controller???? how is this, the sensitivity, cuz i cant manage to beat the gp or the suzuka, it seems impossible!!!
I'm not going to say that the wheel certainly doesn't have its place, but I really believe that if you learn to use the DS3 properly, a wheel has no advantage. The controller and the wheel do the exact same thing in that they function as a human interface device. Since many people are used to driving in real life with a wheel, they're used to the movements and have developed a precision. The same really goes for the DS3 though. It's not that it's inferior, its simply a different method of controlling a vehicle. The same way that driving a real car requires finesse, using a DS3 requires a similar type of finesse...
I was finally able to bronze all three tracks on this event with a DS3 controller, but that was after two things:

1. The requirement for bronze being lowered. =p (That was during the 1.06 patch; the bronze requirements used to be higher.)

2. LOTS of practice.

This was what I used:

-driving line on
-automatic transmission
-ABS 1
-traction control 3

And that's it. No other assists or controller sensitivity dialed up.

The big thing was practice, practice, practice. Learning when I had to brake, learning how far I had to downshift, LISTENING to how many gears the car downshifted as I was braking, learning when to turn in, and how hard to turn in.

I found Monza the easiest, for the reasons previously mentioned (cutting the chicanes), with Suzuka being the hardest (learning how much speed I could carry through some of the tighter corners / hairpin turns / last chicane before the front straight.)

Not sure how much time I invested between the three courses, but it was probably in the neighborhood of 8-10 hours or so, combined (about an hour and a half each for Nurburgring and Monza; the remaining time for Suzuka.
I did all bronze in about 2 and a half hours, Nurburgring wasn't easy but eventually you see you can do it without pushing it so hard, did it in about an hour, Monza took me 15 minutes, BUT......... Suzuka, oh my god, i almost smash my DS3 on the floor aahahha, finally did it after 1 hour trying, i wonder if anyone here did gold in any track?

By the way with Controller Sens. in 4, ABS 1, Manual and TC in 1

It's easy as hell now after 1.06. They added 9 or so seconds.
I'm on DS3 and on Suzuka now. Monza I was doing before the 1.06 update and finally managed it after the update.

Then I did Nurburgring last weekend. I'd been trying at least two or three solid attempts per week and getting better and better. Then cracked it this weekend gone. It seems like I've been trying for weeks now! Just jeep at it. You get better at it each attempt.

Suzuka last night I was 10 seconds off bronze. Tonight I was 1.8s off bronze. Boo :(

It's hard. It takes a good few tries to get back into it at each sitting.

I'm close now. I can taste the X1!

Sensitivity set at 3 works for me on Suzuka. Driving line on. But will try off tomorrow after reading this thread.

Monza was sensitivity 7 for the tight chicanes.

Nurburgring was sensitivity 5.

TCS anywhere from 1 to 5 works. Everything else doesn't help. Tried all settings. But the X1 handles so well it doesn't need aids. It needs a light throttle finger and delicate steering thumb!!

Hopefully I can crack Suzuka tomorrow!

It's a great challenge. I'll try for silver if I do it. Wasn't far off silver on Monza.
I just golded the X1 challenges with DS3, my setup was
Driving line on
Tc off
Skid recovery on
Brakes on 4
Steering sensitive on 7

it was pain in the ass in suzuka but i did it - by 0.012
I just golded the X1 challenges with DS3, my setup was
Driving line on
Tc off
Skid recovery on
Brakes on 4
Steering sensitive on 7

it was pain in the ass in suzuka but i did it - by 0.012

Well. Hats off to you for Golding it with a DS3! That's amazing.

I get 2nd lap nerves when I do a good first lap.

My first lap is 1:12 now. So if I can ever complete the 2nd lap I should be within bronze.

Have to wait until after work.
I just golded the X1 challenges with DS3, my setup was
Driving line on
Tc off
Skid recovery on
Brakes on 4
Steering sensitive on 7

it was pain in the ass in suzuka but i did it - by 0.012

Major respect to you. I see you use abs at 4. Doesn't that slow you down to much at corners?

At the moment i'm not sure if gold on suzuka and nurnburg are possible for me. I'm slowly getting my time lowered on suzuka but i'm only at an 2:12.800 so i need to find 1.3 seconds for the silver. I still use cross and square for throttle and break and stick for steering. I'm starting to think I need to use the triggers or rightstick for throttle control to make it to gold...
I've come back to this challenge after the recent patch, having bronzed all three races before they made it easier.

Managed to get a gold at Monza and i'm fractions off a silver at Nurburgring. Haven't tried Sazuka again yet.

Encouraged to see that it is actually possible to gold all the races with a DS3, so I guess i'll just need to keep practising again & again!
Nurburgring was easy, you just had to avoid that the car gets air or lifts off in the penultimate chicanes, and it was important that you dont miss the apex or you can forget it...

In Suzuka it was very hard - it took me almost 3 hours, first i did a 2.11. 221 - and i tought where am i gonna get that 1 sec???

But this new steering sensivity it helps alot alot... put it on max (7) if you want gold - and you will have to get used to it....

Forgot to say that i had automatic transmission, not manual

The crucial corners were the S-turns - you have to stick as close as possible to the kerbs without loosing too much speed

And the Spoon curve - you absolutley have to get it right - that means you have to touch the outside kerb after the first enterance, and the exit is crucial too - early on throttle as possible
First at the enterance just tap the brake a bit and at the when you are reaching the 2nd apex - then just a bit harder on brakes and as close as possible to the apex and early on throttle as possible for good exit

And the penultimate final chickanes, you have to brake that you hit the first kerb but go straight on full throttle over the 2nd chicane wich leads then to a light right hander to start/finish straight

I have saved all the replays where i got gold on the events

If your lap is not within 99.0-100% then you can forget it, my first lap was about 1.05.7 and second i think 1.04.2

it was close, very close, i did it by 0.012 - so 2.09.988

And on Nurburgring i was faster by about 0.300

But in Suzuka you will bite your fingers - and frustration will be high too

But i did it and got colored (dark blue) and Prototype X1, and earned about 1.5 mil or more
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I was finally able to lick Suzuka yesterday

I did Monza earlier in the month/last it out of the way. Once I realized you can "borrow" part of the first chicane's "fake grass" near the k-wall on your right, I was able to BRONZE.

BTW, I use a controller, I use the X and the [] for gas/brake and the analog stick to steer and A/T, TC at 7, ABS at 7, and sensitivity at 7

Nurb was harder for me because I don't have the corners mastered there. But, get in your FGT and go run the 20-lapper there just before doing the'll help you get the rhythm going. Then jump in the S. Vettel and crank it out.

But Suzuka...totally different story.

MY method was simple-the esses at the start were my short-coming, so I had to forget the gear indicator and rely on a pattern.
when entering the first left hand ess turn, I would tap the brakes to get the front tires to bit, then steady throttle through, same thing at the switch back/right hander...same again at the next lefty, and then tap twice for the last right hander.

believe it or not, the only thing stopping me from getting BRONZE for about 10 attempts, was the spoon curve...I couldn't quite figure out what speed to go around those turns at. I guess it was psychological knowing "I made it this far without a blunder," so I was a bit timid.

I had 5 failed attempts in a row towards the end... 2:26:xxx
that's right....5x I missed the medal by less than a second.

my successful trip even involved a wall-spank.

when you think you are too slow, keep going so you can get more practice.

I thought I would be too slow on lap 2, so I sort of went after it trying to make up time.
it worked

in the end, I was 2:24:xxx

yea, so thanks to the new update I was able to bronze all 3.
otherwise, I wouldn't bother

mega-props to all you GOLD/SILVER winners
It's easy as hell now after 1.06. They added 9 or so seconds.

Easy as hell, eh?

I'm tempted to chime in with a

Nurburgring was easy, you just had to avoid that the car gets air or lifts off in the penultimate chicanes, and it was important that you dont miss the apex or you can forget it...

In Suzuka it was very hard - it took me almost 3 hours, first i did a 2.11. 221 - and i tought where am i gonna get that 1 sec???

But this new steering sensivity it helps alot alot... put it on max (7) if you want gold - and you will have to get used to it....

Forgot to say that i had automatic transmission, not manual

The crucial corners were the S-turns - you have to stick as close as possible to the kerbs without loosing too much speed

And the Spoon curve - you absolutley have to get it right - that means you have to touch the outside kerb after the first enterance, and the exit is crucial too - early on throttle as possible
First at the enterance just tap the brake a bit and at the when you are reaching the 2nd apex - then just a bit harder on brakes and as close as possible to the apex and early on throttle as possible for good exit

And the penultimate final chickanes, you have to brake that you hit the first kerb but go straight on full throttle over the 2nd chicane wich leads then to a light right hander to start/finish straight

I have saved all the replays where i got gold on the events

If your lap is not within 99.0-100% then you can forget it, my first lap was about 1.05.7 and second i think 1.04.2

it was close, very close, i did it by 0.012 - so 2.09.988

And on Nurburgring i was faster by about 0.300

But in Suzuka you will bite your fingers - and frustration will be high too

But i did it and got colored (dark blue) and Prototype X1, and earned about 1.5 mil or more

Haha only 3 hours for suzuka? I'm trying for a couple of nights with 2 hours playtime each. Shaved of another 7 tenths of yesterday and I'm now convinced I should be able to get a silver pretty easy if i don't get nevous after a good first lap. My fastest first lap is a 1:06:300 but I messed up second lap with a 1:05:800. I already did an 1:05:100 so silver should be no problem. I'm not sure if I'm willing to invest a lot of hours to go for the gold. Practice does make perfect though...
I'm not going to say that the wheel certainly doesn't have its place, but I really believe that if you learn to use the DS3 properly, a wheel has no advantage. The controller and the wheel do the exact same thing in that they function as a human interface device. Since many people are used to driving in real life with a wheel, they're used to the movements and have developed a precision. The same really goes for the DS3 though. It's not that it's inferior, its simply a different method of controlling a vehicle. The same way that driving a real car requires finesse, using a DS3 requires a similar type of finesse...

You may be right on some points, but surely you could tell us why there are more racers who golded the Vettel challenges with a wheel than with a pad?

A wheel doesn´t make you generally faster, it only makes you more precise ;)
I can tell you without that steering sensitivty it would be still impossible to gold it with DS3
So you can only thank the steering sensitivity.... put it on 7 and get used to it
alex, can you put those replays on youtube, specially suzuka and nurb?

completed all three and i golded monza with ds3... nurb i think i can do, but i still loose to much time on some corners... too many mistakes
I can tell you without that steering sensitivty it would be still impossible to gold it with DS3
So you can only thank the steering sensitivity.... put it on 7 and get used to it

I already got it on 7 and i getting more and more used to it :) it made a 4 second difference in laptimes for me but still not enough to ben near gold.
I managed to get all bronzes with the DS3. But I am nowhere near getting golds or even silver at the moment. When I have the time, I will be giving it a go with my wheel and go for the silver. I find my self better with the wheel.

But keep practising and you will get it. It took me a few attempts to get it.