Requesting a 'Drifting' board

  • Thread starter Duke


Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area

I don't like to make extra work for you, and I don't like having too many over-specialized boards, but I'd like to politely request that you set up a Drifting Board.

I would suggest that it be a sub-board in the GT3 Forum (even though it is not entirely relevant), because most of the posts seem to fall on the GT3 board. At least 50% of the posts on the GT3 forum discuss drifting, and most are not limited to drifting as applied to GT3 - many are about Initial D and the endless arguments it spawns, or about drifting in real life, etc. Even GT3-specific questions about drifting setup are usually posted on the main GT3 board rather than the Setups and tuning board.

It is a specialized culture that is highly interesting to a certain group of people, and I believe it would benefit everybody if they had a place to discuss it without coming into conflict with those who are not interested.

Thanks very much for your time,

I agree, we'd need a section for that.


At least 50% of the posts on the GT3 forum discuss drifting

And the other 50% are questions that have already been asked and answered at least 10 times...

People just don't read anymore. We've got a Setup&Settings section, and most still ask for some on the main GT3 page, instead of in there. It will probably be the same with drifting, should we implement this new section.
I'm on the fence about this one, and I'm going to think about it. On one hand, it would be handy for people learning how to drift. But, of course, I don't want to create it only to have newbies continue to post blindly in the GT3 forum and put a strain on tempers and add extra workload to myself and moderators. I just don't know yet... :indiff:
Agreed, and to some extent that will happen.

However, I spend a fair amount of time on the GT3 board, and it's in my interest to see a drifting forum, so I'll be glad to politely direct new mwmbers there - and make sure that other regulars do the same.

It's just a very popular topic among those who are interested in it, and their discussions seem to be very wide ranging and branching. If all drifting was combined in one place, I think it would reduce friction overall rather than increase it.

Whatever you decide, thanks very much for considering it.
I have to agree with Neon Duke, but also understand Jordan that it is an extreme amount of work for you an other moderators to make a sub-division dealing with drifting, Initial D, whatever you have. We extremely appreciate the fact that we have GTPLANET! But there is a great deal of people posting messages that if they used certain functions, they would be able to find without many of us politely tearing their heads off about it. Maybe another possible solution, though it takes more work and up-keep, would be to give them a test to pass so they can post on the forums. I know that won't happen, but kinda think of it as a driving license test for the Forum. The reason I bring this up is that I use to work tech support for two major computer companies; during which a few friends and I would complain that customers should have to pass a "are you dumb or can you comprehend" test in order to purchase a computer. I know you realize that many people are not literate to the degree you or most long-term members are here with computers, so it might be added incentive to just at least mention it. If not, just get a kick out of this extremely long boring message that really hasn't helped out at all, but to each their own I guess. - my two cents - btw, do I get change with that ?
Jordan, and others:

If you have seen Der Alta's thread about OLR, you've seen that there is some interest in a 'racing school' arrangement or board, sort of an OLR-preparation forum. Perhaps it could be arranged to have a 'Drifting School' board, and a 'Racing School' Board? While I don't want to encourage division within the GTP community, it might reduce friction between two largeish groups and actually make GTP more supportive of its users (and vice versa). Some of Red Eye Racer's comments in that thread are disappointingly true, and I'd like to help see what can be done to reduce the amount of flaming and argument.

Thanks as always for your consideration and effort on our behalf!
Originally posted by Jordan
But, of course, I don't want to create it only to have newbies continue to post blindly in the GT3 forum and put a strain on tempers and add extra workload to myself and moderators. I just don't know yet... :indiff:
Well, I know that this of course would add a bit more work to your load, and your FTP line won't like all of the new uploads, but to help solve the problem of people coming into the GT3 forum to post about drifting when there's a drifting board, you could post a link to the drifting board on the GTPlanet main pages. :)

I'll have to back up neon_duke on this... I think it would be a great help to have a drifting board. I did a quick search on the subject in just the GT3 forum, and found 450+ results. :eek: Of course, I wouldn't mind if drifting conversations were kept in a few threads on the forum, since I could simply just not click on those threads. However, the problem is that while I'm in a non-drifting thread, I'll be going through, posts by post, and notice that gradually drifting conversations from other threads get integrated into the conversation, until the entire thread is only about drifting.

I know that I personally would be a lot more willing to post in the GT3 forum and help people out... I've been posting a lot less in that forum in the past few months, due to all of those conversations springing up in every which direction and every thread. If I was able to focus easier though on the content of "not-meant-to-be-a-drifting-threads", then i'd really be happy to help out the member there. I've noticed that the core of the helpful people on GTP seem to avoid that forum, and I have a hunch that if the redundant drifting conversations were filtered out, then a lot (or at the very least, a few) of them would come back and help the new GT3 players. Plus, the drifters will be happy to keep talking all they want about the subject without any poking from others. :)

Sorry, I just realized that I typed up a huge essay.

Please understand that I respect your decision either way. ;)

All good arguments here.
I agree with havin the separate forums on the dorifto ppl.
Set up moderator to handle just that one subforum and they should be able to maintain any heated flares from the masses. ;)
Either way, youll have to deal with the subject whether they come together in one forum of their own or as they do now.
Good luck with the decision, its a hard one. ;)
Originally posted by Jordan
I'm on the fence about this one, and I'm going to think about it. On one hand, it would be handy for people learning how to drift. But, of course, I don't want to create it only to have newbies continue to post blindly in the GT3 forum and put a strain on tempers and add extra workload to myself and moderators. I just don't know yet... :indiff:

How about a custom filter that automatically deletes any thread with "drift" in the title? :D
How about a custom filter that automatically deletes any thread with "drift" in the title?
That will never happen.
Censorship is not where its at. :lol:
After watching the dilution of the GT3 board with non-coherent posts, and thinking on this matter for more than a few days, I'd like to echo sentiments that having a drifting forum would be a good thing. I'm not sure if it's possible, but could the settings board be a "Shared" fourm between the GT3 Racing and GT3 Drifitng forums? This would cut out he possible chance of having two settings boards.

It would give ample room for either style of racing to have an equal forum to discuss their particular style of choice. WHile I know it does create more work for Jordan and the moderators there are many of us that would be very happy to see an equal opportunity for each style.

I'd also like to note: I feel like I'm complaining about how the steak is cooked at an excellent free buffet.

Thanks for your time Jordan.

Originally posted by miata13B
I have to agree with Neon Duke, but also understand Jordan that it is an extreme amount of work for you an other moderators to make a sub-division dealing with drifting...

It actually isn't too hard... Go to the control pannel, create a new folder, choose what section the folder goes in, and Bamb, you've got a new division.
Yes, but then managing it, finding/appointing mod staff, making sure it gets announced, then policing the threads that get started on wrong boards... it adds up.

I think it's asking a lot of someone who provides this forum purely for their own satisfaction (which must get pretty dang thin at times). I just feel it would be better for the community in general, which is why I'm lobbying so diligently for it.

But I respect Jordan's decision either way, without doubt.
Sure, I'd let them get away with whatever they wanted, because I wouldn't give a crap, as long as they kept it off the GT3 boards...

Don't think you're the first person who's suggested that!
I would just like to amplify my public thanks to Jordan for bringing this new board to life. I really think it will help the overall quality of GTP life for both racers and drifters.

Thanks again, Jordan, for this and all your efforts.

You're welcome, Duke, I only wish I had gotten around to it sooner! :embarrassed: